Brian here with some exciting news and an important invitation. 👋🏻🙌🏻!!
I’ll get right to the point then we’ll step back and talk about the big picture.
Here’s what you need to know…
We’re officially raising an ARMY of Heroic Ambassadors. (Yes, an army. More on that below…)
Want to help us catalyze our movement—and, if you’d like, get a cash high five of thanks in the process?
We’d be *honored* to have your support.
You can apply to join our Heroic Ambassador program here: heroicpbc.typeform.com/ambassador
Let’s step back for a moment and talk about WHY we’re going ALL IN on recruiting, empowering, and rewarding that *army* of Heroic Ambassadors.
Before we do that, check out this recording from our very first daily Heroic Ambassador team stand-up and empowerment meeting, in which I talk about WHY we're so excited about our Heroic Ambassadors and HOW we're going to empower them to catalyze our shared movement.
(Plus learn the ins-and-outs of how I and we run our business!)
As you know if you’ve been part of our community for a while, the day after we finalized the design of our Heroic logo, I tattooed it to my left forearm.

Yes. That’s like me.
I am ALL IN.
That was October 14th, 2021.
Then, two weeks later, I returned to the same tattoo shop in downtown Austin to add the shorthand (51 | 2051) for the Mission to which I have dedicated my life right above the HEROIC tattoo.
Then, on Father’s Day of last year, I took the kids back to the same studio and added a tattoo capturing the shorthand (101 | 1M) on HOW we intend to fulfill our Mission of creating a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.
EVERY (!) SINGLE (!!) MORNING (!!!), right before I begin my 30-60 minute meditation practice, I look down at my left forearm and say to myself…
“Hero, I see a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.”
I just got goosebumps and tears in my eyes typing that and FEELING into that.
I did that in my meditation this morning and I was especially moved—as I knew my WIN this morning was writing this letter inviting you to join our Heroic Ambassador program.
Then, before I officially begin my meditation by training my breath, reflecting on our virtue compass and inviting my Heroic guides to come to life on my wall by giving me wisdom for the day, I quickly journal a few words to capture our mission and strategic targets.
Here’s what I wrote this morning. It’s rough as I didn’t intend to share it.

When I draw that mountain with a flag at the summit and that X in the middle and then write ARETÉ = HEROIC, I am thinking of my and our commitment to fulfilling our Heroic Mission (51 | 2051!) by showing up as my best and living with virtue moment to moment to moment.
We will not be heroes in the beginning. We will not settle for mediocrity. We will not get stuck in the middle of the rugged mountain that is our Heroic Everest quest.
Then I write “1M = 1B = $1B.”
To have a shot at helping create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by 2051, I believe that we need to empower our first 1 Million Heroes to hit at least 3 targets per day on the Heroic app—moving from theory to practice to mastery as they activate their Soul Force and experience that life-changing 40% boost in Energy, 20% boost in Productivity and 15% boost in Connection that Heroes in our pilot study experienced.
1 Million people showing up as the best, most Heroic versions of themselves hitting 3 Heroic targets per day is 1 BILLION virtuous targets hit per year.
That’s an Annual Recurring Virtue (or ARV) of 1 Billion. And that’s what the “1B” that comes after the “1M” symbolizes for me.
1 Million Heroes x 3 targets per day x 365 days = 1 Billion virtuous targets hit per year.
1 Million people active on our social training platform is ALSO how we will create a very strong business—whether the economics merit a $1 BILLION DOLLAR valuation at that point or not is to be seen, but that’s our target and that’s what I think about when I write “1M = 1B = $1B” every.single.morning.
These days, after those high-level, warm-and-fuzzy targets, I write “EBITDA+ x 6” to capture the importance of getting our business SUSTAINABLY profitable.
Just as human beings must have healthy red blood cells to fulfill their potential, we, as a Public Benefit Corporation, MUST have healthy profits to fulfill our Heroic potential to change the world.
Which brings us back to YOU and our prospective Heroic Ambassadors.
To put it directly…
I’m VERY tired of paying Meta money to invite people to join our community.
I literally have a slight vomit emoji 🤢 reaction every time I think about the fact that we’re feeding the beast with every ad dollar we spend.
Which is why we’ve been obsessing about how to GET OFF Meta and create a growth engine that allows us to circulate abundance among our own community.
And THAT is why we’re going ALL IN on recruiting, empowering, and rewarding (goosebumps) a MASSIVE ARMY of Heroic Ambassadors.
Again, if you’d like to join the Heroic team as a Heroic Ambassador, please join us here: heroicpbc.typeform.com/ambassador
You may be thinking…
“Brian. I get it. But why do you have to use the metaphor of an ARMY to make your point?! This isn’t a war.”
To which I would respectfully encourage you to consider opening up Gandhi’s great spiritual Bible—the Bhagavad Gita.
What will you find?
You will find a reluctant warrior on a BATTLEFIELD—being mentored by his guide/god to engage in the literal and metaphorical struggles of his world.
I’ll save the longer philosophical chat for another time and, yes, I’m being deliberately hyperbolic by using the metaphor of an army.
We are in what I believe is a historically significant battle between vice and virtue.
Those tattoos?
They symbolize and relentlessly remind me of my FIERCE commitment to creating a more noble and virtuous world for my kids and for your kids and for all of their kids.
And there’s only one way we’re going to do it.
We EACH must, as Gandhi so wisely said, be the change we want to see.
If we have been able to help YOU be the change YOU want to see, we would be absolutely honored and equally grateful to have your support as one of our Heroic Ambassadors.
We will be sharing more details soon, but the basic idea goes like this…
We will empower you and all of our Heroic Ambassadors with tools you can use to help spread the word both online AND offline.
We’re currently standing up the technology to allow you to share the Heroic content that you have found most transformative with your community.
You’ll be able to share any (!) +1, Philosopher’s Note, 101 class and/or Meditation with your community.
The link you share will allow that person to view the content you shared FOR FREE.
We’ll connect the link you share with your unique Ambassador code so we know we met our new Hero from you.
Then we will be able to thank you with a commission on every dollar we earn serving your community.
We will coach you on how to create content to share with your community on all your social channels and newsletters and all that.
We will also be helping you share Heroic OFFLINE if you feel inspired to do so.
Imagine Heroic flyers up in every single yoga studio, gym, martial arts studio, co-op, Whole Foods, healthy restaurant, etc. in 1,000 cities in 101 countries around the world—letting people know about Heroic and our Coach program and, soon, our Heroic Social platform.
If you help RUN a gym, chiropractic office, yoga studio, place of worship, or ANY other place where you think people might be interested in learning more about Heroic, imagine a STACK of flyers for people to pick up and take home.
Here’s a quick look at the early designs for that:

Those QR codes?
That will be connected to your unique Ambassador code so, again, we can thank you with a cash high five on every dollar we earn serving the people who join through your encouragement.
I should also say that we are going to take our Heroic Scholarship program to the next level.
The need for scholarships was heartbreakingly profound.
After reading the hundreds of applications that poured in shortly after we officially announced the program, I found myself deeply contemplating how we can make sure those in need are never prevented from engaging in our content because of challenges with money.
The fact is, MANY MANY MANY people simply cannot afford our premium and Coach products—at ANY price.
And there’s NO POSSIBLE way we will have the impact we need to have to change the world if we don’t figure out how to address this fact.
When I asked my Heroic guides how THEY think we should approach this, the answer was UNEQUIVOCAL.
We MUST lead with LOVE.
A Hero is a protector and the Hero’s secret weapon is LOVE, right?!!
We MUST lead with LOVE.
Which begs the question…
What does HEROIC LOVE look like in action?
As I contemplated this, I looked up at my wall of Heroic guides.
What would Jesus do? What would Gandhi do? What would Churchill do? What would Mister Rogers do? What would Eleanor Roosevelt do?
I didn’t have to get through the first row of Heroes on my wall (who aren’t visible in the frame I use for the 1:01 studio set up) and ask Emerson, Lincoln, Aristotle, Maslow, Epictetus, Stutz, Aurelius, Frankl, Confucius, Campbell, and Mackey to know what we needed to do.
We will be leading with HEROIC GENEROSITY.
When you go out as an important part of our Special Forces recruiting division looking to share Heroic with people who you think would most benefit from Heroic and/or be our best (force multiplying!) Heroic Coaches, you can tell them that we price our products at a generous level ($100/year for premium and $1,000 for Coach).
You can tell them with HEROICALLY FIERCE LOVE that if money is an issue they can choose to get a partial or full scholarship.
In short: You can share Heroic knowing money will NEVER get in the way of us serving those who most need the support.
This is long.
As you can tell, I’m fired up.
Let’s wrap it up.
I appreciate you and all your support.
YOU are the most important of our movement.
We wouldn’t be in the position we are in without your support and we will not fulfill our mission without your next-level support.
I repeat: If you’d like to join our army of Heroic Ambassadors, we’d be honored to welcome you to the team.
More details soon…
Day 1. All in.
P.S. This morning while I was writing this, Eleanor came dancing into my room for our morning hug.
She was wearing her Heroic kids t-shirt. “HEROIC” on the front. “HERO IN TRAINING” on the back.
I knew I wanted to take a picture of her and tell you about our new Heroic swag shop and the fact that Heroic Ambassadors will get any and everything you want at cost.
(We’ll share more with our Ambassadors who choose to sign-up soon.)
Here are the pictures (Emerson was wearing his mom’s t-shirt this morning because he’s growing like a weed and already outgrew his kids t-shirt! 😂)…

P.P.S. This morning, as I was drafting this, I went back and watched the little videos from my three separate trips to the Heroic tattoo shop.
Here they are:

P.P.P.S. My tattoos, as you can imagine, motivate me deeply. You know what motivates me 10x more?
These tattoos:

P.P.P.P.S. As you may know, Heroic is a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’re blessed to have the support of 3,000 investors (just like you!) from over 75 countries around the world.
Any time we talk about our crowdfunding round, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese so here we go…
Note: Would you like to become one of our Early-Stage Heroic Investors and own a piece of our movement while supporting us in our Mission to change the world? You can invest as little as $100 or as much as $100,000+.
Learn more and invest today at Wefunder.com/Heroic.
Now for that legalese...
These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” ”project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
Ambassador Update #2:
Brian here with a quick follow-up to the note above.
I want to give you a quick update, thank all of you who have already signed up to support the Mission, and give you some more details on the next steps and how we’re going to move from recruiting to EMPOWERING our army of Heroic Ambassadors.
First, the quick update…
Within hours of sending out the email, we were approaching an army of Ambassadors that was already 300+ Heroically Spartan strong.
When I woke up this morning (after an epic night of sleep, btw—Oura Scores below… 😂), 300+ Heroic Ambassadors from 25+ countries and 250+ cities around the world had answered our call to adventure.
Bless you. 🙏
Seriously. Bless you. 🙏
And… LET’S GO, HEROES!!! 🦸♂️ 🦸 🦸♀️
Next recruiting target: An army of Heroic Ambassadors (from 101+ countries and 1,000+ cities!) that is 1,000+++ strong.
I couldn’t keep up with the applications as they came in but I’ve read dozens and dozens (!) of them so far and (goosebumps) I was blown away by our community’s fierce commitment to make a difference in the world.
I was equally inspired by the extraordinary DIVERSITY of our community and humbled by the shared belief that Heroic could play a critical role in helping create a more noble and virtuous world.
From professional sports and special forces mental toughness coaches to educators, YMCA directors, addiction counselors, gym owners, martial arts instructors, HR executives, spiritual leaders, homeschooling moms and a soul-filling array of other humans, it’s hard to put into words just how inspired I am by our community.
This morning I started my day by soaking my consciousness in a selection of the notes from our newest Ambassadors.
Then, as always, before I began my AM meditation, I looked down at the tattoo on my left forearm and said to myself: “Hero, I see a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.”
Then I quickly journaled the vision and mission and WIN next steps.
I reread our Notes on The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Leadership in Turbulent Times, and Good Strategy.
Which leads us to some details on HOW we’re going to EMPOWER our army.
Let me give it to you in the context of the 4 Disciplines of Execution.
As per our Notes, the 4DX guys tells us you need to:
1. Have a wildly important goal (or WIG).
2. You need to have “lead measures” that you think will help you hit the “lag” measure that is your WIG.
3. You need a scorecard to make sure you’re on track.
4. You need to hold yourself and your team accountable to hitting those targets.
Note: I’m chatting with one of the authors of the book in this week’s Heroic Chats with Masters! (Join us on Thursday at 1:01 p.m. CT!)
Here’s an abridged take on HOW we are applying that wisdom to OUR execution of our strategy and WHY we are so ALL IN on recruiting, empowering, and rewarding our Heroic Ambassadors.
Our WILDLY IMPORTANT GOAL/ultimate Mission is as simple as it is challenging: 51% of humanity flourishing by 2051.
Then we have the intermediate WIG/target of 1M = 1B = $1B that we discussed above.
1 MILLION Heroes hitting 3 targets per day = 3 million virtuous targets per day x 365 = 1 BILLION virtuous targets per year (or 1B ARV) which, with all the appropriate legalese asterisks, assuming the economics support the discussion, may put us in a position to be discussing the $1 BILLION enterprise value for our Public Benefit Corporation.
1M = 1B = $1B.
That’s all nice and warm and fuzzy but none of that will happen unless we get the healthy red blood cells for our business via the profits we discussed above, which leads us to the near-term WIG on which we’re focusing ALL of our energy: EBITDA+ x 6 months.
✅ 1. WIG defined.
That leads us to the “Lead” measures that will enable us to achieve the “Lag” measure that is our WIG.
And that leads us back to YOU and our army of Heroic Ambassadors and what, specifically, we will be doing starting THIS WEEK to empower you.
Our Lead measures include recruiting 1,000+ Ambassadors AND Empowering you/them to help recruit the next wave of Heroes and Heroic Coaches to catalyze our movement.
That brings us back to the second Note I reread this morning.
