#1784 Success Is ALL About…

Coach Prime Says…

In our last couple +1s (here and here), we’ve been hanging out with Coach Prime and exploring some Big Ideas from his new book: Elevate and Dominate: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field.

Today we’re going to continue that exploration.

We’re going to talk about what Coach thinks is THE key to success.

Let’s get straight to work.

Coach Prime tells us: “‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ That well-known quote is from the twentieth-century writer Will Durant, who based it on something he read in the works of Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who lived before the birth of Christ.

Even back then, Aristotle was setting his own thermostat. Even back then, most successful people were following routines. …”

He continues by saying: “Listen to me, y’all. Yesterday is GONE. Tomorrow is not here yet. You need to think about the day you’re actually in. DON’T MISS THAT DAY.”

Plus: “You think success is about talent? It’s not. First and foremost, success is about DISCIPLINE. That’s true whether you’re running a business, leading a family, trying to pass your exams in school, or practicing your craft as a professional athlete. It’s about showing up every day, putting in the work, and being committed to the process CONSISTENTLY.”

And: “All you can control is the MOMENT. That’s why it’s so important to have a great routine. Having that routine is like referring to a road map. It helps you stay on track. You feeling a little lost? Stick to your routine. That helps you take the steps necessary to achieve your goals. Now, here’s the deal about a routine: You better commit to it! You’ve got to BELIEVE what you’re committing to. You can’t skip days. You’ve gotta stick to it EVERY SINGLE DAY."

Finally, he says: “If you’re telling me that you don’t have time for a routine, I’m telling you that you better FIND TIME. There’s ALWAYS time to prioritize the important things in your life. It must be at the top of your list.”

That’s from Chapter #2: “Set Your Thermostat” in which Coach tells us that we need to start our days strong and “Find a Good Routine.”

First, for the record, as you know if you’ve been following along closely…

When Will Durant refers to Aristotle’s sense of “excellence,” HE’S TALKING ABOUT ARETÉ!!

Second, Durant’s wisdom is his poetic distillation of THIS passage from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: “There is a further qualification [for attaining eudaimonic happiness]: in a complete lifetime. One swallow does not make a summer; neither does one day. Similarly, neither can one day, or a brief space of time, make a man blessed and happy.”


You know how I like to say that when I read a book, I often notice the author coming back to ONE word more than any other?


In this book, that word was DISCIPLINE.

You know what was tied for second? CONSISTENCY.

As I’ve said a million times (and this has become one of my MAIN slides in my keynotes), DISCIPLINE outpredicts IQ for academic performance by a FACTOR OF TWO.

It’s also, as Deion wisely points out, the greatest predictor of EVERY success you want in your life.

Finally, as I read that passage, I smiled—thinking about how much Deion would LOVE the Heroic app and our commitment to helping YOU commit to the protocol that helps YOU show up as your best when it matters most.

We’re blessed to work with a number of elite sports coaches/athletes and I look forward to connecting with Deion when the time is right. 🤠

Today’s +1….

Remember: “Here’s the deal about a routine: You better commit to it! You’ve got to BELIEVE what you’re committing to. You can’t skip days. You’ve gotta stick to it EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you’re telling me that you don’t have time for a routine, I’m telling you that you better FIND TIME. There’s ALWAYS time to prioritize the important things in your life. It must be at the top of your list.”

🎯 🎯 🎯

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