- Authors
- Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen
Best-selling Author and Speaker
Philosopher's Notes on Alan Cohen's Books

A Daily Dose of Sanity
by Alan Cohen
Alan Cohen has become one of my favorite writers and people and this book is great--it’s precisely what the sub-title promises: “A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year.” The perfect treat for a lover of more wisdom in less time. In this Note, we’ll learn how important it is to be in integrity as we answer the voice that’s calling and fire our inner critics while promoting our inner fan club. And, for good measure, we’ll drop in some Harry Potter wisdom. Good times.

Spirit Means Business
by Alan Cohen
Alan Cohen is one of my favorite teachers and humans. We met after we both appeared in Finding Joe. I loved Alan’s laid-back intensity, wise energy and brilliant story telling. The sub-title captures the essence of this book perfectly: We all want to “prosper wildly” (in every sense of the word) and, obviously, none of us wants to “sell our soul” in the process. Big Ideas we explore include how to be a good spiritual sponge, letting the (spiritual) washing machine do its job, embrace your inner weirdo, the two paths of business, your soul's fire and dissolving the (apparent) work/life dichotomy.

Relax into Wealth
by Alan Cohen
Alan Cohen has quickly become one of my favorite teachers and favorite people. If you’ve been conditioned to believe that creating wealth requires high levels of stress and all that, I think you’ll love it. It’s a great, easy-to-read and practical look at how we can flow with life and welcome more of the good stuff into our lives. In the Note, we’ll have fun learning how to build our wealth consciousness by investing in ourselves, taking small steps, and lightening up!

Enough Already
by Alan Cohen
How'd you like to tap into the power of radical contentment? (Sign me up!) Alan Cohen shows us the way to as he teaches us how to quit being a hardaholic and/or a precrastinator as we embrace the three facts of life and eliminate the terrorists from our minds. Enough already. It's a wonderful place to be.

Why Your Life Sucks
by Alan Cohen
Why Your Life Sucks. That has to win the award for best title ever. Cohen is a very funny man. He’s also super wise and a great story teller and this book is packed with goodness on how we can unsuck our lives. My favorite Big Ideas (that we cover in the Note) include everything from tuning in to radio station “KNOW,” hiring your own thought bouncer and remembering to nourish your spirit.