Elevate and Dominate

21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field
by Deion Sanders | GALLERY/13A © 2024 · 288 pages

Deion Sanders is the only player in sports history to play in a Super Bowl and World Series. He’s an NFL Hall of Famer and a two-time Super Bowl Champion. More recently, he’s dedicated his life to redefining coaching and leadership as “Coach Prime.” After leading Jackson State University to two SWAC Championships he took over the head coaching job at the University of Colorado. This book is like having a conversation with a wise, playful, super high energy iconoclast. It’s packed with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in.

I love this Bible verse: Ecclesiastes 9:10—Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might ... And here’s how I translate that: Put your best effort into EVERYTHING you do.
Deion Sanders
God chose me for this. God is good. God is using me for the good. God always gives the largest struggles to his strongest soldiers.
Deion Sanders

“Hey baby, it’s Coach Prime. Thanks for picking up my book. Let’s cut to the chase. Here’s how this is gonna go down. I don’t want to lecture. Let’s have a real conversation. That’s so much better. That’s so much more intimate. I’m guessing you’re interested in this book because you’re looking for ANSWERS. That’s why you’re here, right? Well, we’ll get to those in a little bit. But first, I got a few questions for YOU.

Do you feel like the BEST PARTS of life are just passing you by? Are you spending most of your time just WORRYING? Do you HATE going to work every morning? Have you forgotten what it’s like to have a TRUE PASSION for the things you’re involved in? Do you still have DREAMS?

When your head hits the pillow every night, are you at PEACE? When you look in the mirror, do you LIKE what you see? DO YOU HAVE A PLAN AND WHAT IS IT? How do you ATTACK your days?

Let’s get this straight. I AM A COACH. I want to be YOUR coach. So, what we need off the rip is a game plan.

We’re gonna lay out twenty-one ways—that’s right, twenty-one ways… you know I wore 21, right?—for you to win on and off the field. If you follow this plan, it’s gonna ELEVATE you in every area of your life. And when you ELEVATE, that means you’re ready to DOMINATE. …

Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes. But I’ve also done a lot of good—and I think I’ve only just begun. I’m not average. I’m not typical. I don’t think you are either.

I want to bring some CLARITY, PURPOSE, and PASSION to your world. So let’s make this journey together, tackling this very complicated, very rewarding thing called life together. Show up for me, bring an open mind, and let’s see if these things don’t make a little sense to you.

After that, the next step is all about becoming all you were meant to be. Let’s go!”

~ Deion Sanders from Elevate and Dominate

I got this book after two things happened in the same day.

First, I was reading Dr. Nate Zinsser's GREAT book, The Confident Mind. He profiles Deion Sanders as a micro case study on what confidence looks like. Then, Alexandra shared a Heroic social post by one of our members (thanks, Lanny!) who encouraged me to get Deion’s new book.

I pay attention to little winks like that. So, I immediately got the book. It arrived the next day. I read the first 101 pages that afternoon and finished it during one of Emerson’s chess tournaments the following day. It’s awesome. (Get a copy here.)

If you follow sports, you almost certainly know who Deion Sanders is. If you don’t, Deion Sanders is the only player in sports history to play in a Super Bowl and World Series. He’s an NFL Hall of Famer and a two-time Super Bowl Champion.

More recently, he’s dedicated his life to redefining coaching and leadership as “Coach Prime.” After leading Jackson State University to two SWAC Championships he took over the head coaching job at the University of Colorado.

As per the sub-title, the book features “21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field.” This book is like having a conversation with a wise, playful, super high energy iconoclast.

It’s packed with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in.

P.S. John Maxwell, one of the world’s most respected leadership thinkers/authors in the world, wrote the foreword to the book—celebrating Coach Prime’s iconoclastic style. Check out our Notes on a few of his great books including: How Successful People Think, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, and Leadershift.

P.P.S. When I read the sub-title to the book, I thought of another recent Note: Move by Move: Life Lessons On and Off the Chessboard by Maurice Ashley. That great book is by the first African American Chess Grandmaster.

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About the author


Deion Sanders

Retired professional football and baseball player.