#1782 Coach Prime Says…

Elevate and Dominate, Baby!

In our last few +1s, we spent some time with a fascinating human being: Tim Kennedy.

As you may recall, we unpacked some wisdom from his autobiography, starting with the origin story of the title of the book (Scars and Stripes), then we talked about the keys to making your life better, and then we chatted about the STANDARDS special forces operators hold themselves to as I challenged YOU (and ME!) to step up our games.

Today, and over the next few +1s, we’re going to talk about another guy I find fascinating…

Deion Sanders.

If you follow sports, you almost certainly know who Deion Sanders is.

If you don’t follow sports, Deion Sanders is the only player in sports history to play in a Super Bowl and World Series. He’s an NFL Hall of Famer and a two-time Super Bowl Champion.

More recently, he’s dedicated his life to redefining coaching and leadership as “Coach Prime.” After leading Jackson State University to two SWAC Championships he took over the head coaching job at the University of Colorado.

I picked up his new book (Elevate and Dominate) after two things happened on the same day.

First, I was reading Dr. Nate Zinsser’s GREAT book, The Confident Mind. He profiles Deion Sanders as a micro case study on what confidence looks like.

Then, Alexandra shared a Heroic social post by one of our members (thanks, Lanny!) who encouraged me to get Deion’s new book.

I pay attention to little winks like that. So, I immediately got the book. It arrived the next day. I read the first 101 pages that afternoon, finished it during one of Emerson’s chess tournaments the next day, wrote the PDF the next morning and here we are.

As per the sub-title, the book features “21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field.”

It’s awesome.

The book is like having a conversation with a wise, playful, super high-energy iconoclast.

To put it in perspective, the opening words of the book are: “Hey baby, it’s Coach Prime. Thanks for picking up my book. Let’s cut to the chase. Here’s how this is gonna go down. I don’t want to lecture. Let’s have a real conversation. That’s so much better. That’s so much more intimate.


You had me at, “Hey baby!” Coach!! 🤓 🙌

Note: Deion is also a big fan of the ALL CAPS for emphasis so, as you can imagine, we’re Soul brothers. 👬


We’ll chat about some of my favorite Big Ideas in the next several +1s—including Coach Prime’s thoughts on the key to success and the importance of dreaming big.

For Today…

I want to ask you the same questions Coach asks right after his “Hey baby!” greeting…

Do you feel like the BEST PARTS of life are just passing you by?

Are you spending most of your time just WORRYING?

Do you HATE going to work every morning?

Have you forgotten what it’s like to have a TRUE PASSION for the things you’re involved in?

Do you still have DREAMS?

When your head hits the pillow every night, are you at PEACE?

When you look in the mirror, do you LIKE what you see?



What do you say, Hero?!

Today’s +1…

However you answered those questions, I’ve got another couple questions for you…

What’s ONE THING you KNOW you could start doing that would help you answer those questions EVEN MORE POSITIVELY?


What’s ONE THING you know you could STOP doing that would help you answer those questions even more positively?!


What’s ONE thing you can START doing?

And ONE thing you can STOP doing?

It’s time to ELEVATE.


Day 1. ALL IN.

Let’s go, baby!!

😎 🙌

P.S. John Maxwell, one of the world’s most respected leadership thinkers/authors in the world, wrote the foreword to the book—celebrating Coach Prime’s iconoclastic leadership style.

Check out our Notes on a few of his great books including: How Successful People Think, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, and Leadershift.

P.P.S. When I read the sub-title to the book about winning “On and Off the Field,” I thought of another recent Note: Move by Move: Life Lessons On and Off the Chessboard by Maurice Ashley. That great book is by the first African American Chess Grandmaster.

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