Here’s the Heroic Elite Sleep Protocol (v1!) And… Sat night sleep scores: Me, Wifey, and Emerson…
Brian here. 👋
Obviously. 😆
As you can tell if you’ve been following along in the last couple emails (read them here), I’m REALLY (!!!) FIRED UP ( 🔥!!) about Heroic Elite.
As in…
🔥!! 🔥!! 🔥!!
It’s officially launching on Jan 11, 2025.
101 days.
Me. You.
Your best self.
Plus, Alexandra and Michael guiding the way with me along with 1,000+++ Heroic buddies.
ALL of us ALL IN on helping YOU close the gap and show up as your best self.
It’s going to be Heroically Elite. 🤓
We’ll be sharing more details and officially inviting you to join us soon.
Today I want to talk more about sleep.
I’m typing this on Sunday morning.
Note: I just finished a 10.1-minute meditation featuring breath work, virtues, heroes, my best self, my 101-day vision, and clarity on my WIN for the day (this email!).
That meditation will become part of our Heroic Elite Training protocol, and we’ll have a guided version of it produced by me and Alexandra.
I spent most of Saturday OBSESSING about how I’m going to show up like the Sean Casey-inspired “Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Tom Brady, et al” of sleep 😆 to help YOU get YOUR sleep to Heroically Elite levels—knowing that Elite Sleep is one of THE key foundations of Elite Energy.
ChatGPT and I have been hanging out.
It has become my #1 research assistant.
It’s INSANE what I can get done with its help.
As in…
😳 🤯
I’ve been using it for months to help me do everything from analyzing my blood lab results to optimizing my training to crush my VO2 max.
Beyond a few references in PN’s/+1s, I’ve never really used it to create anything I’ve shared with you.
Until now…
For example…
I’ve been working with it to figure out how to communicate the importance of getting a certain amount of sleep and how you can’t just think about time in bed, but you’ve got to calculate the efficiency of your time in bed to actual sleep.
I asked it to create a chart showing 85% - 90% efficiencies and how much time in bed (TIB is the technical term!) you’d need to get the recommended 7-8+ hours of sleep.
After about 101 micro tweaks, we created this:

I wanted to set some different tiers for our Heroic Elite Training protocol targets for our 101-day challenge.
I wanted to articulate the effects on your chronic disease risk, mental health, and energy levels depending on how much sleep you get, etc.
I wanted to articulate the top 11 Heroic Elite Training protocol Pro Tips we want to put into practice to go next level.
All of this is still VERY (!!!) rough but check out what we created together.

Imagine something like THAT for every single aspect of what we’ll be optimizing with Heroic Elite (eating, moving, sleeping, breathing, focusing!) over our 101 days together.
All with the SUPER RESULTS-ORIENTED intention to help you close the gap between who you’re capable of being and who you’re actually being to truly activate your Heroically energized, productive, and connected ELITE potential.
I got goosebumps typing that.
Here’s what’s funny.
After crushing that sleep stuff with my daimon and Alexandra yesterday, I had one of my best nights of sleep ever.

So did Alexandra.

So did Emerson.

The best part?
That was a Saturday night.
As I told Alexandra when I joked about how I’d be writing this note…
“Yes! We like to party. And by party we mean dominating our Heroic protocols.”
😆 🎊 🤓
That’s more than enough from me today.
More details to come.
For now…
It’s Day 1.
We’re ALL IN.
Let’s go.
🫡 🙌!!
P.S. Check out this Heroic social post Alexandra made about how she spent Saturday morning with Eleanor running a 5k in the rain after it was canceled. 🤗

P.P.S. Going back to the family Oura scores for a moment. Check out Alexandra’s efficiency!! Mine was 88% which is pretty/very good. Her 94% (!!) is insanely great. 😳
Note: She tells me I need to tell you that she tends to sleep REALLY well on Day 1 of her cycle and that was Saturday night.
Women: We’re going to have a WOMEN’S ONLY track led by Alexandra for YOU!!
Yes, I get the memos on the importance of integrating my (and Michael’s!) masculine energy with the feminine and there’s no better and more powerful way for us to do that than through ALEXANDRA and THIS program.
Note: Alexandra stepping up and shining brightly is one of THE main reasons I’m SO fired up.
While we’re talking family Oura sleep scores…
Know this: One of THE main reasons I believe Emerson is performing at such a high (ELITE!) level with his chess is because HE dominates HIS fundamentals.
He’s in bed 10+ hours EVERY night. It’s a secret weapon and unlocks his superpowers.
Other thing to notice…
We all went to bed at the same time. 🤓
Heroic Families unite!!
P.P.P.S. If you look closely at my sleep data from Oura, you’ll see I got up (to pee! TMI? 🤷) in the middle of the night—which happens basically every night.
You know what I coached Sean on? How to deal with inevitably getting up.
Here’s what I told him (which we will MASTER together in Heroic Elite) …

⬅️ Prior update: Funny story… 😆 The first person to sign up for Heroic Elite
➡️ Next update: Funny story… on sleep Last night’s scores