#1778 Affirmations Do a Hero Good

Making a Ton of Psychological Bank Deposits TODAY

In our last several +1s (here, here, here, and here), we’ve been chatting about how to make some powerful deposits in our psychological bank accounts so we can forge the confidence we need to perform at our best when it matters most.

I repeat…

There are THREE time horizons we want to pay attention to: our PAST, our PRESENT, and our FUTURE.

As Dr. Z puts it in The Confident Mind, we need to dominate:

#1: Filtering Your Past for Valuable Deposits.
#2: Constructive Thinking in the Present.
#3: Envisioning Your Ideal Future Self.

Today we’re going to spend some more time chatting about how to make sure we’re dominating: Constructive Thinking in the Present.

Let’s get straight to work.

Dr. Nate Zinsser tells us: “Finish out your day by writing each of the three affirmations you have composed in a notebook or journal at least three times each. Anyone who is serious about winning their First Victory can devote five minutes before retiring to this practice. As you write each of your affirmations, let them create a strong internal feeling. If you are affirming a skill or action ('My quick feet match my opponent'), feel yourself doing it. If you are affirming an outcome ('I am the 2020 Sales Professional of the Year'), feel the sense of accomplishment that outcome would bring.”

He continues by saying: “Making the last thoughts of your day personal, positive, and powerful gives the subconscious parts of your mind useful material to process while you are sleeping, without interference from your conscious mind. You might even find that ending your day with these good feelings promotes a more peaceful sleep.”

I have to say that I’ve always been more than a little ambivalent about affirmations.

I’ve been turned off by the somewhat unscientific, woo-woo nature of how most authors discuss the subject.

Dr. Z changed my mind by presenting the SCIENCE behind affirmations and connecting the practice of affirmations to stuff like self-fulfilling prophecies and then giving us some REALLY practical ways to practice “affirming” who we are as part of our day-to-day lives.

I’m so moved by the power of affirmations that I changed nearly ALL of my Targets in the Heroic app to affirmations…


“In Bed for 9-10 Hours” to “I’m in Bed for 9-10 Hours Like a World-Class Athlete”
“Focus on WIN” to “I Am Ruthlessly Focused on WIN!”
“Micro-Moment of Awesome with A + E1 + E2” to “I Create Micro-Moments of Awesome with A + E1 + E2!”

I’m also going through my day saying “I LOVE…” before whatever I’m doing.

For example…

“I LOVE dominating my protocol!” (When I’m doing burpees/etc.)
“I LOVE doing the dishes!”
“I LOVE playing with my kids!”

I’m also writing my top affirmations down every night and saying them like mantras ALL DAY EVERY DAY. It’s awesome.

I can already feel the power of CONSTANTLY focusing my mind and making deposits ALL DAY EVERY DAY.

The book is worth it for this chapter and the prior couple chapters alone. Get it/check it out.

For now…

Know this…

You want your affirmations to be PERSONAL (Use “I...” or “We...”), POSITIVE, and PRESENT.

If you feel so inspired, create a few right now for the QUALITIES you want to embody, the ACTIONS you want to take and the OUTCOMES you want to see.

Time to forge some antifragile confidence by optimizing our thoughts AND actions in the present moment…


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