In Leadership in Turbulent Times, Doris Kearns Goodwin tells us that great leaders like Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt “held a nonstop conversation” with the people they led.
That’s what we’re going to do.
I already show up and support our Heroic masters and Coaches at 1:01 p.m. CT every single day. We’re already approaching 101 days in a row. It’s been AMAZING. I’m more confident in my decision to do that than ever.
Starting THIS THURSDAY (May 11th!) and continuing for the 51 days through the end of June, I’m going to personally show up for a daily stand-up (time TBD) Monday through Friday to support our Heroic Ambassadors in getting FULLY EMPOWERED to help catalyze the movement.
We have daily stand-up meetings for our tech team that our CTO leads. And daily stand-ups for our marketing and ops teams that Michael leads.
I’ll be personally leading the daily stand-ups for our Heroic Ambassador team.
We’ll be sharing ideas on best practices, highlighting success stories, answering questions, and (goosebumps) connecting as a TEAM to go out and dominate.
If you’d like to see how I and we approach business while getting FULLY EMPOWERED to get paid to help us catalyze our movement as an important part of our team, join us!!
I’ve deliberately started with and focused on the Mission-driven WHY of our Ambassador program.
So you know, our internal target is not just seeing how Heroically fast we can recruit 1,000+++ Ambassadors, but seeing how Heroically fast we can empower our first 101 > 300 >> 1,000+ Ambassadors to earn $1,000+ per month in Heroic high-five commissions for their support.
Let’s go!
This, again, is long.
Time to go hammer the rest of my morning.
I appreciate you.
Day 1. All in.
P.S. The Oura scores reflecting some sweet dreams after a late shutdown complete!

P.P.S. As you may know, Heroic is a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’re blessed to have the support of 3,000 investors (just like you!) from over 75 countries around the world.
Any time we talk about our crowdfunding round, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese so here we go…
Note: If you would like to become one of our Early-Stage Heroic Investors and own a piece of our movement while supporting us in our Mission to change the world, you can learn more and invest today at Wefunder.com/Heroic.
Now for that legalese…
These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” ”project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
Ambassador Update #3:
Brian again.
Part 3 of our Heroic Ambassador roll out. 👋
If you missed the first two memos, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our invitation letter here: heroic.us/ambassador
Today I want to give you a quick update and let you know about our very first Heroic Ambassador team stand-up meeting—THIS Thursday at 10:01am CT!
(Ambassadors: Check your email later today for a separate note with the link so you can add it to your calendar—we’ll be recording and sharing if you can’t make it live! 🙌!)
But first…
All I can say is…
😳 🤯
I spent the bulk of my free time this weekend reading dozens and dozens of the hundreds and hundreds of notes that poured in.
I’ll repeat…
It’s hard for me to capture just how inspired I am by our shared commitment to make a difference in the world, your belief that Heroic can play a significant role in making that difference AND the sheer diversity of our community.
😳 🙏 🙌!!!
Get this…
(I got goosebumps as I typed that…)
Over 300 people signed up to join our Heroic Ambassador program in less than 30 hours.
Over 500 people signed up to join in less than 50 hours.
Over 750 people signed up in less than 75 hours.
We have a shot to welcome over 1,000 Heroic Ambassadors within 101 hours of sending out our first email on Friday afternoon.
If you feel so inspired, we’d be honored to welcome you to the Heroic Team.
Here’s the quick link: heroicpbc.typeform.com/ambassador
✅ 300+ in < 30 hours
✅ 500+ in < 51 hours
✅ 750+ in < 75 hours
☑️ 1,001+ in < 101 hours
It’s not possible for me to feel any more inspired and energized by our initial “Recruiting” phase.
Now it’s time to EMPOWER our community of Heroic Ambassadors.
Which leads us to the Zoom kick-off party THIS THURSDAY (May 11th) at 10:01am CT.
As I mentioned in the last note, we have daily stand-ups for our technology and operations teams. Our CTO Bernardo leads the tech team and Michael leads the ops team.
I will personally be leading the daily (Monday-Friday) stand-ups for the 51 days between May 11th and the end of Q2 (June 30th).
During these daily stand-ups, we will be sharing best practices, answering questions, and inviting some of our most impactful Heroic Ambassadors to join us to share their stories.
I’m FIRED UP to launch and get ALL the systems in place to give you EVERYTHING you need to help us catalyze our movement.
Final note as I know we’re all busy and these quickly get long…
One of the inspiring themes in the notes I read this weekend was how many people want to donate any potential commissions they receive to those who need Heroic Scholarships.
Bless you. 🙏
We’ll be making that option easy to set up and are honored to have your support.
I’ll leave it at that.
Happy Monday.
Day 1. All in.
Community Notes: "Why are you excited to become a Heroic Ambassador?"
“Heroic has changed my life and helped me level up in so many ways. I am excited to share it with everyone!"
“I believe deeply in this program, platform and everything and everyone in it."
“This is my 4th coaching school/program, all the other coaching programs even though they are ICF approved... none of them felt LIFE approved. Heroic is the first one to actually show me the whole game, not just parts of it. And how to play it well. Also, Heroic is the only program that covers body, mind and soul. Heroic doesn't sound at all like a cult, a sect 🤓😆 where I am being imposed what to do or think. Heroic's approach of 'what is your way' its a profound respect to spirit and soul and its uniqueness. Also, Heroic's approach of always coming back to self as way to change situations or contexts - changing myself I am changing the world around me - and I Did. 🙏"
“To be the change! I believe we grow exponentially faster when we help others grow with us."
“I love the mission and everything about Heroic. Just 2 days ago we held our Quarterly Team Meeting (I have a renewable energy business with a team of 10 of us). We introduced our revamped company values - one of our new values is Be Heroic! And I introduced the team to the Heroic App. I asked everyone to try it out for 3 days and if they’re keen my company will pay for the annual premium membership. I’m keen to promote Heroic anyway I can!"
"Heroic has hands down been the best self-development programme I have participated in. It has delivered real change and built a foundation for future change. If you had asked me 12 months ago whether I was a self-disciplined individual I might have hesitated... but now I don't. I've seen levels of self-discipline, momentum and resilience that I've not previously experienced and I'd LOVE for others to experience the same. Bring it on!!!"
"Heroic coach has changed my life! I am excited to unite our communities & change the world!❤️"
"I am so excited to partner because I can have a part in transforming lives and help change the world for the better!"
"To help others become the best, most Heroic versions of themselves."
"FIRED UP about Heroic's mission to help create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by 2051."
"I have been a part of this community for over a decade (first with Optimize) went through Coach 3 times, and have seen how powerful people can be when they apply the philosophy, protocols that Heroic introduced. My life force has been catalyzed through Heroic, and I’ve seen so many others benefit. I want to help move toward 51 2051. 😊"
"I could write a hundred pages on how Heroic has permanently and utterly changed my life. But to keep it short: the world needs it. To be specific: I'm 18 years old and Heroic has the potential to have such a massive impact on my age group, and I feel that this Ambassador programme could really help catalyse the Heroic movement for my age group- one that desperately needs it."
"Heroic / Optimize has substantially impacted my life and I believe it can do the same for so many others. It is something I could share / suggest with absolute commitment, integrity and assurance."
"I had a realization the other day that the Heroic mission is so integrated into my new way of living that I naturally tell people about the Heroic app and movement without even thinking about it. I mentioned before how Heroic has helped me uplevel my career, relationships, athleticism, creativity, and mindset since I joined Optimize a couple of years ago. Heroic has helped me optimize and gamify my life in a way that helps me embrace my challenges and move with purpose, and it’s my pleasure to share all the greatness of Heroic with everyone I have the pleasure of connecting with."
"Heroic has changed my families life! I am becoming a more patient and loving spouse and father. I am now someone who gets up in the morning and works."
"I believe in the mission, SO many people can benefit if they knew what HEROIC is all about it. I would be ALL about sharing it with anyone and everyone."
"Because the coaching program is changing my own life!"
"Excited to help get 51% of the population thriving by 2051!"
"It is life changing in our sick society. I specifically want to target parents of kids with complex medical conditions. That is who I serve as a life coach and I am a mom of two kids born with only half their heart. Everything Brian and the lunacies teach aligns with my philosophy and what these parents need even more than others because of the weight of their journey. My LLC is Flourish Wholeheartedly and I felt like I found my people when I found Brian and Heroic. I am passionate about changing the support parents receive on this high stakes journey from the time of diagnosis going forward. I know it will reduce anxiety, depression, trauma, ptsd and divorce rates for these parents. By default it will improve outcomes for their child, both those with and without a complex medical condition. I am determined to be a bright light of hope and empower parents with the tools they need to flourish and not just survive!"
"I believe in the mission to create a world where 51% of humanity are flourishing by 2051. Heroic has truly transformed my life and I know it can do the same for others."
"It's hands down the best personal development program out there."
"Heroic has helped me elevate my athleticism, wisdom and career, and I’m excited to share this with others!"
"I believe in EVERYTHING Heroic does, is, and will be. :) :) :) 51|2051 #243"
"Heroic has helped me to make major changes in my life. I feel better than I ever have and I believe that if more people feel this way, we will be able to conquer the challenges we're facing collectively."
"It is my life! Heroic has guided me in my efforts to be my best self. I strive to imbue meaning into even the smallest details of my days, and to seek purpose in living for something greater than myself. Wisdom, self mastery, courage and love!"
"Helping to be the change I want to see in the world"
"I love everything about Heroic, starting with the core values as well as the material. It continues to transform my life."
"Heroic is the best personal development program I have ever been exposed to. And I have experienced several. :-)"
"There's power in identity, behaviors, and action."
"As a Heroic coach, the program has already been a life-changer for me. My book wouldn't exist without Heroic, and I've also seen the benefits for my family, friends, and clients. I'm all in on reaching and exceeding Brian's stratospheric goals for Heroic to make a global impact."
"This is most vibrant, expansive, actionable, evidence based community to cultivate FLOURISHING on earth. Today to 2051 and beyond."
"I regularly share how the app has changed the way I show up in life when I'm with people. It's something I natural do."
"I am excited to partner with Heroic because I think this is a perfect fit for many of my clients. I have a client Whom I referred for XV which is why I contacted you about this program. Thank you"
"Because it is the best personal development program in the world! Truly moving from theory to practice to mastery!"
"Sharing the gifts of heroic that keep growing in the world"
"The Heroic program has been life-changing for myself I look forward to sharing it with my community."
"Referring my coaching clients, friends, and family and also offering Heroic workshops in corporate settings! Also open to other ways!"
"I choose to be the Hero of my own story and ultimately guide others into becoming the hero of theirs."
"I’m excited to share Heroic because of the powerful impact it has had on my life. Also, the mission of Heroic is inspiring and I want to be part of it!"
"I’m excited to partner with Heroic again because the program and community have changed my life. The personal growth I’ve experienced this past year has been tremendous. I want to help others experience what I’ve experienced and help them become the best, most heroic versions of themselves."
"Get friends and family to benefit from this program and improves their lives"
"Share the love and knowledge and practical lessons in how to live"
"Heroic is changing my life. Brian’s vision is amazing. Everyone on the team is amazing. It is the most complete and powerful platform I have seen for creating an amazing life and influencing a struggling world."
"Because of the difference Heroic can make in other’s lives like I have experienced in mine."
"Because I believe in this, as i am living it with Heroic."
"To become the best me possible, to learn, develop and grow!"
"I've been following Brian since 2013 and I graduated Heroic Coach Class III, so loving being part of the collective journey! Since doing the course I've left my role as a postman and have began working as a Personal trainer that's now integrating the Heroic coaching into my offering. I've recently rebranded my group fitness bootcamps to 'Herocamp' and I'm working on ways to introduce my clients to the world of Heroic. Becoming a partner gives me the confidence to align my business with Heroics mission and gives it the added credibility. Being able to offer others the opportunity to join us on this journey in becoming their best Selves is what it's all about 😁"
"The opportunity to share all the goodness Heroic has to offer."
"Because Heroic is awesome! Best resource for self growth I've encountered."
"I'm all in! Reaching new levels of cooperation and our common goals !"
"Because the world needs more heroes"
"All in."
"It is the most comprehensive, soul based, self-growth platform I've ever encountered. I want to lift up my community and those around me. Hero's have strength for 2+."
"I resonate with Heroic's mission strongly, it has the potential to be the most impactful company on Earth since our inner work is what matters. People can have all the latest iPhones and tech, but they will still be unhappy and miserable if they don't understand this inner game. Heroic is the only company I know working on helping people understand the inner work required to live a flourishing life, in any circumstance. Therefore, I would like to refer as many folks to Heroic as possible."
"It has changed my life and others that I have already shared it with😀 It is something I will use everyday for the rest of my life and one of very few things I can confidently say that for. 😁"
"Followed you for years off and on from when you first started with Philosophers Notes. Believe you have integrity and that if I put the work in, your course can help me become a better human. Have also been a student of ancient wisdom for years and value your synthesis of it."
"I am excited about everything Heroic."
"The integrity, helpfulness of service, the vision, the support, and the community…how could I not partner with Heroic?!"
"Because I have people I want to share this with."
"I’ve been a member for a long time and excited to share the Heroic app."
"Ready to be a hero and demonstrate strength for two!"
"The program has been AMAZING for me!"
"To push the movement forward to help one more person."
"Because I wanna partner with Heroic, I am excited to lead others be Heroic too."
"As a Heroic investor & lifetime coach I’m all in working to help humanity flourish !!"
"Huge respect for Brian and his commitment to this platform."
"After going through the program and getting certified as a life coach, I want to share this amazing program with those who need it. It was life changing for me and will be for anyone seeking a better life."
"To help others."
"Because it's a great opportunity."
"Love it!"
"Great mission. Great leadership. Great team. Great purpose. Great content. Beyond great impact. Love it!"
"Love how Heroic has helped me and excited to share about it! I am already a heroic partner from before.... but not clear on if this is a new program or if the one before even still exists."
"Best program available."
"Because it is the most amazing and influential personal development platform on the planet, and I want to do my part to help achieve 51/2051."
