Goal Setting

Goals 101
How to set and achieve goals that will help you flourish
Ready to set and achieve great goals that will help you do heroic work? Awesome. This is the class. We’ll learn why goals are so important, how to set your #1 goal, identify your Big 3, master the motivation equation, turn the serenity key and be your ideal self NOW!

Rethinking Positive Thinking
Inside the New Science of Motivation
Gabriel Oettingen is one of the world’s leading researchers in “The New Science of Motivation.” The basic idea of the book is captured in a clever image on the cover: Rose colored glasses with one lens cracked. Oettingen walks us thru the compelling research that demonstrates the power of seeing both the positive AND the challenges. When we contrast our wishes with the obstacles to their attainment we, almost magically, catalyze an extraordinarily higher level of performance.

The 10X Rule
The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
Ready to 10X your thinking and your action? Fantastic. Grant Cardone is your man. In this high intensity, LET'S DO THIS! book you'll get fired up to go out and crush it. Big Ideas we explore include how to create goals, why MASSIVE ACTION is so important, how to starve fear, why obsession is a gift not a disease and how Smokey would smoke the tortoise and the hare.

How We Can Reach Our Goals
How’d you like the scientific low-down on how to effectively set goals and succeed? Well, Heidi Grant Halvorson, the young Positive Psychology superstar, gives you the goods in this awesome book. You might be surprised by what you learn. It’s not all about vision boards and visualization (obviously). In the Note, we’ll explore all kinds of Big Ideas, including the fact that we need to have a specific, difficult (but attainable) goal we believe we can achieve AND awareness of all the challenges that stand in our way. Powerful stuff.

How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
by Brian Tracy
Goals. How’re yours? If you believe Brian Tracy, “Success is goals and all else is commentary.” In this book, Brian walks us through his twenty-one steps for setting and achieving goals—from Step 1 of “Unlocking Your Potential” to Step 21 “Persist Until You Succeed.” We take a quick peek at all 21 steps then have fun looking at how to cut thru the fog of life, the fact that self-trust = the foundation for greatness, The Great Question of goal setting (it’s big), how to mindstorm (cool way to get creative juices flowing) and the #1 quality for success.

A New Technique for Using Your SUBCONSCIOUS POWER
Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who saw just how important our self-image is to our well being and introduced some Big Ideas on how to tap into the power of our subconscious minds. In this Note, we'll explore the science of guided missiles and see how that ties into our day-to-day lives (hint: goals are *really* important) and the fact that we need to re-hypnotize ourselves if we wanna get our mojo on.

Maximum Achievement
Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed
by Brian Tracy
As with all of Brian Tracy’s books, this one is ridiculously packed with wisdom. He wrote it 25 years ago (25 years into his journey as a teacher). It’s based on a training program he created called The Psychology of Achievement that he taught to 1 million+ people. It’s a dense, 350-page encyclopedia of Big Ideas to help us jumbo crush it. Big Ideas we explore: the 7 ingredients of success, the Law of Substitution, mining your acres of diamonds, 7 questions that can change your life, moving from positive thinking to positive knowing, treating excusitis, and the secret sauce of achievement (hint: it’s love).

The Magic of Thinking Big
Acquire the Secrets of Success... Achieve Everything You’ve Always Wanted: Personal Property • Financial Security • Power and Influence • The Ideal Job • Satisfying Relationships • A Rewarding and Enjoyable Life
We've gotta think big if we want to live big, eh? From learning to kick the dreaded "excusitis" disease to developing our "stickability," this classic is packed with fun, super practical wisdom. In the Note we'll also explore the facts that action cures fear (!!!), we've gotta make a compromise with perfection and to think confidently we’ve gotta act confidently. And, of course, we've gotta think big.

Everything Is Figureoutable
by Marie Forleo
My wife Alexandra has been a huge fan of Marie’s for a long time. I knew she was awesome. But... As I told Alexandra: “I had no idea Marie was THAT awesome!!!” My excuse: I’ve been in hermit-mode and have done nothing but read books for 5 years (no blogs/videos/etc.) so I wasn’t able to get the full sense of Marie’s heroically brilliant and grounded and HILARIOUS power until this book came out. I’ve read and created PhilosophersNotes on well over 500 books. This is one of my ABSOLUTE (!) favorites of all time. I HIGHLY (!!!) recommend it. It’s in the same league as some of my other favorites like Deep Work Atomic Habits and The 5 Second Rule. (In fact, on my chalkboard right now, I actually have “EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE” right above “5-4-3-2-1-GO!” ← Winning combo!) The book is PACKED (!) with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share a few of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!

How to Be an Imperfectionist
The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living, and Freedom from Perfectionism
You ever struggle with perfectionism? If so, it’s time to learn how to be an imperfectionist! Stephen Guise (author of Mini Habits), shows us the way. Big Ideas include being a poser, living within floors and ceilings, thinking vs. doing, pulling the lever, and cultivating result apathy.

The ONE Thing
The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The ONE Thing. What's yours? Gary Keller (his Keller-Williams real estate is THE largest real estate company in the world--I bet that was a ONE Thing goal at some point!) shares his wisdom in this BRILLIANT book. We'll have fun exploring a few of my favorite Big Ideas: dominoes + extreme Pareto and other goodness.