#1771 “I Played SO BAD!”

Making the Connection!

I’m typing this on a Sunday morning.

I started my day the same way I start every day.



My day started the night before and last night the kids and I watched Toronto FC play Charlotte FC on Apple TV until the game was over at 8:35 p.m. CT—pushing our normal bedtime back a bit.

Unfortunately, our favorite MLS team (Toronto FC—coached by my dear friend, John Herdman!) lost a close one.

Good news: They won their home opener against the same team five weeks before and I had a chance to celebrate that one with John and the team in Toronto.

In fact, and I’m laughing with joy as I type this, John and I celebrating on the field together was captured on the Jumbotron at BMO field. Hah! (Check that out here.)


Other than that relatively late-night soccer viewing party, the day/evening was dominated. I woke up feeling great. Oura tells me I’m a 92 Readiness with a 94 Sleep score. Perfect.


It’s time to dominate my AM protocol.

“I meditate like an enlightened monk” (my new Heroic Target description 🤓), do my quick opening series of stretches capped off with a sun salutation and my first set of burpees then I do a little The Confident Mind-inspired Hero Bars/affirmations/visualization journaling then I get to work on a new Philosopher’s Note on Deion Sanders’s new book: Elevate and Dominate.


Emerson came into my office to sync his Oura ring.

Him: “Man! That game was good last night! It was so close!”

Me: “I know, right?!”


Him: “And, geez, I can’t believe I lost to an 1100 yesterday! Eating poorly made me play 500+ points lower than my rating!”

Context on that one then the wisdom…

Emerson had a chess tournament yesterday. It was a quick 1-day event.


It was probably his worst performance ever.

Eek. 😲


More context then the practical wisdom…

One of the VERY (!) interesting things we’ve noticed is that the day after we go to Whole Foods and the kids get some treats that are a little off the normal menu, his performance on ChessTempo.com goes down the following day.

It’s actually FASCINATING to see.

Chess Tempo (the site he uses to do his chess puzzles), gives him a green bar or a red bar depending on whether or not his rating goes up for that day’s work.

Get this…

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (and I mean LITERALLY every.single.time!) Emerson goes to Whole Foods and has a little off-the-menu snack, his performance the following day is RED.

Otherwise, it’s almost ALWAYS green.

It’s REALLY (goosebumps!) FASCINATING to see the quantifiable performance data so starkly visually represented with those green and red bars and so perfectly correlated with his nutrition habits.


Guess what the kids ate Friday, the day before the tournament?

Off-the-menu stuff from Whole Foods.



Know this…

I’m typing this with a VERY big smile because I LOVE (LOVE LOVE!) the fact that my little 11-year-old boy can MAKE THE CONNECTION between what works for him and what doesn’t.

Today’s +1…

How about YOU?

Imagine you performing at your BEST.


Nice work.


Imagine having an OFF day—you can’t quite turn your brain over and dominate the way you like to…


Think about ONE thing you might be doing that’s influencing those sub-optimal performances…

Got it?


And change your behaviors.


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