"Because I would like to help with 51|2051 and I'd like to spread the good vibe."
"I am a dedicated Heroic Coach and I want to spread the word and recommend the program. Maybe I can combine work with love here. ❤️"
"To spread the word about benefits of practical philosophy, applied."
"To share with others wisdom that healed me so much, and dedicate more time."
"This program has done wonders for me, and I am excited about the mission: 51 | 2051."
"Short answer is I believe in the program after going through Coach Class VIII."
"I LOVE sharing what I believe deeply in!"
"This program has changed my life completely, and I'm ready to share it with others looking for/needing some change."
"I already try and share it regardless. Even if someone only looks at the free content and gets 1 or 2 takeaways, I think it could be a big positive change in their life. Most don't seem to be ready but hopefully, when they are I'll be there to remind them where to go. The time savings alone from getting the best knowledge and insight of 1000 books without having to read them yourself."
"All in. Let's go Heroes. Excited to share a movement that if it change my life can change the world 51% by 2051"
"I believe in creating a world in which 51% of people are flourishing by 2051"
"Learning all of these dynamic facts excites me and gives me so much positive energy I could burst! I would love to be a part of this work even more often and it would be a dream to share this positive energy of learning and change with others. I learn quickly and learning makes me feel valuable."
"Because it’s changed my life in the last 12 months and how I show up on every part of my life. I’m all-in on helping humanity floriush and I’ve already been sharing Optimize and now Heroic with like-minded people anyway. It just makes sense."
"It is the most incredible self-development platform in the world and it has changed my Life for the better in many, many ways."
"So so frickin' excited! The common sense marrying of ancient wisdom and modern science has improved my life immeasurably. I want to share Heroic with my clients to improve their lives even more than just coaching with me!"
"I am retired - seeking highly meaningful Ikigai. It is to help institutionalize Heroic far and wide."
"I curious to see what life is capable of and I believe a conglomerate of individuals flourishing is the way to realize this."
"I believe in everything Heroic stands for, does, and is. I am grateful for the opportunity to share Heroic to a wider audience so everyone can flourish."
"It has completely reshaped my life since I've started using it five months ago."
"I am all in."
"It has been a fantastic life change for me and now I want to share it with everyone with ears to hear!"
"VISION 51-2051 - Sharing all of our goodness and tools with everyone that I meet!!!"
"It helps me and I know it can help others. I want to live a life surrounded by others who are also living to thier fullest."
"I am here to support your flourishing operating system and am dedicated to the positive social impact you are making."
"To spread the flourishing ripple effect and change the world together :)"
"Here since February 1=Life changer."
"I am excited to share Heroic because it has fundamentally and permanently changed my life. With my soul force, I hope to light the fire for others. Sharing what works for me is in my DNA. I cannot but help share it."
"The honor of changing the world by helping people be the best, most Heroic versions of themselves."
"I am obsessed with this mission to introduce Heroic to the trucking industry"
"Because its everything I've always searched for..."
"So others can have the opportunity to be the best version of themselves, which is what I’m learning to be, which I never thought would be possible."
"This quest for 51% of humans to be flourishing by 2051 is extremely important to me and although I consider myself a practicing Heroic on his way to Mastery I know that I can bring others along to contribute my share on the quest."
"Where do I even start :-)
This is an attempt on why The Heroic program is truly exciting to me & why I'm eager to share it with others as I am on my path of following my soul purpose of being a holistic leader and establishing thriving connections <3
1. Content: The program offers a wealth of valuable and high quality content that is easily accessible. It provides a diverse range of resources and tools that can greatly benefit individuals, covering various aspects of personal growth, well-being grounded in ancient wisdom, science and soul force.
2. Community: The Heroic program fosters a powerful community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about personal development. The opportunity to connect and engage with such a community is incredibly valuable, as it allows for mutual support, shared experiences, and collective growth.
3. Network: The program provides an invaluable network of individuals who are committed to personal growth and self-improvement and inspirational in their field of work. The connections made within this network are priceless, as they offer opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and lifelong friendships.
4. Inspiration: The Heroic program is a wellspring of inspiration. It offers motivational stories, practical advice, and transformative experiences that can ignite a spark within individuals, encouraging them to reach their full potential and live their lives authentically.
5. Holistic Health Benefits: The program recognizes the importance of holistic health and emphasizes its benefits for every human being. It encompasses various aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, promoting a balanced and fulfilling life.
6. Well-Designed and Fun App: The Heroic app is not only well designed but also enjoyable to use. Its user-friendly interface and interactive features makes its use engaging and enjoyable, enhancing the overall experience for users.
7. Guiding Souls: As someone eager to live deeply connected to my own soul's purpose, I feel compelled to guide others in connecting with their authentic selves. The Heroic program provides a platform that supports this mission and sharing it is allowing me to contribute to my and an individuals personal growth and support them in leading fulfilling lives."
"Because one of my top 3 in Work is 51% by 2051. I am all in. Creating ripples so that this vision is realized."
"I believe in it."
"I have been an avid Heroic fan since I learned about the Optimize program way back in June 2019. I signed up as soon as I could first with +1's and then Coach Class 2 in February 2020. I have not looked back since. It has been transformative for me in so many ways! I got my sister involved, my husband, and share with anyone that will listen to me. As a Heroic investor, I am so committed to sharing this movement and believe strongly in the commitment of Brian and his entire team. I reached my Soul Force 101 over a year ago and have only missed a few live Mastery sessions due to work commitments. I am ALL IN and feel I could best serve the Heroic community with my sales skills. In one of my former careers I spent over 13 years trying to convince Canadians that being active was a good idea ... and I have to say behaviour change was a tough sell to 51% of the population using the Prochaska and Diclemente behaviour change model. I learned a lot that could be helpful in what worked and what needs work. I also was a Project Manager for a City wide wellbeing initiative using a model of the Canadian Index of Wellbeing from the University of Waterloo. Again, a ton of work but we know these things take TIME and I feel 2051 is a realistic target! Especially with Brian at the helm!"
"Changed my life (and continues to) and I’m sure it can change other people’s lives as well."
"Such invaluable information for self improvement and making the world a better place"
"Always excited to share Heroic!"
"I aim to be a Mentor as gift to others and self."
"Heroic is a natural addition to the self-mastery work I've been doing for a long time. Heroic builds (and re-builds) individuals, which makes one-to-one relationship, marriages, families, communities and the world love and function better."
"Most amazing vision and mission I am aware of."
"I have leveraged Brian’s work for years as a professional performance coach."
"I am going full time this year as a Heroic coach and also I’d like to help people achieve their best version of themselves heroically. There are no other personal development groups in this city and I’ll be thrilled to start the first one."
"It’s life changing and I believe it can change the world!"
"It is a practical program by which people can close the gap between where they are and where they are capable of being."
"I'm 'in' and totally on board with the mission of the Heroic movement."
"It is in line with my life purpose to help people live their lives out of love, kindness and their Eudaimon and I love the 51 | 2051 mission."
"To help others."
"Because I think people need it."
"An amazing win win win...Heroic myself and the world all benefit!"
"I already do... Daily."
"Yes!! I love everything about it! Been a BIG fan of Brian and his work since since around 2010. First entheos, optimize and now heroic. Its my people and I want to make heroic a part of my life. Helping others and sharing heroic.
My score is low at this moment but I have decided to change that from monday. Go all in with the app and be my best self moment to moment."
"To be more of the best version God created me to be!"
"Heroic has made a huge difference in my life and my wife’s. I’d love an effective way to share the program."
"Helping others to flourish!"
"It's changed my life! I believe that in order to truly help everyone in this world step into their best selves, we need to share the exceptionally high quality work and content created by Heroic."
"What is better than helping others maximize their potential in service to others?! That's what heroes do!!!"
"I love the content and want to be able to share with my email list and on my blog as it will be really helpful to my ideal customer"
"Because it works!!!"
"Excited to help."
"Because Heroic can change the world; I believe in Brian; I belive in his personal mission and I want to make part of this movement."
"Heart-centered personal development that has a major impact on others...directly and indirectly through positive thoughts, growth-mindset, and actions."
"It’s the best thing I have ever done."
"Because it's the greatest thing ever. Brian is my hero. I love you all. I am deeply indebted to how much you have empowered me to change my life and fulfill my dharma and Soul Purpose."
"Heroic has changed my life for the better and has 10Xed my coaching abilities and clients' success in all aspects of their lives. I love this program and want to spread it to as many people as possible. Also to build this awsome community."
"Great platform."
"The best coaching program in the world - of course I want to share it."
"It’s a COMPLETE mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual IMPROVEMENT plan."
"Love the mission and vision."
"I'd love to be part of 51 | 2051"
"The content and the community have very positively impacted my life and I'd love to pay it forward! I'm also an investor and have a vested interest in the success of the business. :-)"
"I believe in helping people to get what I developed using Heroic in my life."
"I am inspired by the love in action modelled daily by Brian, Alexandra, Michael and the Heroic team."
"I've devoted my career to educating & empowering people to become changemakers. While I've taught courses on Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Business in to college students for nearly two decades, Heroic's focus on the fundies is most important & impactful if we're going to, together, create a world in which 51% of the population is flourishing by 2051. 🙌🏼"
"At the core, the principles around creating the identity you want to have, and then working towards it is simple and powerful."
"Best daily holistic optimize program ever! It is awesome, to the point, daily, and it really works!"
"To expand the best of us all."
"It's the first self-development I've been exposed to that feels focused on timeless wisdom rather than sales, on individual and collective growth rather than pressuring people into making rapid, poor commitments they can't afford. I believe in it."
"Because it is the best self help and wisdom program out there."
"Heroic has provided me with clear and direct inspiration, wisdom and support for living well. Well enough to be of profound service in daily life."
"Heroic is life changing. If I can help spread the word I will!"
"Because it has had a big impact on me."
"Because it helps orientate our lives towards virtue and action. And I am a wisdom junkie."
"Because I believe in our movement to change the world and I believe it is the best all round development program I've ever come across."
"To help grow the Heroic community and help Heroic Thrive!"
"To put personal development in the hands of more people who don't know it's benefits."
"Because it changed my life for the better and continues to do do and is simply the best value in transformation there is. It's heroic!"
"Because I believe in the long term goal - and already share it."
"I’m two weeks in and I see how it is changing me and impacting my life. I look forward to growing each day and reaching a point in a year when I can coach others. I want to be a heroic coach in one year!!!! Let’s go! All in! How? I have no idea but I’m committed to improving myself to the point where people will want to learn from me because they see who I am!"
"I am LOVING the progress I am making in committing to the ideals I’ve long had. I’m showing up for myself and my family with love, learning, nutrition, hope, patience, and courage. I love sharing what I’m learning with my community because I know this principles and ideas WILL change lives! Mothers and fathers and youth and children waking up and being awesome will change the world one person, one family, one neighborhood, one community at a time."
"As I mentioned previously (as I received an awesome voice note from Brian regarding this) I've been following Brian since 2013 so we're approaching 10 years together baby 🙌 The mission resonates with what doing and I feel like on some deep level we're kindred spirits...I need to step up and go fully in with the mission"
"I’m excited to share Heroic because it gives us hope, structure and support in a world that can feel like a scary place sometimes."
"It made me a better coach and person and I would love to share it the world."
"I think that it provides structure to clients that have not developed habits to streamline thier lives and help them be accountable to themselves. As well as the tremendous content within."
"It's the best thing I can do for the community."
"People are desperately wanting to realize a for filling life expressing their true self."
"Changed my life."
"This life changing wisdom should be taught in every school in every country. I want every single person to have the knowledge and tools they need to empower themselves so they can live with soul force."
"It empowers me on a daily basis."
"There’s nothing else quite like Heroic out in the world that is combining what we know now based on research with the wisdom of the ancients. Practicing some kind of personal development every day is a game changer, ESPECIALLY since Heroic isn’t tied to social media. (I very seldom use social media simply to protect my mental wellbeing.) Also, the Heroic mission is unparalleled. No one is doing this exact work, to explicitly try to help 51% of the world thrive. It’s unheard of (!) AND we can do it together."
"Heroic inspires me to be a better person, & I want to use it to inspire others too. Simple, powerful framework that motivates & keeps me accountable."
"It is life altering actionable tools."
"To help change the world for the better."
"Love the program."
"I've considered Brian to be a mentor for several years and frequently share info in my newsletter and blog with links back to +1s. It would be cool to be able to share other information from Heroic as well."
"People need to hear this information and learn how to implement and share their experiences and growth with others to inspire them to do the same."
"To help advocate a scientifically proven method that operationalizes virtues through developing our optimized identities in energy, work and love in order to help shift over half the world's population into a connected society of flourishing individuals within the next twenty-eight years."
"The program is simple enough to do so people are likely to try it and stay with it.
The results out pace the invested time and effort.
The depth of the material and resources available to explore once you are connected/committed is awesome!"
"Amazing practical wisdom."
"Because helping others is my life mission actually I work functional aging specialist giving life to the years of older adultos, having tools like Heroic helps me to improve and change radically their mindset"
"Let’s change this world!"
"It's changed my life. It's so simple to get wisdom. It's got something in it for everyone topic wise. It's got different formats to consume. There's no excuse not to take it in!"
"It has been one of the most impactful tools for me to operationalize my virtues and show up as the man I know I can be, consistently.
I am a more patient husband, loving and fun father, energetic and engaging dentist, and fierce, zesty, and integral expression of Me since using this app, listening to the +1s, 101 classes, PN, and daily coaching calls.
I am the Benevolent Raging Inferno (BRI :D), Heroic Strength Potentiator, and Lightning Rod of Love.
Because of working on client 0 and seeing such tremendous results, I've been sharing it with patients, family members, my own coach, and friends.
Heroic is a gamechanger!"
