#1800 Hero > Guide >> REPEAT!

How to Heroically Change the World

In our last couple +1s (here and here), we’ve been having fun channeling some philosophical wisdom to the maze-games of life.

As you may recall, we integrated some Stephen Covey (Begin with the End in Mind!) wisdom with some science of hope (Goals+ Agency + Pathways!) wisdom to help you use your current Maze challenges as fuel for your next-level growth.

I ended that +1 with a little note offering bonus points for applying this wisdom with a smile and with a friend.

Today I’d like to offer TRIPLE BONUS POINTS for HELPING SOMEONE ELSE apply this wisdom to THEIR lives.


If we’re going to change the world together, the Hero (that’s YOU!) needs to become the Guide to OTHER Heroes (that’s your loved ones = your family, team, community, etc!) who then become Guides for MORE Heroes who then relentlessly continue the FORCE MULTIPLYING ripples of empowering their loved ones to activate their Heroic potential in the months and years and decades ahead so we can fulfill our mission of creating a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.

Today’s +1 is simple.


YOU are the Hero AND the Guide (!) we’ve been waiting for.


With that in mind…

Please call our new Heroic batphone # +1 (212) 451-2000 so we can have a conference call with me and you and our daimons as we TURN UP THE HEAT and ACTIVATE our Heroic potential by asking ourselves…

How can you step up and close the gap between who you’re capable of being and who you’re actually being just a little more today?


Beyond your embodiment of these ideals and demonstration of what a life of deep meaning and purpose and integrity and Areté looks like (which will ALWAYS be your most valuable contribution to your family and team and community!)…

What’s ONE THING you can teach ONE PERSON to help THEM activate THEIR Heroic potential.

Get on that.


I repeat…

If we’re going to change the world together, the Hero (that’s YOU!) needs to become the Guide to OTHER Heroes (your loved ones = your family, team, community, etc!) who then become Guides for MORE Heroes who then relentlessly continue the FORCE MULTIPLYING ripples of empowering their loved ones to activate their Heroic potential in the months and years and decades ahead so we can fulfill our mission of creating a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.


I repeat…

YOU, my dear friend, are the Hero AND the Guide (!) we’ve been waiting for.

It’s Day 1.

We’re ALL IN.

Let’s go change the world—one person at a time, together, starting with me and you and all of us…


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