Follow Your Bliss #124
Jump into Enlightenment
The great mythologist Joseph Campbell told us to follow our bliss.
And… How’d he come up with that?
Well, among many other things, Joseph Campbell was a Sanskrit scholar. He tells us that the ancient wisdom texts known as the Upanishads tell us that there are three jumping off points into enlightenment: sat, chit, and ananda.
Sat means “beingness.”
Chit means “consciousness.”
Ananda means “bliss.”
Campbell said, “Well, if I’m honest with myself, I don’t really know what proper ‘beingness’ is. Or, really, what proper ‘consciousness’ looks like. BUT!!! My bliss? My rapture? THAT I can follow.”
Enter: Follow your bliss.
Today’s +1.
What gives you joy? When do you most feel alive?
Are you doing it?
How can you do just a little more of that today?
To your bliss!
This +1 Inspired by:

Pathways to Bliss
by Joseph Campbell