"I am an agent for change. Change for good, for mankind. I am naturally attracted to organisations who consciously and purposefully inspire and mentor mere mortals to almost immortal-like, legendary status, through authentic and heartfelt conscious contribution and collaboration, by enriching their own lives as a direct impact of enriching the lives of those they seek to serve. Additionally, mankind currently stands on the precipice of choice, and toe-dipping over the decision to embrace the mainstream narrative, or forge a new world by taking the road less traveled."
"I've been following since the earliest days of Philosopher's Notes."
"This is the only program 1) that I have ever completed!! (300 days?!?!) 2) that has had a lasting impact in my world. I am a better husband, father, son, brother, leader and overall human because of this platform and community. As a many as possible need this info/training. 🙏🙇🏼♂️"
"I love the program and agree with Brian that we don’t want to keep paying Meta to find people."
"It has been extremely helpful to myself and my clients"
"The material has been life changing and inspiring. Perfect timing for where I am in life and have many others who are on the same path"
"As a interventionist, therapist & heroic coach the resources and tools help the families and individuals served via Doable Recovery Institute"
"The value of Heroic insight is inestimable, and I think everyone can use some of that insight."
"The program has changed my life the best possible way. I am already spreading the word and I am excited to have new tools to help the movement."
"I've never met this many people who share my values and beliefs and elicit a similar desire to be their best selves all in the same place before. I want as many people as possible at this party, all going the same way, together!"
"This is what the world needs now more than ever. I truly believe in the transformative power of this work."
"Heroic has changed my life for the better. I have always enthusiastically pursued personal development, but Heroic has helped me move from a librarian of the mind to a warrior of the mind. In addition to having access to a treasure trove of content, I now also have a way to ensure that I actually do all of the things I intend to do. I am excited to bring this life changing app, library of content, and community of heroes to the people in my circle."
"It works, no matter what phase of life you are in."
"Love the mission, the teachings, and the methods. I’m very new but see a tremendous value in this program"
"Ancient Wisdom/Modern Science."
"It helps me every day. I start every day with the emails"
"Heroic has transformed my life, and the singular best way to repay that is to answer the call and help others discover Heroic and more importantly unlock their Heroic Potential! All in! 51/2051!"
"As a coach I believe Heroic gives the tools and resources to help us all flourish."
"It has been so powerful for me. I start my morning in deep breathing and meditation. I start my work day in deep work and watching Brian’s daily +1s pumping me up for the day I will conquer. It truly has been a transformation in my life. I feel energized and excited every single day on what I will learn and how I can share it with my community and family. I love the positive energy Heroic shares every single day and it makes me feel like everything is possible♥️"
"Game changing wisdom applicable to today’s modern issues."
"This program has changed my life, and I'm very interested in changing other people's lives, too, by sharing it"
"I think it has the power up change the world one hero at a time"
"I have only had heroic for a day, but I’ve already began to see how quickly the words can spread. After reading todays philosopher note, I felt compelled to share that message with six people I had meaningful conversation with—all of which were separate. The note resonated with me and I could see it resonate with others. Heroic has a unique vision and empowers people to maximize themselves which is inspiring."
"Because it's the bomb. :-)
Seriously, I read plenty of personal development books before Heroic. And they certainly influenced my thinking over the years. But it was more of an "osmosis" type of influence as opposed to a process that I actually intentionally implemented.
My immersion into Heroic has been gradual (as far as my opinion goes anyway). But every step I take helps me to understand and implement—my targets, which are "tangible" representations of my values/virtues—just a little better/deeper. And it apparently shows: a couple clients (more on that below) have mentioned that they've noticed positive changes in me and that they think Heroic is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. (Which hopefully means it is or will be one of the best things that's happened to them too.)
I own and operate a kettlebell & jiu jitsu gym in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI. For the past 16 months, I've written a short, weekly email—which I'm currently working to turn into a blog on the website—covering a topic related to one of those concepts. And I've already worked in a couple ideas I've been exposed to through Heroic (the latest included topic being WOOP).
So if I can officially help to promote Heroic, (a) it totally fits with what I'm already doing and (b) I'm A.L.L. I.N.!
(My brother and I are also working on a couple other projects which have the potential to reach a variety of people across the globe, so hopefully our reach expands a bit more soon too.)"
"As always, I'm excited to continue to share Heroic - the powerful app and all of the incredible wisdom jam-packed within it!! I am right on board with your mission 51|2051 and Heroic is the tool that will help make it happen!🙌🔥"
"This is my second year as a premium member. I have grown more and changed for the better more in the last two years than any other time I can remember. I’m no longer just surviving. I’m learning to thrive."
"How it has changed my life for the better during tough times."
"Because It works for me, gives me motivation to be a better person. The program is powerful and complete. I want to heal and empower myself and that's whahI want to share it with my family, relatives and friends"
"The program has been transformative for me and I want to be part of a world where more people get to experience this flourishing."
"It’s changed my life more than any program I’ve ever completed. People have noticed. I share it all the time with anyone I think would be interested. I work for GoDaddy in sales and talk to entrepreneurs all the time. I’ve already been sharing it every chance I get because I wholeheartedly believe in the Heroic mission."
"Achieving our shared goal. #2051"
"I'm excited to continue to share Heroic because the PN's, 101s, and Coach Program have changed my life and they continue to fuel and sustain my growth, my sense of purpose, my health and my happiness."
"I believe the program can change the world!"
"PN, Optimize, and now Heroic has continues to support my growth. I want to share the wisdom, theory and practice with as many people as possible."
"It's been life changing for me to help me implement and stay committed to my philosophy"
"I love all of this and love to share with students and colleagues."
"Because of the impact of practicing the theory has had on my life."
"It's the easisest path to awakening through recorded knowledge."
"Philosophy for life."
"Heroic/Brian has helped me through the years in my ear, through the ups and the downs as I traveled the world. It’s a message well worth sharing."
"I believe it is the answer to a lot of the problems facing society in NZ! Gamifying and operationalising arete in a way that I can combine with other vehicles e.g. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu + Sport etc"
"It's a path for awakening!"
"Share the wisdom with my coaching clients."
"This is the most awesome program and opportunity anywhere!"
"Simple … it’s the best tool there is to become the best version of yourself. It’s been life changing for me and I just gotta share it!"
"It only makes sense since we want the same thing; a flourishing future. Since this has been my purpose since mid 2020, after discovering Heroic last year, to become an ambassador and share the content with those around me makes all the sense in the world."
"I want to share Heroic because it’s life changing and I want to help people live their best lives to be as happy and healthy as possible. I’m currently a Uni student, and I want to get the Uni to share it with all 18,000 students through their official channels of communication."
"I will like people to achieve there best heroic self."
"Inspiring as many people as possible to show up as the best, most optimized version of themselves, serving the world heroically"
"I am excited to share heroic because of the life changing foundation. Combining modern science and ancient wisdom to build a life in small steps to the best version of yourself. Adding a little each week can make a huge difference in the longer heroic life."
"Because every since I first learned about the Heroic program I've felt a passionate connection to the message and the mission of the program. The passion Brian speaks with I feel as I read and learn more and more about becoming the best version of myself. I'm still learning how to work the app and how to log my daily task. But I love it and also I believe in Heroic and I'm ALL IN!"
"The changes in my life since starting Heroic Coach are profound, meaningful, and measurable. I am growing and cultivating self mastery daily on my way to becoming my best self. By far, the biggest change has been regaining hope for my future, for which I am incredibly grateful. The world needs more hope!
And I love my fellow Heroes! This community is all about helping, supporting, encouraging and loving."
"As a coach I'd like to share the app with clients as a way to engage them and for accountability."
"It’s the best tool to assist in life Mastery at all levels."
"My mission of educating myself and others to be our best!"
"It is my go-to way to share information about how to live a good life. I have found following the lessons, books, and other resources in Heoric and also using the app daily, that my wellbeing has improved and so has my husband's and kids'. I want others to have the opportunity to experience this.
I have also incorporated Heroic in my business consulting and coaching agency as the Heroic CEO program."
"As a first time mom, Heroic helps me to strive in optimizing myself … my energy so I could profoundly serve my 4-month old baby and become a better model as she grows. And by striving to live daily with heroic virtues using the app, i had a better relationship with my family and friends."
"It changes lives!"
"I think it’s an amazing service with the power to change minds and habits fairly quickly. By being able to share things more easily, it will open the door to people who are a bit more reserved or skeptical."
"We need more people leading best lives."
"I love the advice I get, I love learning and teaching."
"It's a fantastic personal development app. For about 15 years, I have held a monthly training I call the Keys to Success In Life and in that, I share a firehose of concepts, strategies, tactics, forms, checklists, etc. and also a Recommended Book List and now I suggest Heroic as a recommended personal development app. The "targets" in the Daily Commitment in the app is basically an online version of something I provide and teach, a Daily Routine Checklist. I also have people write and affirm a series of identity statements every morning, equivalent to the "virtues". So much of what Brian teaches is an overlap of what I teach. My mission is to help people to be happy and successful, and sharing the Heroic app is an excellent way for me to do so."
"Because we have an obligation to help everyone live an optimal life."
"There is so much potential for people improve their lives. I find that most folks connect with the idea of using ancient wisdom and modern science together."
"I genuinely believe that Heroic can change and impact people's lives."
"The heroic platform has helped me become more consistent in building my heroic character. My life purpose statement that I recite everyday is. “ I am a leader, I inspire others by my example to chase their dreams and live up to their true heroic potential, realizing that to lead others I must first lead myself down the road of self discipline and personal development. I equip people to learn and lead by sharing the truths that have guided me.” Coming from a past with depression, addiction, and suicidal thoughts I have come to see that my life’s purpose is to help those going through similar situations. I believe this is a tool that can help me achieve my life’s purpose."
"I love philosophy, and self-growth, and I want to inspire people to be who they're here to be in life."
"Bring peace, excellence, challenging others to become their best also!"
"It works!!"
"Heroic is a platform I truly love and it is most likely the only program I'm willing to promote. Getting paid for promoting a better world is the most one can ask for :)"
"Heroic has helped me grow. Heroic pushes me to always do better, so I can better serve all the people (most importantly my kids) in my life."
"Heroic has been such a game changer for me. I was hesitant at first as many prior programs and books did not deliver on their promises. In fact, some actually made life tougher by pressuring me to to stand up to unrealistic ideals. Heroic is the only program I have tried which has a step by step yet repetitive system which supplements progress with learnings from respected authors and authority figures. I look forward to the social aspect and building a collective support system. Can't wait to see what is next..."
"I think Brian and the team at Heroic is doing a fantastic job. I think the app and the information you find are great, and the way you break it down to actionable steps and make it easier to understand. And the overall mission of Heroic. Love it-"
"I’m been following daily since 2011. I joined first Optimize class. Heroic has changed my life and I am committed to helping others operationalize the wisdom to optimize their lives!"
"Because it's a good way for people to get into personal development and to achieve more in their life and business by being the best version of themselves."
"I’ve been sharing since Brian started his first set of 10 Philosophers Notes. ;)"
"Life changing!"
"Because thinking about life as a hero's journey I act out day to day has been a powerful force in my life for virtuous living that I want to share."
"Heroic has drastically changed my life and has been the push to improve it and that of my family. It helped me climb out of a hole of sadness and self-pity. It showed me that I wasn't alone in how I felt and that there was a better way to live and love. It ignited a flame that had long been extinguished. Before Heroic, I felt like a zombie walking around numb to life; but then it was like my soul was shaken awake and filled with force. It gave me hope! It was the catalyst for me growing close to God and discovering faith. It helped me discover purpose, a purpose that's greater than myself; and I want others to have that opportunity to walk their own heroic journey and to discover their soulforce!"
"The program has been transformative and life changing for me, and I see insanely massive value in it. Nothing gives me greater joy than to help and inspire others on this awesome journey of life."
"Valuable to improve life."
"It changed my life and like you, I'm on a mission to positively impact the world."
"Brian and Heroic has changed my life!!!!!! Everyday I wake with a smile and commit to being a radiant exemplar to my family, friends and wider community. Everyday I commit to 51|2051! I am excited to share Heroic in the absolute best way possible and being an Ambassador resonates so strongly with me. I be a part of the Army would be an absolute honour and something I would commit wholeheartedly. Day 1!!"
"To allow others to unlock their best self."
"I listen every single day and want to get more involved. I’m learning and growing and want to share with others. I freakin LOVE Heroic!"
"It’s a life changing platform. It has the potential to improve SO MANY lives worldwide."
"The world needs tools to actualize their potential."
"I am excited!
I am excited because I thought I could change my life, I was desperate. And 1 day at a time I’m improving all areas of my life, starting by the fundamentals.
I want to support the people willing to put in the work but don’t know where to start. The world needs to know Heroic. Heroic must take over all the misconceptions the world lives in, wake up people, and leave the crowd. There is something bigger for all of us, and some people don’t even know! They don’t know they have the potential to reach the peak and aspire to a better life! I want more Heroic people around me. I want to change their world, 1 by 1, and that’s how, altogether, we’ll change the world."
"I love Heroic- I think it is the best program/system/app available. I truly think it's phenomenal."
"It is the best program out there - I am a class 4 graduate and I know from personal experience that results are inevitable when you show up and do the work."
"How it has benefitted me and the people I've referred and talked to about the program."
"I already share about Heroic because I appreciate the power of the content, programme, community and hope it brings."
"Because it's helped me a lot, had gotten me through some really rough patches, I've shared it with my wife and I love the big picture and goals Brian shares. I also want to make the world a better place, and Brian and Heroic have helped me be a better person, and there's still lots of room for growth."
"It’s the BEST platform there is to train heroes and it’s exactly what the world needs right now."
"Having completed various executive coaching, business and in a past career, elite military courses, over many years, and even ran Commando training for the Royal Marines, this programme, the Heroic App, content, philosophy, community, ambition, intent…is by far the most exciting and literally heroic journey I have ever experienced. Being part of this community has saved my life and helped me rebuild from zero in the face of divorce and treatment for PTS. Day one every day for the last 10 months. I’m an author, speaker on Stoicism, lecturer in inclusive leadership and business owner, meditation teacher and breathework coach and I use the Heroic principles in every part of my energy, every part of my work and of course love. I’m neither a cynic nor a zealot, my balanced view is that this programme, by helping me be an example, is what our communities and businesses need. I’m not a loud social media influencer, I’m a quiet professional. My clients, friends, family and students are already changed by their contact with the programme through me."
