Dave AspreyDave Asprey

Dave Asprey

Entrepreneur, author, biohacker, Founder and CEO of Bulletproof.

Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof and author of New York Times bestseller The Bulletproof Diet, is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. Dave is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee and host of the #1 health podcast, Bulletproof Radio.

Philosopher's Notes on Dave Asprey's Books

Head Strong
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

Head Strong

by Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey is a fascinating guy. He’s a professional bio-hacking machine whose publicly-stated goal is to live to 180. We covered his last book called The Bulletproof Diet and our kitchen’s pantry is filled with a bunch of his Bulletproof products. In this book, he unveils his best bio-hacks for, as the sub-title suggests, “activating untapped brain energy to work smarter and think faster.” Big Ideas we explore: Your brain on energy, kryptonite dust (what’re yours?), mitochondria (one QUADRILLION!), EZ water (how to drop into that spot between a gas and a liquid), and junk light.

The Bulletproof Diet
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

The Bulletproof Diet

by Dave Asprey

Want to get Bulletproof? Then Dave Asprey is your man. An uber-successful entrepreneur who weighed 300 lbs before bio-hacking his way to optimal awesome, Dave gives us a guide to upgrading our lives. Big Ideas include the 10 Diet Myths, inflamma, fruits and vegetables, and making health a means to a much bigger end.

Super Human
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

Super Human

by Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and professional biohacker. In fact, he’s basically the founder of the whole biohacking movement. We’ve featured two of his previous books: The Bulletproof Diet and Head Strong. As we discussed in our other Notes, his explicit aim is to live to 180. This book is basically his operating manual on how he’s going after that astonishingly ambitious (and equally inspiring) goal. The book has three parts: Part I: Don’t Die. Part II: Age Backward. And, Part III: Heal Like a Deity. Big Ideas we explore include: The #1 rule of biohacking (and Optimizing), How not to die (aka Rules 1 ,2 and 3), Food = Anti-aging drug (how's your nutrition?), Sleep or Die (featuring a view of Dave's crazy Oura stats along with mine from last night), and getting ready to celebrate your 180th (!) birthday.

Quotes by Dave Asprey