Go Fast AND Far #1666

As Much of Both as Possible, Please (Always!)

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Before our brief discussion of my burpee-mantra this morning (“BE WORTHY!!!”), we were discussing some of the wisdom I gained while attending a U.S. Special Operations Command First SOF Truth Event.

Let’s go back to my ten pages of notes from that powerful day.

This time we’ll flip past the power of relentlessly trying to improve (page 1), right past how a normal person vs. a Special Forces Operator responds to a challenge (page 7) and our new definition of resiliency (page 8) to the final page of my notes.

This is another one of those moments that will be indelibly tattooed on my consciousness.

You know how people say that if you want to go FAST you should go alone but that if you want to go FAR you should go together?


That’s a nice sentiment and, of course, there’s a lot of wisdom in that perspective.


I’m going to go with General Fenton’s perspective on this one.

As he was wrapping up the day, he said that they, as U.S. Special Forces Operators, are committed to going fast AND far.


How do you do THAT?

Well, first off, you need to be willing to (and able to!) step back half an inch from what most people are thinking and notice when you might be limiting your perspective by accepting an apparent, unnecessary either/or dichotomy.

As Ray Dalio says in his BRILLIANT book Principles (check out those Notes), when you’re faced with an apparent either/or decision, slow down, step back, and think harder about how you can have as much of BOTH as possible.

For our purposes…

Let’s do the hard work to optimize our lives so we can GO FAST.


Let’s remember that we are forging that strength so we can be of service as we strive to set and maintain a fierce pace and GO FAR with others who are equally committed to serving Heroically.

THAT is how elite operators show up—striving to BE WORTHY of their fellow Heroes and those they serve.

And THAT is how we will change the world, one person at a time.


Starting with YOU and me and all of us.


Here’s to setting a brisk pace.

As we all hustle to keep up.

Going fast AND far.

Day 1. ALL IN.

Let’s go.

🫡 !!!

This +1 Inspired by:


by Ray Dalio

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