"I have always been inspired by Brian and what you are trying to achieve as your big hairy goal and whilst my soul force score is embarrassing I still live in the app daily and I already share the wisdom and the messages daily in my practice as a business owner and coach."
"The content produced by the team is awesome and can definitely change lifes for the better. Being able to share that is an honor."
"Real potential to change people's lives."
"I’ve seen the difference it is making I’m my life and I want everyone to experience that kind of transformation."
"My experience with Heroic leads me to perceive that other souls (youth and adults) can benefit greatly from the ancient and modern wisdom and practice framework."
"Help people to become better"
"Brian and Heroic are changing lives for the better every single day. Everyone should have access to this wisdom so they can move from theory to practice to mastery every day!"
"Absolutely - We need to make it easy to integrate into all daily conversations....and make the movement rise. Leaders we all are."
"As a Hero I feel it is my life mission."
"Possibility to inspire local communities."
"I want to be part of something bigger than myself that leaves a deep positive mark in the world."
"Joining and practicing Heroic has simply changed my way of being, only for the better!"
"It helps me being a better person, every day."
"The conepts are effective, practical and evidence based."
"How much you can improve your life through Heroic practices."
"Changing the world one person at a time starting with me.I love the opportunity to share wisdom and engage in practice."
"I love heroic and want to change the world."
"I absolutely love the programme and it has changed my life in so many areas that I want to help other to also feel great, step through their fear (if I can do it anyone can 🙌) so inspired by Brian and the community. Brain has coached me a few times and I am now running workshops and coaching clients. The donut shop is open the old me would have still been on the starting line thinking and reading books. I am now in action wooo 🥳 after trying many self development things this works. No longer just a librarian I want to help others to move from the theory, to the practice to the mastery."
"Because I know that the work to achieve 51% of humanity flourishing is not a one-man work. We need more people. Heroic and Brian changed my life and I feel that I need to contribute by helping others."
"Because being impacted by the soul force that Heroic and Brian for over 10 years has changed the way I see and experience the world. I pay it forward with how I AM with other people and would love to contribute to Heroic Growth."
"As many other’s say in the mastery sessions: “It changes lives for the better.”
"I want to share what I have learned and my newfound strength with others"
"It is the consolidation of my life interests. I am a lifetime learner. I will become the best version of my myself by teaching others."
"It is a great source of knowledge. A companion for all my walks and rides. It helps me everyday see how to best live my life. I have improved a lot since I am using it."
"There is a whole variety of great content in small chunks so I can find something for all of my coaching clients wherever they are in their journey. And the app is powerful for making change."
"I know the difference its made in my life, and that i've been able to make in others as a result. As a teenager and adult, I was prone to mild depression, deeply shy and introverted and lacking in confidence and consistency. These days I'm ... those things still and ... something different. Greeting days with agency and optimism and a bring it on, never perfectly, but more and more consistently. The differences are small, and at the same time utterly profound.
There was a comic i read as a kid. A man wearing a hi-tech suit gets injured and stranded in an alien world. The aliens heal him, but not knowing what was him and what was the suit, he ends up a combination of both. It feels like that sometimes - i'm not sure there's me and the wisdom, or the ideas, or practices anymore. Its some kind of happy, ridiculous and healthier, happier, more useful and kinder hybrid.
It wont be for everyone, but for the right people at the right time, it will be a ripple or a nudge to a different way of being, and for others it will be a life raft or a calling. Ripple or revelation, if i can play a part in connecting people to that, and the changes they will be able to make for themselves and the wider world, then i will."
"To change the world."
"Because it's making a huge difference in my life and I know that the world needs more and more of us to live the best version of ourselves."
"I want to make an impact."
"+1s, Philosopher's Notes."
"Big Heroic fan and investor."
"Since joining the program two years ago, I have made so many positive changes in my life that I want others to benefit too."
"Heroic is incredibly well designed distilling ancient wisdom and modern knowledge & science in a way that people can understand, implement and change their lives to be better in all aspects - energy/health, prosperity and relationships! Brian, Alexandra and the team are so authentic, genuine, generous and very inspiring while the luminary coaches are not only top class in their fields but also incredibly kind, illuminated and inspiring humans who have dedicated their lives to make the world a better, brighter and happier place ! I am so proud to be a Heroic coach and member of this community & cannot wait to spread the love to many others through my coaching and ambassador activities! THANK you for answering the call and inspiring me to do the same !! With Love & gratitude."
"I believe that we live in a world that has an unfortunately acclimated to a negative mindset by default, mostly because people are scared and discouraged by the lack of simple to digest readily digestible resources to guide them. I believe Heroic could be the start to the recovery that they need."
"Brian has been instrumental in improving our lives since we first learned about the Philosopher Notes in 2010. Sharing Heroic is our way of giving back! Plus, this stuff is way too good not to share! <3"
"Might help some one."
"I am all in to be ambassador it is meaningful course to help people become hero in their life."
"Great program."
"We need change."
"I have been all in from the moment I connected with Brian. Heroic has become an important part of my identity. I have always acted as an ambassador, this is just formalizing the process. Heck, I tattooed the logo on my body as a constant reminder of its guiding force in my life. I'm here to be of service to others, there is no higher cause!"
"I finally came on board with my husband and see what a difference it has made in my life!"
"Believer in the movement and leadership of the company and the app."
"Porque está em conformidade com o meu objetivo de vida."
"I think it's very powerful and loving."
"I want to share the process that has changed my life with others! I am a retired school teacher who currently works part time as a personal trainer/coach."
"Because I would have created it if it didn't exist and it changed my life."
"I step by step integrate the learnings and maybe the program itself into what I do professionally (Business Excellence Coaching, Training and Consulting, Focus Lean Six Sigma and Agile, currently). It significantly enriches what I do and even has the potential to change my services in a fundamental way. Heroic helped me personally in a lot of areas and I want to give others the opportunity to experience that themselves."
"To spread the good word baby!"
"It has changed my life for the better. I want everyone to have that experience."
"After a very difficult burnout time, Coach II came at the right moment. I went all-in and never felt greater. It is something I would love to proactively share with as many people as possible. In the Netherlands we currently have a lot of mental and physical health problems and they're increasing fast. There is also a need for connection, a shared community of heroes, people that embrace their best selves and come together to create a healthier society. The momentum is here and it is time to act."
"I believe in the heroic movement. Change the world!"
"To help others improve and learn."
"Making a global and local impact beyond myself and my wife."
"I use HEROIC every single day, and ready every +1. Although I struggle with completing one of my 9 daily goals, it gives me the guidance to go out there every single day and BRING IT ON. My life and energy is so much better because of it, and I want to share it more with my clients and business partners. To get a financial High Five will help me a lot, as I am financially struggling and know that I am best if I can alleviate the financial burdens a bit."
"Because I believe in compound effects and love as the ultimate creation force of our universe with infinite energy, beauty and potential. My consciences recognizes that more than ever before
- we need more heroes, self bestowed geniuses.
From my own objective interpretation of my self, my actions and in opinions of people who really know me, without a shadow of doubt:
- LOVE is my superpower. (Via institute test has also confirmed it:)
As the descendand of infinite Universe who believes in miracles, love as the ultimate force of creation I am the man with multitudes, questioning all human conventions.
And I've ALWAYS been standing out for courageously doing things in my own way, ever since I can remember. I am natural, practicing Stoic, philosopher on the lifetime exploration quest in search for truth, beauty and potential... on the mission as the warrior of the light force.
I am practicing everything I learned in my life and from Optimize/Heroic, in my way - 8th year now. Never before I felt as powerful and have never been as disciplined and continually spiraling up, in such a joyfully and enthusiastic manner - no matter the weather... :)
It is always most rewarding to me when I can really help another human being or a living creature.
Everything I am continually thriving to do is about minimizing the UNNECESSARY human suffering by spreading energy in formation, WISDOM, EMPATHY...
- with dedication to our current, next generations and our MIRACULOUS planet EARTH.
"The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea.”
"Because it helps people to change their life and to become a heroe of their own lives."
"Both my father and grandfather committed suicide. I have the gene of bipolar and the information, community, and coaching in Heroic have impacted my life such a positive way. Also I teach teens and kid martial arts and the 2nd leading cause of death for adolescents is suicide. Heroic I believe is self-defense for the mind and that is why I’m excited to share it."
"I am a coach and its aligned with my beliefs."
"To be the difference in this world and help bridge what divides us as a country by being the difference instead waiting for someone else to save us."
"Because the goal of 51% by 2051 requires us all to get behind it. Why not share something that will improve others lives, it’s a no brainer. Share the love. We all deserve to feel better, to feel joy, to know peace."
"It has really helped me focus and get excited about life. After having my son during covid, everything felt hard and just trying to survive. This has put a new spin on life and makes me excited to get up on the morning."
"I am beyond excited to be an Ambassador for the Heroic training course. This program has had such a profound impact on my life, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share it with others.
Before I started the Heroic training, I was struggling in many areas of my life. I was feeling unfulfilled in my career, disconnected from my spouse, and unsure of my role in the community. But through the training, I learned the importance of Wisdom, Self-Mastery, Courage, Love, Gratitude, Curiosity, Zest, and Hope.
By practicing these values daily, I have become a better man. I have more clarity and focus in my career, and I feel a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. I have also become a better spouse, learning how to communicate more effectively with my partner and deepen our connection. And as a community leader, I have found ways to give back and make a positive impact.
One of the things I love about the Heroic training is that it's not just about personal growth. It's about using your own growth and development to positively impact those around you. As an Ambassador, I have the opportunity to share what I've learned with others and help them on their own journey of self-discovery.
I truly believe that the world would be a better place if more people practiced these values. And I am honored to be a part of a program that is helping to make that a reality."
"The minute I saw it I knew it was just what I had been looking for to operationalize the things I wanted to do to maximize my potential across the spectrum. Immediately signed up for lifetime access and has just gotten better."
"I love the program and am considering becoming a coach upon completion of Class XV."
"Heroic is amazing and has changed my life so much. In such a broken world, it’s great to see such a positive message and soul force spreading all over the world. I would love to help continue to spread it in any way I can."
"I think there is an opportunity to connect with businesses and already built communities and leverage their inbuilt communication to share the Heroic platform."
"I am excited to share because it has helped make me a Hero in my own life. It has been such a positive change in my life that I would like to pass it on to others, help them in their Heroic quest, and support Brian’s and our community’s dream of 51/2051."
"I LOVE the program! I loved it so much, I signed-up my wife who has also become a coach & I signed-up two friends who have also become coaches and are using it in their professional lives. The program is simply amazing. Now I'm working thru details with my teenage boys and my boss."
"Changing the world takes US spreading the word of how amazing the HEROIC app is at optimizing your life force so that we can are share our wisdom, special gifts and love of the 51/2051 mission. ❤️"
"I love the content and mission!"
"Despite my lack of a Soul Force score right now, Heroic (and originally Optimize) has helped me become a far stronger, more resilient person over a relatively short time period. It's radically changed the way I think about myself and react to difficult situations, and encouraged me to view the world with hope. I just underwent a fairly intensive double jaw surgery, and while it may have knocked me out of my routine, the emotional stamina I had built over the year+ before surgery is what helped me better weather the storm, and turn the normally unpleasant recovery (liquid diet, jaw wired shut for 6 weeks) into a great opportunity to spend more time with my parents and siblings and reflect on the blessings and virtues I've been given by my family. I also have firmly come to believe that Heroic is THE best self-development platform in the world - I used to dream of making a community like Heroic, but when I came across Brian and the team's work - I knew I couldn't do it any better than what you all already have!"
"I believe in the work Heroic is doing. Want to help spread the word."
"It’s the best resource for growth content and support out there."
"It's been helpful to some of my friends. I already share quotes from the Heroic app on a regular basis to friends that I think would find value in it and they often do! 😊"
"Heroic has changed and impacted my life in so many ways. First, the content of the Coach program was deeply transformative for me. I am flourishing more than ever before and fiercely approaching challenges. Second, the coaching from Brian, Michael and Alexandra is nothing short of astonishing and truly helped me go next level a number of times. Finally, the community is what makes this program so unique. I have developed strong friendships and connections with people from across the world, and both received tremendous support and been able to support other Heroes. There is really nothing like this and I would LOVE to be able to share this more broadly in my community."
"I love the philosophy, the 101s and life giving and changing content that our world needs to hear."
"I have already been sharing heroic. Is a movement that changed my life. So I know first hand from experience the power and impact of becoming heroic. Even thought I’m still a work in progress, I want other people to feel like I feel now, to experience the positive change, the build in resilience the lack of depressive relapses even when the going gets the toughest. This are life changing things that I haven’t experienced with any other coaching, program or reading or course. The real question is why wouldn’t I want to share it??"
"Because I love how it has improved my life."
"My life was accelerated beyond belief when I found Heroic. I've been a proud iconoclast in the often pedantic and bro-centric finance world, and I run a global team of heroes that I helped find their own Eudaimons as I went through the Heroic Mastery/Coach program and bled the knowledge across the world. I love this movement, and I love the way I feel every day when I wake up and start hitting my own targets. I also see a world that can surpass all expectations and flourish so that we leave this place WAY better than how we found it. Let's do this!"
"It's changing my life and I want to help others improve theirs!"
"Love the education and motivation! It keeps me engaged and looking forward to great days and being my best."
"Heroic aligns with my personal philosophy, my practice, that I've been evolving for the past 15 years, my whole life really, AND, it takes it to the next level, exponentially, "operationalizing the virtues" with the app, the volume of work Brian has but together, the organization of the material, the website, etc... It's a philosophy, a practice, that I live and share with family and friends already, now, but it is so much easier, more comprehensive."
