#1777 Constructive Thinking

vs. DESTRUCTIVE, Positive, Negative, and Neutral Thinking

In our last couple +1s (here and here), we’ve been chatting about how to make some powerful deposits in our psychological bank accounts so we can forge the confidence we need to perform at our best when it matters most.

There are THREE time horizons we want to pay attention to: our PAST, our PRESENT, and our FUTURE.

As Dr. Z puts it in The Confident Mind, we need to dominate:

#1: Filtering Your Past for Valuable Deposits.
#2: Constructive Thinking in the Present.
#3: Envisioning Your Ideal Future Self.

Today we’re going to talk about “Constructive Thinking in the Present.”


I LOVE (!) the phrase “constructive thinking.”

In the book, Dr. Z juxtaposes “constructive” thinking with “positive” and “negative” thinking—telling us that, basically, we want to move past “positive” and/or “negative” thinking to CONSTRUCTIVE thinking.

In short…

Does the way we’re thinking about whatever is going on in our lives HELP us or HURT us in forging the confidence we need to create the life we desire?


We’ve talked about this basic idea in different contexts before…

Trevor Moawad’s ideas about “neutral thinking” inspired my thoughts on “Targeted Thinking” but I just LOVE the idea of CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING.

It’s kinda like Alden Mills’s idea of “Helpful vs. Hurtful?” we recently discussed as well.


That’s Today’s +1.

As you go about your business today and find yourself having a less-than-awesome chat with yourself…

Remember the power of CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING.

Ask yourself…

Is this thought pattern HELPFUL or HURTFUL?


Then choose your next thought wisely, Hero.

We’ve got some confidence to forge.

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