Stress Isn’t the Enemy #42
It’s all in how you perceive it
Tom Brady once responded to critics who said his leadership style “stressed out” his teammates by saying: “I thought stressful was not having Super Bowl rings. This wasn’t daycare. If I wanted to have fun, I was going to go to Disneyland with my kids.”
That’s a powerful reminder that stress is part of the game. It’s not supposed to be easy. But here’s the thing—we don’t have to choose between going for the Super Bowl and having fun.
The key is to embrace the stress and find joy in the process. Not superficial joy, but eudaimonic joy—the deep satisfaction that comes from giving your all to something meaningful.
Why Stress Isn’t the Enemy
Stress isn’t inherently bad. It’s how we interpret it that matters:
1. Challenge Response: Stress becomes an opportunity to rise to the occasion. You feel energized and focused.
2. Threat Response: Stress feels overwhelming, narrowing your focus and shutting you down.
The difference? Mindset. When you see stress as a challenge, it fuels growth. When you see it as a threat, it drains you.
The Heroic Elite Mindset
With Heroic Elite, we teach that stress is the price of admission for greatness. Embrace it. Love it. Thrive on it.
Winning isn’t supposed to be easy—but when you reframe pressure as an opportunity to forge your best self, the journey becomes joyful.
Action for Today
The next time stress creeps in, pause and ask yourself:
- Am I seeing this as a threat or a challenge?
- How can I turn this moment into fuel for growth?
Remember, life isn’t a dress rehearsal. Let’s embrace the stress. Let’s go.
P.S. For more on this, check out the Philosopher’s Notes on:
- The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal
- Relentless by Tim Grover
This Heroic Elite Daily Inspired by:

The Upside of Stress
by Kelly McGonigal