"I work at Lehigh University and a lot of students, faculty, and staff respect my opinions and look up to me. I would like to share the wealth of goodness that I have learned and gained from Heroic with the world. I also spend time in the UAE (Abu Dhabi and Dubai) and Sri Lanka often and would like to introduce my networks in those countries to Heroic as well."
"There’s no other program of its kind anywhere to share it with the world would be a honor."
"It is what will change the world and part of my mission."
"It is the most impactful lever to move the consciousness of the modern world."
"It improved my life and I know it will improve the lives of others. I would also like to serve profoundly as a coach."
"It’s changed my habits, mindset and character optimizing daily to become the best version of myself this side of heaven."
"Out of all the coaching programs and like I’ve touched upon or spent time in and around (Canfield, Burchard, Ultimate Life, CoachVille, Barrett Values) nothing has “lit me up” as much as Heroic. To drive flourishing on my second mountain, I will guide others in the same way (already started just be applying what I already know in a short time). To my knowledge there is nothing like this in the U.K.). It is so needed."
"Excited??? I am FIRED UP. I am beyond FIRED UP because Heroic has changed my life, and I know it can and will change the lives of so many other people.
So, to be more specific and to just name one of many stories and situations... my husband left on a business trip for four weeks, I was single parenting while pregnant with no family support around. My daughter got sick with the norovirus, then I got it too (walked around the house with a bucket). I was finally better and excited for the weekend when my son got the stomach bug. It was a lot of cleaning up (he was less good with the bucket!), and yet I still smiled that the kitchen floor was clean for all of 15 min until my two-year-old had supper! In between taking care of emergencies left, right, and center all day long, at 7 months pregnant, I squeezed in a 30 min workout (while they napped/rested) and I sat down on the couch that night tired but grateful for how I showed up today, for myself and my family. Mindful of the fact that things could be way worse, at peace with the situation, and that my “bring it on” mentality carried me, once again, through my challenging day. I have learned and embraced that obstacles make me stronger. I have perfected my fundamentals and created positive and effective habits prioritizing self-care, making me choose to step forward into growth rather backward into safety. I have the perseverance to show up, today and every day, as the best version of myself in energy, work, and love more and more often (not perfectly).
This was a moment that many people can probably relate to, it could have gone sideways but instead, it went the opposite.... thanks to what I have learned from Brian, Michael, and Alexandra through this program. I am forever grateful for Heroic to live my best life. I need to make other people realize the potential they have and that they can be the best version of themselves as well. I am an ambassador already... :) but I would love to be an official one too!"
"The content has helped me move from theory to practice and I’d like to help others do that."
"It works, the energy is great as is the vision. Great set of materials and way to share."
"Simple - to be part of the movement (51% by 2051) and support male vulnerability."
"Everything!!! I've already created a Youtube video about Heroic Coach and I love sharing the practical aspect of the program. Habit building, master piece days, the fundies."
"This is the future, both your Heroic vision of flourishing and the Ambassador/Affiliate model of business and income generation, an idea whose time has come. Love it and I am honoured to participate."
"Because it has changed my life and I’m excited to share with others!!"
"To help share the wisdom with people who need it."
"I love what they stand for and want to help people reach their potential."
"It is changing me, my life, my family to much better. I would like to share it further!"
"Heroic is changing my life, and it’s a wonderful resource. I would love to help spread the word and get more people using it."
"It’s changing my life. I want to share the gifts of Heroic."
"It's an amazing program."
"It teaches the foundational principles to be healthy emotionally and physically while also creating both a community and habit tracker to hold you accountable."
"It has changed my life within one year, and I want to help others experience this."
"It has changed my life and my coaching practice. I want to help equip others."
"It has changed my life and mindset. I want to help others."
"The moment I learned about Heroic on Wefunder in March of 2021, I knew it was a movement I could get behind. Although it took some time for me to acclimate to the app and the Coach program, they are so well structured as to be life transformative. They both have helped me create the daily habits to transition to a new career (writing books for children), have more energy, feel better, and have more loving relationships. Heroic can do the same and more for many, many other people."
"Give others the tools to live their best, most virtuous heroic life."
"It's an amazing organization and philosophy for people to grow and move to a better level for themselves and people around them. Excited to create a positive change in the world through the Heroic ripple effect... Gandhi's quote "Be the change you want to see in the world" has always been my motto and now I found a place to be part of an amazing group to help me be the change, and help others to join in!"
"I have 3 coach certifications and the Heroic coach program is by far the best investment in coaching that I’ve ever made. Heroic has been personally transformative to me. I was battling cancer while attending Class 3 and the Heroic program kept me positive and helped me move from a victim mindset to a growth mindset. The Heroic app has helped me install/delete habits. I’ve utilized what I’ve learned at work and in my relationships and both are thriving. Lastly, I’m motivated to become a coach myself and share the Heroic wisdom with the world."
"Everyone can benefit from Brian’s wisdom, from coaching, and from the collected wisdom of all of the luminaries he shares. Good (Heroic) coaches benefit everyone they touch in unique ways—because of what they reflect in the world, how they connect with coachees, and because every coachee relates to the world differently/receives and digests coaching uniquely. Those coaches are also radiant exemplars."
"Only together can we truly grow. Only together can we truly help others grow. Only together can we truly affect the positive changes the world so desperately needs."
"I normally share the sources I have found to be helpful with people who seem interested in it and who might benefit from it. It's just something I do to be helpful and to support people in their development."
"Love helping people connect to personal growth tools."
"51 | 2051."
"So it can benefit everyone."
"Because it will benefit mankind and there is urgent need raise up thought."
"The protocols I learned and reinforce through using the app help keep me grounded and feeling my best as I travel to find a place to try in as home. I love to travel and the truth is might be happy bouncing around for a while. My protocols allow me to make the most of my time by feeling my best and knowing what to do when I don't. I want to share that gift with other people."
"Ever since I have been following Brian (for 16 years already) I have been sharing his work with others. And it is just getting better every day!
I am using the app on a daily basis since the start of the Mastery program and I love it!
People often ask me: are you a sales person for that company since you promote their benefits so well?!
So I will keep doing that anyway!"
"More wisdom in less time."
"Achieving mastery by showing up as my best self every day, no matter what. Putting my virtues into action by following the ultimate game of life: to serve heroically. Tracking and optimizing my habits to make me positively addicted to doing all of the things that I know are best for me."
"It’s beneficial to others."
"I believe in your mission and your program."
"I'm constantly telling people what I'm doing in my coach progress! I'm excited to start my coaching and speaking business and help others prosper!"
"I am excited to share a program that works. The daily notes, book summaries and coaching programs work together to continually improve. I am already sharing this with friends, family, and colleagues."
"The wisdom in its simplicity is Life Changing."
"This program in a lifesaver and changer for all manner of souls!"
"Love the mission/vision and want share."
"The Heroic Theory - Practice - Mastery program, app and amazing team / teachers has made a significant impact on my life and are changing the lives of others. I am excited to contribute in any way I can to get the word out and to share my Heroic experience with others and be part of this growing movement. I continue to move from Practice to Mastery and can share my own Heroic journey and share the Heroic content, app and various programs to others I am in contact with. My goal is to integrate Heroic into my current consulting, training and coaching business."
"It’s amazing 🤩 and I love it. 🥰"
"Brian is one of my Heroes. Optimize/Heroic changed my life. The world will benefit from this!"
"The + 1s are always the highlight of my day when I make time for them. It is import to know that we are not alone and all of us have similar things in our lives."
"I have learned how to apply so much wisdom and have enjoyed teaching my kids the athletes that I coach in sports that I’ve decided I want to coach athletes and students as a performance coach."
"It helps you to find your own way in this world."
"Program can change lives."
"I'm excited to share because it's helped me get more organized and accountable to myself. The unbiased, scientific, fact based approach appeals to me and I love sharing what I've learned and the things that inspired me to reevaluate my habits."
"I like to help people create a better life."
"+1 all the way baby!!!!"
"To improve and encourage others, to share wisdom, to help people out of negativity."
"To be and help others to become the best version of self."
"It has helped me change my life."
"It worked for me! It works for my clients!"
"I am excited to share the resources that have helped me get through one of the darkest times of my life."
"Because it is changing my life for the better and I've never seen anything like it."
"Excites me every day to start the app and complete the targets, it changed my thinking and my way of doing. That's why I'm excited to share it with others as I know it will make a change for them too."
"Through Heroic Coach I was inspired to be the best version of myself and I want to share that with others."
"It’s THE best approach to self development i have found!"
"It’s changed by life by keeping me more focused and disciplined and has helped me create more energy for my family and team at work."
"An amazing tool to help people to be the best version of themselves."
"Because it is the most powerful, transformative program that I've ever experienced. Heroic has changed my life and has inspired me to show up as the best version of myself every day since I started the program in January 2022. As a small business owner, a husband, and a father, Heroic has impacted every aspect of my life. I want to share what I've learned with others in pursuit of Brian's 2051 goal."
"Because I can't even quantify the change it has provided for me."
"Value of daily process and how drives more virtue daily. Depth of the wisdom the team shares. Incredible community of Hero's."
"Great program that makes a difference."
"For years, I have been following Brian and all the info/research he provides. I have applied my new knowledge to make small changes in my behaviors, actions and habits = practical applications. As you probably have guessed, this most definitely has positively changed my life for the better. I have worked in the field of Social Work and I am excited to share Heroic with the population of people I work with- children, teens and families from at risk communities. Also, I am excited about the field of LIfestyle Medicine as people seek to change their dietary and life style choices, as well as decrease and/or cease their alcohol use."
"Heroic has helped me optimize and actualize all the knowledge I've learned in personal development and leadership from theory, to practice, and to mastery."
"It’s been transformative for me. I mention Heroic in my blog at times. I believe in the Heroic mission and the benefits of Heroic."
"It is the best personal development platform I've ever used and EVERYONE needs to give it a shot."
"I keep telling all my people about it and things I learn each day!"
"Heroic has changed my life and I’m so grateful. I had already decided to share my experience and what I have learned. This is amazing, thanks 🙏"
"It’s focus on learning the theory of sustainable flourishing and the support needed to put it into practice consistently."
"The world needs this."
"It's life changing."
"Very excited. Life changing."
"I'm coaching dads, we need stronger more capable present dads out there."
"I've found the resources to be invaluable and extremely helpful in my own life. I was literally teaching a friend today about "Bring it On!", because I'm really passionate about this stuff."
"Love the ease and efficiency in recommitting to and tracking progress in my valued actions toward + change."
"I loved it when I first joined & really needed it...and still do..I think a LOT of other people will Love it and need it as well. :)"
"Because it has helped me to get excited and better myself."
"It has helped me to get better every day so I’d like to help others get better every day."
"Because it has made a huge difference for .e and I believe it can truly help others who want to help themselves."
"It’s the right thing to do towards tikun olam, healing the world. It brings together so many of my favorite teachings in an accessible and engaging way with a dynamite community. I feel daily increased flourishing since starting coach class xiii, and have connected with buddies who cheer me on daily as I cheer them on with the guidance of our daimon."
"To help others reach their goal."
"Because it has made a large impact on my life and would be awesome to share at the highest level."
"I'm Brian's #1 fan. I welcome all challengers on this one!"
"I've been a coach for years, I facilitate leadership classes, I've been committed to personal development for decades, my life's mission is helping others grow and be the best version of themselves. I've NEVER found a better tool then Heroic and systematizing practical wisdom 🙌💪❤️ It's had a profound impact on me and how I play all my roles - personal and professional."
"I believe in your mission! This is one of the best programs in personal development. I am a Director of HR and have been working with various methods to bring out the best in others. Heroic hands down is the best."
"Because I already go out to my community and provide functional medicine presentations and give out whole food distributions. I do a lot of face to face. and I do not get paid for this at all. Its all volunteering and I love it, however the idea of earning some small commissions for this ground breaking work is too much to handle:)))))) Especially when my monthly total income is $986.00 most of which 75% is spent on school out of pocket so this this would be supportive for sure. NO NO more like a dream come true..."
"This program has helped me achieve my potential over the last 18 months."
"The +1's have become part of my daily routine. The PN's have provided me greater access to knowledge and inspiration by broadening perspective. I appreciate the concept of Theory - Practice - Mastery."
"Spread the Wisdom."
"It's an honor to be part of something that's a 1000 times bigger than me that aligns with my values, vision & mission to inspire heroic living before I expire & simply excited to share the positive impact Heroic has made on my life. 😊"
"I find it helpful and inspiring."
"I’m a business owner and I really would love my employees and clients to go through this training!"
"Help others live their greatest life possible!"
"It has everything anyone needs to thrive in life!"
"Because our society is sick and aimless and the knowledge and tools that Heroic contains can change everything."
"The biggest reason is the change that has taken place within my life once I stopped focusing on being entertained but applied myself to actualizing my journey to self realization. Other have seen this and each ask what I did. I always share Heroic."
"I found it as a practical approach to implement the changes I always wanted to see in myself. I am sure it will help others as well. Super excited to see myself helping others to be a new version they always dreamt of."
"I have been sharing Heroic with all of the folks that I lead and coach."
"Heroic provides an amazing framework for us to develop our growth and craft our life in a way that is specific for each of us."
"Heroic and its previous iterations have all been life changing for me. The inspiration and spark that started as a Calgary En*theos ambassador still lives strong. Our world and humanity requires us to come together strong and as a united force, to forge the change in ourselves and the world."
"Because it has already changed me and changed my life for the better since I joined - and I've been in numerous programs looking for that type of massive and sustained transformation. Nothing has come close to what Heroic has created with Brian's targeted, synthesized wisdom + the Heroic app to codify new habits, mindsets, behaviors, language, and more."
"I want others to experience the improvements I have had."
"Because it has truly helped change the way I live and approach life."
"I keep coming back to how this is actually being the change the world needs!!!"
