- Authors
- John Hargrave

John Hargrave
Author, entrepreneur and mind hacker.
CEO of communication company MEDIA SHOWER (www.mediashower.com). Publisher of blockchain investor guide BITCOIN MARKET JOURNAL (www.bitcoinmarketjournal.com). Author of BLOCKCHAIN FOR EVERYONE (the Bible of blockchain investing) and co-author of BLOCKCHAIN SUCCESS STORIES (the bible of business blockchain). Making things better.
Philosopher's Notes on John Hargrave's Books

Mind Hacking
Sir John Hargrave is a funny guy and this book is awesome. If you’re a bit of a geek (or if you’re married to one!) looking for a fun, grounded, super practical take on how to get your mind right so you can do what you’re here to do, I think you’ll love this book. Big Ideas we explore include: how to develop Jedi-like concentration, how to debug your mind, creating a vision of the best version of your life 10 years from now (and why it matters), how to make your life a masterpiece.