- Authors
- Robert Harper

Robert Harper
Author of a timeless self-help classic
Robert Harper was one of Ellis’s first collaborators. When Ellis first developed REBT in 1955, Harper was his first supporter. The two men shared a distaste for puritanical individuals in the field and fought against them publicly through numerous presentations. Harper joined Ellis in writing REBT: A Guide to Rational Living, and A Guide to Successful Marriage, both in 1961. They continued to collaborate over the years producing such works as, A New Guide to Rational Living, 1975, How to Stop Destroying Your Relationships, 2001, and Dating, Mating, and Relating: How To Build a Healthy Relationship, 2003. Ellis met Bob in 1950 at the American Association for Marital and Family Therapy. Harper was very active in the profession, over the course of many years he served as president of a variety of divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA). The two enjoyed a lasting friendship until Bob’s death in 2004.
Philosopher's Notes on Robert Harper's Books

LockedPhilosopher's Notes
A Guide to Rational Living
by Albert Ellis and Robert Harper
Albert Ellis has been recognized as one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century (#2, in fact, right ahead of Freud and behind Carl Rogers). Ellis was, essentially, the founder of the modern cognitive behavioral movement and in this Note we’ll have fun exploring some Big Ideas on how to get our minds right—from understanding the roots of neurosis, the ABC’s of suffering, and the importance of action, you’ll feel inspired and empowered by the end!