"I am a middle school Math teacher and a life coach. My school has a program called Advisory where students connect with a teacher in an environment without grades. We meet twice a month and discuss things like goals, gratitude, empathy, etc. I would love to introduce my school community to Heroic content like the importance of eating, moving and sleeping; PM and AM bookends, etc. I think many of the Plus 1’s and Philosophers Notes would greatly benefit are school community and provide a great springboard to discussing these important topics with students."
"Because it has significantly improved my life and I know it can greatly benefit others as well. Also, I'm a life coach and I am using it in my coaching practice."
"To change the world we need to reach the critical mass needed for a consciousness shift. The Heroic community is a powerful catalyzer to reach an Activation point of transformation at a global scale."
"It optimizes life!!"
"Because it’s changed my life!"
"A couple of years ago, I took part in Heroic Coach, and at the time, I had no idea how much of an impact it would have on my life. I was moved by it. When I revisited Tony's guidance, I realised that Bri was providing deeper insights. I did not qualify for a coaching certificate, but I did apply for and want to pursue a full scholarship this year. Because of what Heroic Coach has done for me, I am convinced of its transformative potential. I hope to one day become a change agent ambassador. To all the Heroes, may the force be with you!"
"I love the foundation it gives me to keep my focus and fundamentals strong. It is a platform and culmination of the content that I am passionate about also."
"Changing the world."
"Because I believe in it (Heroic, Optimize, Brian) enough that I always come back to it even though I am not very consistent. It keeps me moving forward
when things are good, from falling too far when things are bad, and gets me back on track when I've wandered away. It takes heroic measures just to get through the day sometimes, and everyone deserves to have someone believe that they can be Heroic."
"I want to spread the word and help others to be the best versions of themselves everyday."
"I often want to send the videos to people and find myself limited - this is a great win-win.
I think the content is life changing and I want to be able to spread that message."
"An entirely new way for self improvement."
"Heroic changed my life."
"Because a more heroic world is a more virtuous and thus more loving and healed world."
"Life changing."
"I have been connecting with Heroic support and have lots of reasons!"
"Heroic changed my life forever and know I know how to play the ultimate game well!"
"It’s perfect for Functional Medicine Coaches like myself - perfect complement to AFCM or SAFM studies."
"I love being able to share "more wisdom in less time" and the framework on the app to get clear on your virtue goals + live into them every day. (hmmmm.... I better recommit, eh?)"
"I believe in supporting the Evolution of Humanity!!!"
"Because it’s a dream of mine for everyone to know that they are loved and their unique existence only makes the world more lovable if only they dare to share their uniqueness. And the only way for anyone to be brave to do that is when they never give up on themselves regardless of what happens to them.
Heroic will be the force to help anyone and everyone be their best self the best possible way. In result, my dream of having more love in this world will come into fruition….goosebumps"
"Excellent and thorough content."
"I got lot of value from Philosopher's Notes and I am sure this program has more to offer."
"I have seen it work!!"
"Yes, very excited about the possibilities."
"It changes lives and does good for the world."
"My myself, my wife and my kids have been struggling for years to not just barely get through each day due to health challenges. I am getting so much energy courage and Love having just started Heroic coach XV and I want to continue to transform my life and help other precious struggling souls who are my dear Heavenly Family members."
"I already share with my team. More wisdom in less time. I believe it all starts with exciting people to engage with Brian's content. It's the journey most of us had. We read all the PhNs, wanted to have a closer interaction with Brian, and it's the micro movements (cf Charles Duhig Power of Habit how to start a movement)."
"Because I have the shared target of 51|2051 and I believe in this heroic vision."
"Every single morning I've spent hours of personal time reading heroic content and have taken so much advantage of the excellent beautiful summarized wisdom. I want to help others to take advantage of this as well."
"I’m excited to share Heroic because I know it works. It’s helped me grow and change my life for the better. I’m healthier, my relationships are better, I’m getting more done, I’m getting the right things done, I’m making more money, I’m reading more books…I could go on, but I’ll simply say my life is better because of Heroic. I believe in the mission and want to be a part of the team carrying it out."
"I am doing it already and would love to have some support. :)"
"Few things bring more joy and meaning to my life than teaching and practicing the tools that have altered my life so richly."
"It feels good! I gotta think others want to feel good."
"Let’s bring the rights practical Heroic instruments and tools to the people who is willing change themselves first then be able to share with other people the experience to make the World more Heroic. 😊"
"Heroic program works!!! And this program help me change my life!"
"It's the positive intention and the knowledge base."
"Spread the word to help others."
"Because its worthwhile, exciting ,virtue driven, works, best training and development app..."
"To help others on their journey to a version of their heroic self."
"That it is a crucial component of my daily growth and development."
"I have looked almost my whole life for something that I can commit to that is bigger than me - We can only live in peace if we understand ourselves and others by committing every breath we have to find our and others full potential as a human being - being a Heroic ambassador with all what it gives, gives me the possibility to se humans grow and help me and others to have a growing mindset."
"It is life changing and it can be the answer to the social dilemma. The world needs heroes now more than ever and Brian is the leader I want to follow into this battle."
"I'm happy to see people growing up to their full potential, and be surrounded with people who are also flourishing."
"I have been sharing Brians work, mostly via Philosopher’s Notes for almost 20 years with my colleagues and friends. I have a local community group who have started using the App and I am keen to expand more broadly to help meet the HEROIC 2051 target.
Personally I've found the accountability of the App to follow through my intentions as the most powerful self development I have ever experienced."
"This will empower me to fullfil my life mission (to help/coach others to discover and conquer the optimal version of oneself so they can create their own fullfilled life, based on their unique life purpose)."
"Because it's what most society needs at the moment to guarantee a better world and to help human beings to evolve in the best way possible. Heroic is the missing Guide, the absolute Manual to live a life of purpose, develop virtues and create a strong and unique Self Identity and live in alignment with that."
"It is wisdom applied."
"The program has changed the way I interact with the world and has benefited me greatly. I am in the United States Air Force; I am stationed in Japan. Slowly but surely, I have passed on many teachings to my troops and the principles have remained just as useful for them as they were for me. Additionally, I am a teacher so using my Heroic coaching skills has come in handy quite a bit. I play a major part in our resilience program and actively teach some form of resilience, usually to include a heroic concept or two or three, several times a week."
"I’m passionate about the mission and have personally found Heroic to be life changing!"
"Because everything in life boils down to self awareness."
"This has the power to change so many lives and I want to help make that happen. I always have a good day when I’ve taken onboard some of the amazing content."
"Heroic is amazing."
"I’ll answer this by explaining what my community would look like in the absence of Heroic (ie: the current situation):
- A nation disillusioned by crippling corruption who feels entitled to positive change, but is only equipped with victim-thinking
- The world’s highest youth unemployment rate, 80% (!!!) with insufficient opportunities from the state for employment
- 29 years ago, South Africa was freed from apartheid, but most people still don’t know how to harness that freedom for constructive change.
Each of these societal issues is complex and will not disappear overnight, even within the next few years. BUT, what can and must change is how South Africans respond to these challenges. We’ve got excellent exemplars (Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and Shaka Zulu to name a few) but the dominant culture is pessimistic, self-destructive, and negative. I know that sharing Heroic in SA will have a huge impact on the development of Heroes here, especially with the appropriate support (getting the rich to pay full price and the poor to apply for scholarships with English translation, since it’s not everyone’s home language.)(I’m getting all Robin Hood already, lol)"
"I am on a become better daily journey, it's been one fantastic challenge after another."
"Brian's wisdom has given me the tools to completely change my life, and I would love to help others to do the same."
"I've been an affiliate in the past. I love sharing this program as it combines all the things I love. Science with philosophy."
"It’s full of life wisdom."
"I'm seeing the benefits personally, and I just love the ethos of the whole Heroic mission. It aligns closely with how I view the world and want to help spread it more widely."
"I see Heroic as a light in a dark time."
"Because of how positively it has impacted my life. People around me keep asking what I'm doing and want to learn from me."
"I have seen the profound impact on my life and the people I’ve introduced it to."
"I believe it can help change lives."
"I have seen amazing results in my own life and am super excited to share the WINs with others."
"Changes and transforms your life."
"To create a better world. I support Brian’s vision."
"Beneficial for everyone."
"I have been already shared amongst my community and it now forms part of my eliciting others to live their best life in my coaching, mentoring and consulting practice."
"It’s been 851 days that I am on the Heroic path which was The first day of Coach IV program. This has been an epic journey & the most transformative period of my life. I want to share that with the world!"
"I am over the wall ecstatic about Heroic. I have been yearning for a community that wants to be their best selves each and every day. I have been learning for years about ancient wisdom and current science. Finding Heroic a few months ago was a god send. I was ALL IN after a week. This community is not only saying they want to be their Most Heroic Self, they are bringing the research and actions to make it happen.
Heroic is perfect for absorbing large concepts from powerful people and books in shorter amounts of time. We can gain centuries of wisdom in mere hours. The story of Viktor Frankl enduring the Nazi concentration camp and yet finding strength not just for himself but for others reminds me of the definition of what a hero is and does. Imagine what we can accomplish utilizing the wisdom of countless leaders.
Another reason I am excited is when I witness individuals accomplish something they once believed was impossible. They experience a moment of realization, thinking to themselves, "Wow, if I can achieve this, what other possibilities are out there?" That realization fires me up! This is where dreams get their fuel, this is where creativity starts to blossom, grow, explode! We are becoming heroes. We are creating heroes! No, the hero was always within us, we are a catalyst to UNLEASHING the inner Hero. How can I not become so pumped for this?!? This is going to change the trajectory of human history. Being a part of this revolution is humbling, motivating, and invigorating."
"I am excited to be in service to change lives."
"I fully believe in Heroic and your goal! I’ve witnessed my own growth and growth in others!"
"Heroic is changing my life. And I want to share with those around me to have the same experience."
"I'm ready to change the world with you!"
"Brian’s wisdom through Optimize changed my and my wife’s life, lead us to have our son and transformed our experience of life!!"
"Because I love people and wish the very best for them!"
"Heroic has transformed my life, work, energy and my relationships. Because of Heroic, I was able to face my fears, commit to doing work experts in the field told me was not possible and my team is crushing it. I don’t know I would have had the discipline to persevere through the obstacles without Heroic, the Heroic Team and optimize before Heroic. I am 61, I am stronger and more capable than I have ever been."
"Because I've always promoted PNs, Optimize, and Heroic, and appreciate a more convenient way to do this. As well as recognition for it."
"I have spent alot of time in the self development space and Heroic is the best platform I have found. I love helping others and I believe that self help is the foundation of how I can do this."
"This program has helped me improve the quality of my life by getting clear on what my purpose in life is. Heroic also has helped me dramatically improve my health and I have been sober the longest I have ever been. I am happy to say that is approaching 1 year now! Thank you Heroic!!"
"Heroic offers not only wealth of information but a road map to live a better life"
"Heroic is a valuable resource and one that I look forward to because of how much knowledge is stored on it."
"I want other people to feel what heroic energy is all about.
Heroic is the launchpad for heroes that can create a new societal paradigm where people can truly understand each other and flourish together. Saying I am doing this only out of generosity for others would be an overstatement. Of course, I want others to feel what it is to be the best version of themselves. Still, I also know that when others around me are chasing excellence, my performance tends to skyrocket. Ultimately, I am joining this army because not joining would be not playing the "impossible" game (The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler)."
"It has great change my life and the life of my family! The impact and way you guys live out what you teach will continue to make a global impact! You provide all that’s needed to live into your full potential!"
"Believe there is the potential to help others truly flourish and help build a better world."
"Heroic has impacted me personally over the past 2 years and in every interaction, conversation, challenge I apply what I’ve learned. I’ve installed so many great habits despite my tracking efforts being underwhelming in the app. Heroic has helped me to find a purpose beyond myself, be kinder to my spouse and parents, and be a better leader in my company."
"I believe it would be beneficial to my clients which I serve as career coach."
"It has always been my dream to help empower others, especially young children. I am feeling blessed that I now see a clear path to do so."
"Heroic challenges me to show up as my best self in my work, energy, and love. I love thinking of myself as a hero. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety. I have survived these illnesses and continue to strive to be the best, most heroic version of myself. I would love to be able to share Heroic to inspire others to do the same."
"A powerful method for growth."
"Positive Intelligence and Productive Action need to be widely available if we are going to reach our greatest potential. We are all one."
"I am a high school teacher. Getting kids connected with the wisdom from Heroic is a game-changer in reaching the 51/51 target -- and I am ALL IN!"
"It changed my life in setting up daily protocols. The amount of information and life skills provided is amazing. I believe in the process. I also know that when you fail to follow the protocols your like can become shall we say unruly and out of control."
"I'm excited to donate any of my "referral fees" to those in need, great way to build the scholarship program."
"I use it daily and it’s changed my life!"
"I’ve been on my hero’s journey- the last 24 months. Every step I needed assistance it appears. Itis awake and alive and if I can share this wisdom with the world then all the better for the world. I’m releasing a one year poetry journey on Instagram about the hero’s journey and this would be a perfect match."
"It’s been an incredible benefit to me and I want to share it with others."
"Ancient wisdom for the modern age. Loads of people can benefit from this. We all owe it to the our circles to be the best versions that we can be. Love Brian's (and the team's) energy and commitment."
"I am excited and grateful on how heroic has impacted my life and would like to share that with others as I can."
"Heroic changed my life. I grew up in a fixed mindset household and also lived through different kinds of abuse at the hands of my parents. I always felt that I was missing something as I tried to heal. As it turns out, a fellow Hero put it in the BEST way ever ... all the workshops I attended planted seeds that feel on concrete. This fellow Hero took my breath away when he said that. After years of a not ideal childhood, I was hardened. And it took decades more for me to heal. Heroic was the only community that chipped away fully at that hardened concrete and let the seeds blossom. Heroic SHOWED me how to use a growth mindset to GROW day after day after day."
"Heroic has changed my life. It was good before, but now I am working toward optimizing in every aspect of life and it has been an amazing journey. I want others to experience the same joy through arete."
