Do you need a scholarship?
Have financial challenges prevented you from signing up for our Heroic Premium?
If so, we're here to help.
Apply for a Heroic scholarship here.
Inspired to support those in need with a tax-deductible contribution?
If so, we (and the future scholarship recipients) would be honored to have your support!
You can make a tax-deductible contribution to the Heroic Scholarship Program through our fiscal sponsor, Realize Impact.
Just use the form below to make your donation to Realize Impact, which will go directly towards supporting the Heroic Scholarship Program. (Note: The form is powered by Zeffy, a donation processing tool for non-profits like Realize Impact.)
Alternatively, if you'd like to make a donation by (i) Wire Transfer, (ii) Check, (iii) Donor-Advised Fund, (iv) Gift of Securities, or (v) Cryptocurrency, please see the instructions below the form on how to proceed.
Prefer to donate via (i) Wire Transfer, (ii) Check, (iii) Donor Advised Fund, (iv) Gift of Securities, or (v) Cryptocurrency? Just follow the instructions below.
i. Wire transfer or ACH
- Bank Name: Columbia Bank
- Bank Address: 208 High School Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
- Account Name: Realize Impact
- Account #: 7001202668
- ABA/Routing #: 125108272
- Beneficiary Address: 144 Jacolet Lane NE, Bainbridge, Island, WA 98110-2744
- Note: Please also Include "Heroic" in the Memo line and email both and with your name and email address to support Realize Impact to issue your tax receipt.
ii. Check
- Mailing Address: Realize Impact, 271 Winslow Way E, #11548, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
- Note: Any checks should be payable to "Realize Impact" and note “Heroic Scholarship Program” in the memo line.
iii. Donor-Advised Fund
- If you'd like to contribute via your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), you will need to let your DAF provider know the following:
- Grantee: Realize Impact
- Grantee EIN: 46-3594732
- Purpose of grant: to support the Heroic Scholarship Program
- You may also need the Wire information, located above.
iv. Gift of securities
- Broker: Fidelity Investments
- DTC Number: 0226
- Account Holder: Realize Impact
- Account Number: Z40212943
- If questions, call Fidelity at 800-343-3548
- Note: Please also email both and with your name and email address to support Realize Impact to issue your tax receipt.
iv. Gift of cryptocurrency
- Details available upon request.
- Please reach out to for more information.
Meet Heroic
Heroic is a social training platform that integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-proven behavioral design tools to help you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.
We’re also a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’ve served hundreds of thousands of people from every country around the world and over 10,000 people from over 100 countries have joined our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program. These Heroic Coaches are our force multipliers leading our movement.
It’s time to move from theory to practice to mastery as we activate our Soul Force together and give the world all we’ve got.
Day 1. All in. Let’s go, Hero!