#1838 Rule #1 of Stoicism

If You Want a Good Life...

In our last several +1s (here, here, and here), we’ve been chatting about wisdom from A.A. Long’s new translation of Epictetus’s work. His book is called How to Be Free. It’s fantastic.

Today we’re going to continue our exploration of some of my favorite Big Ideas from his great little book. We’ll wrap up that exploration in our next +1.

Today we’re going to chat about Rule #1 of Stoicism.

Let’s get straight to work.

Almost exactly 2,000 years ago, Epictetus told us: “Some things in the world are up to us, while others are not. Up to us are our faculties of judgment, motivation, desire, and aversion—in short, everything that is our own doing. Not up to us are our body and property, our reputations, and our official positions—in short, everything that is not our own doing. Moreover, the things up to us are naturally free, unimpeded, and unconstrained, while the things not up to us are powerless, servile, impeded, and not our own. Keep this in mind then: if you think things naturally servile are free and that things not our own are ours, you will be frustrated, pained, and troubled, and you will find fault with gods and men. But if you think you own only what is yours, and that you do not own what is not yours, as you really don’t, no one will ever put pressure on you, no one will impede you, you will not reproach anyone, you will not blame anyone, you will not do a single thing reluctantly, and no one will harm you, you will have no enemy, because nothing harmful will happen to you.”

Those are the first lines of Epictetus’s Enchiridion.

Which, to be clear, is THE most important wisdom to have “ready at hand” if we want to win the ultimate game of life and high five our inner soul.

We could (accurately) say it’s Rule #1 of Stoicism.

We need to know that some things are within our control and other things are not.

If we can remember this rule and put it into practice—EXCLUSIVELY focusing on that which is within our control, we’ll win the ultimate game of life—and experience freedom and tranquility.


Quick little pop quiz!

Question #1: What’s within our control?
Answer #1: Our thoughts and actions.

Question #2: What’s outside our control?
Answer #2: EVERYTHING ELSE. (Hah.)


Right after the above passage, Epictetus tells us: “Keep in mind, then, that you have to be highly motivated if you want to achieve such great goals. You will have to forego some things completely, and postpone others for the present. But if you want both at the same time—the things that are really yours plus prominence and wealth in addition—you will probably not get even the latter because of wanting the former as well, and you certainly will not get the former, which are the only way to secure freedom and happiness.”

He continues with pro tips on how to rock it: “Right now, then, make it your habit to tell every jarring thought or impression: ‘You are just an appearance and in no way the real thing.’ Next, examine it and test it by these rules that you have. First and foremost: does it involve things that are up to us? And if it involves one of the things not up to us, have the following response to hand: ‘Not my business.’”

Byron Katie echoes this wisdom in her Work.

In Loving What Is, she tells us: “I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours and God’s. Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our business.”

That’s Today’s +1.

Here’s to remembering Rule #1 and staying in our own business.

All day.

Every day.



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