"I coach using the tools everyday! As a hypnosis practitioner, life coach, and Heroic coach who already shares…I would be thrilled to share more content to my community and clients. To inspire people to optimize their energy, work, and love is my life’s passions! Practical tools, it’s almost like the instruction book for life “they” forgot to give us! 😜"
"Because it has changed my life for the better in every domain."
"It is literally SAVING MY LIFE! I've been in coaching programs for coaches (for the past 6 years), endless searches, but since my progress has been "arrested" by multiple brain injuries: Flew through the windshield at age 5 and again 4 years ago. My Protocol is essential to my survival and FLOURISHING."
"The program has helped me navigate some difficult times in recent years. It has allowed me to regain focus on self-care and take daily steps to become the best version of myself so I can show up daily as a better son, husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend."
"I have been following Brian since 2005. The evolution of the company and its mission has been awesome. I love the philosophy of heroic. I want to share it with my community. I am a registered nurse and have worked through the pandemic and have seen the impact it had with our patients. I believe the people need a framework to get back and excell in their next evolution and I want to share these tools with them."
"It's wisdom & impact."
"I want to share the message with people in recovery."
"So I can help people realize their awesomeness."
"I love new challenges and opportunities to grow in the fitness industry."
"Heroic is the perfect way to get my clients in track!"
"I love the coaching course, the app, and how it can really create positive change. I believe more people need this in their lives!"
"I have been in the program in class XIV and have struggled to keep up but I have seen that my mind is changing even as I struggle to grow. It’s astounding."
"I am exited to share it because it personal change my life so much and made it better. It would be a honor to introduce and spread the message of Heroic."
"Passionate about everything related to Heroic. Continually trying up my own game, and dedicated to helping others do the same!"
"The world needs it right now."
"I love the Heroic mission!"
"Great content and structure."
"To provide an operational functional clearly delineated process for people to change their hearts minds and bodies."
"Because it's the bomb! After years of personal development courses and programs, I have finally found on that brings-it-all-together to equip me to become the true version of my future self! Even without this Ambassador program you are launching, I laud Heroic to all that will put up with me and listen ;) I'm excited because it's the real deal - finally!"
"I think kids and young adults desperately need this sort of positive and healthy information."
"Believe strongly in the mission and the message and the content."
"I believe in what you are doing. I sell employee benefits, and the real solution to our healthcare affordability problem is found in having a world where people actualize the Big 3, especially energy.
I would like to be a coach, but the timing wasn’t right for me. In the meantime, I’d be honored to be an ambassador and get this knowledge into the minds and hearts of more people."
"The world needs forces of positive change and the encouragement to do so."
"It's been a game changer for me in the short time I have used it."
"I would like to help to bring more courage, hope and compassion into the world."
"Because I believe I can make a difference in someone else lives thru Heroic."
"Because the world really needs this wisdom now."
"In today's world, there is a growing need for heroes, and my home country of Germany is no exception. I find great joy in being an inspiring role model ( shining exemplar :-)), demonstrating the power of Heroic. One such example is my personal transformation through the remarkable journey of Coach Class 1, which has had a profound impact on my life."
"After years of being down on myself for a lack of discipline, creating AM and PM bookends, creating morning and evening protocols and incorporating what I’ve learned about algorithms have changed how I approach life. I’m already sharing what I’m learning with others (I’m a corporate trainer and coach and meet regularly with other business owners) so being an ambassador is a natural next step in supporting the HEROIC movement."
"I used Heroic before the rebranding and it helped change my life."
"Such an incredible program. I have been using Heroic/Optimize for a few years now and it has improved my life significantly. I've seen through experience the effect that it can have on people's lives and I want to promote this movement. I still remember the first time using it when I had an upcoming English speech to give to my school (I really didn't like public speaking at the time) and jumped right into public speaking 101 where I still recall Brian's Heroic stories and his journey with public speaking. This app/community/movement helps deliver incredible results, again and again."
"It’s an amazing approach to life."
"Because it helps people translate ideas into action that changes lives. Operationalizing virtue? Yes, please! The world is full of beautiful and incredible teachings and concepts and ideas and theories, but they are of little used to us unless we figure out how to translate them into action. As a Baha’i I have always are two ways of understanding reality. When I learned that heroic marries, ancient wisdom and modern science, and find their points of agreement, and then applies that knowledge to personal and societal progress? Well, I was all in right then. Now add that to the fact that the Baha’i faith teaches that our souls are basically made up of virtues - that’s what we take with us with our bodies die - that is a part of us that is eternal. Virtues are how our soul manifests its power in the world. So ancient wisdom and modern science, in-service of helping people grow their virtues in service to something greater than themselves? The mission of the Baha’i faith in the mission of Heroic are pretty much exactly the same. As far as I know, there are currently five Baha’is in coach group 14. I can only imagine how many Baha’i’s would be beyond stoked to be a part of this program."
"Because of what I said in my Google Play app review September 19, 2022:
Been "doing" personal development for 3 decades but struggling. I lived Brian's origin story - finding Covey, Robbins, Millman and so many others - and "being" overwhelmed! I found Optimize with Brian Johnson's Stoic theory and Practical Wisdom to relate it all. I saw the virtue in action of Heroic in your pocket, to reverse leverage Dopamine. So I became a founding member before Android was released and a lifetime member before my year was up. WHY? Because my best self needs Carpe Punctum!"
"The cores, voice and soul of Heroic had inpacted my life and I want to work hand in hand with heroic to support others to be optimal."
"Because I'm involved in it right from beginning and I can sense it's potential."
"I have just started the Heroic Coach program and am so inspired by the potential I see for myself and my loved ones even after just this short time. I have already started to see how what I am sharing with others in my immediate circle is benefitting them as well, and I truly believe that y'all have hit on something that has the power to change lives. Plus, it's in keeping with my Heroic Work identity as a CHAMPION and . . . it's a little out of my comfort zone (BRING IT ON!!). :) :)"
"I want to improve the lives of my loved ones."
"To help people make change that is lasting."
"How much it has changed my life in only 80 days!"
"Got inspired by the email and the communicated mission. Passioned about self-development and life-long learning through a community of enthusiasts."
"i am encouraged daily to show up as my best self."
"The programme has been life changing for me. The framework that the app and the mastery programme provides is amazing there is so much content out in the world and the heroic app and your approach creates a super efficient way of sourcing and sorting that information in a useful way. Information overload is the modern curse this app helps unravel the onion. There are so many people struggling with various aspects of their lives and I am always passionate about helping them."
"I have been involved in Heroic since 2019. I think that Brian and the team are doing marvellous work. I am wanting to continue my journey of growth and help those I work with as much as I possibly can."
"My dream is to empower and inspire people to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY so they can improve their health."
"I want to help inspire others to become the best versions of themselves."
"I love what you built in Heroic. I think it has the power to change lives (I changed mine) and I have been sharing heroic ever since I did my coach class."
"To consistently show up for others and to help equip them to have strength for two as we collaborate with fellow Heroes so that 51% of the global population is flourishing by 2051. I've incorporated Brian's words into my daily meditation and have benefitted tremendously from consistently putting my virtues in action - tap, tap, tap / swipe, swipe, swipe!"
"It's life-changing. 100%. It has deepened and strengthened my relationship with myself and others. I am intentional with my life. And I'm a much better human. I accomplish great things with confidence. It brings tears to my eyes to express how wonderful this program is and how much it has elevated my life. It really is a force, and it's palpable. I would be proud to share, lead and be a radiant exemplar."
"Brian and his work have been a constant in my life for years, and I want to share this."
"Transformational breathwork as well as daily breathwork."
"It has been a life changing program for me and have been thinking about ways to properly make it part of my coaching business."
"I’m all in and care deeply about the mission... I’ve been waiting for this call to action, let’s go!!"
"It turned my life around and I believe in 51/2051."
"It's awesome!"
"It doesn’t matter what I say. Just look at my life. If you want to see the same transformation and feel the same sense of self-mastery, then Heroic is for you."
"It’s a positive message which is needed in the world today. I love sharing the quotes with my kids to inspire them."
"There is no other platform out there that gives us so much wisdom, and hope that life can be better when you work at it. Heroic is part of the solution to wake people up, make them kinder, happier, healthier, more purposeful, and to have a more fulfilling life, optimize / Heroic / Brian had been my go too, my Oracle for the past 18 months, I know how much iv changed in that time, No turning back now, if it can change me, it can change anyone, all in 101 style!"
"I turn 20 years old this year and as a part of my evolution into a young man I have found in my heart more then anything else a desire to learn, teach, and inspire love in others.
I have searched ever so hard within myself to overcome the confines of my own self imposed limitations and now that I have truly woken up to my purpose and potential…
I would love nothing more then the opportunity to share and promote a lifechanging program and community like heroic with those in my reach. Which is just beginning and ever expanding.
I made a vow to myself at the beginning of 2023 “2023 it’s a new me baby” and I vowed to put to action all of the knowledge I had acquired but failed to implement .
It has been a very challenging time for me but what have found triumphantly above all else is a desire to share wisdom and love with this world to inspire change for the greater good of all of us.
It’s Just-us… we are all one in the infinite mind. So through correspondence helping others is the greatest medicine."
"It helped me during a lifetime crisis and besides that, I have a personal desire to make the world a better place."
"I already started sharing ideas from psychology, tools and findings with my employees. I'm the CEO of a startup and every Friday i host a very short session named food for thought where I share ideas that I judge at valuable and which I try to follow. I could give my colleagues more value if I could more openly share your teaching."
"Because of the massive changes made in my life, I’ve been quiet on the Heroic coach course but that’s because everything has changed. As a result of this program and the Find your bliss film. Everything has changed for the better and I want to share that."
"To share all the goodness that I have benefited from over the years with others."
"I feel that our society is stuck in a downward spiral of negativity, judgment, and chaos. And sharing, even just the virtue lessons, with others has the potential to encourage them to think, act, and be different - to spiral their moral compass upwards and start flourishing."
"All people have something special in them. I feel like helping people find that within themselves it’s like unwrapping a gift wrapped by God Himself. As a coach, it’s my mission to unwrap as many gifts as I can. The Optimize program is a scientifically proven tool to help me do that."
"We need more people healing themselves especially in today’s world. I want to make the works a better place for future generations and that starts with mastering ourselves and our lives to have a ripple effect with others. We are the best examples."
"The Wisdom, knowledge and presentation by Brian is an exceptional adjunct to my current integrated wellness business."
"It has the ability to help change people’s lives and the world"
"Heroic changes lives. It creates ripples of positivity - and empowers each of us with a sense of agency to: Do Better. Be Better. Day-to-day. Moment-to-moment. The Heroic Community represents a global community, linked by common humanity, of exemplars who seek to become more energized, productive and loving in service of something greater than ourselves. I am excited to be able to share the content, tools and practices of Heroic so others can feel the shift in themselves - and join a community with high standards and a mission to do good in the world.
Let's go! Day one.
Special Note: I would like any 'cash high fives' earned by me as a Heroic Ambassador to go to the Heroic Scholarship Fund. For me, it is super important to maintain a Purity of Intent as I tell others about Heroic. I want to be able to say, as I promote Heroic and its benefits, that I receive nothing in return for doing so. For me, this narrative is important. This is not a money making scheme; it is important work that anyone can explore. My moral charisma will be more powerful knowing two things (i) I receive no monetary compensation for my efforts, and (ii) someone else can get access to Heroic and create positive ripples of their own."
"Making a difference in people's lives."
"I believe in Heroic's mission; I have benefited immeasurably from following and embracing Heroic. I am committed, and I am on fire every day to show up as the best version of myself day by day with growth and an open mindset."
"I have found value in the content received."
"It has made such a huge impact in my life. I want to share the experience with as many people as possible."
"Simply because it is the best container for self development with an action plan I have ever seen!"
"Because of the so very important WIG 51% of humanity flourishing by 2051. And what I have experienced myself in applying the heroic protocols."
"I'm excited to share Heroic because Brian's guidance has made me a better person. He's one of MY guides who I ask for feedback during my am meditation (currently along with John Wooden, Joseph Campbell, Emerson, Aurelius, and Epictetus.) I've invested my money, I'm a long time customer, and I talk about Heroic with my "team" of followers on my podcast, newsletter, and YouTube channel anyway! So, sign me up for the army!"
"I am a psychotherapist and find these materials valuable in working with clients."
"The Heroic platform is about changing lives of people for better. But I know it is tough to make the changes and tougher to sustain. More people need to know about the platform and the availability of a coach who can support / challenge / appreciate while they go through this life altering journey.
Being an Optimize coach, I know the program produces results. Now we need to scale it up. I believe one person whose life changes for the better via the platform can influence many others and each one of them can influence many, many more. Just visualizing this kind of a change, gives me goosebumps."
"I'm inspired by the mission, which is a mission I share and want to inspire others with."
"Whilst I have been somewhat disengaged due to work, the Heroic Programmes are amazing."
"Because it has truly brought motivation back to my life, and I want to help share that with others."
"It is helping me to be conscious of building good habits and meeting the challenge everyday to be my best self eudaimonia."
"It is a way to fulfill my purpose to contribute to creating a better and more virtuous world."
"It's life changing."
"Because I know it can reach people like myself… and help change their life like it did mine."
"It has saved my life. Daily."
"I started Heroic when it was Optimize at a very low point in my life during COVID lockdown. It really helped me to get over a period of depression and back to a point of hope and optimism for mine and my family’s future (thank you ❤️). I kind of ‘fell off the wagon’ for a while and started to feel that slow slide into depression again… so I recommitted and have now joined as a lifetime coach and have just finished rewatching the entire mastery series and although my soul force score is low at the moment I have been using it every day. I kept forgetting to swipe my shutdown targets 😅 (have set a daily timer for that now 😉). I have a full time job as an IT manager and also have/ had a side business teaching people how to create websites and monetise them with affiliate links and advertising. In terms of money this worked very well but I never felt passionate about it and didn’t feel like I was adding much value to the world. Working in IT I have been a student of productivity for decades which lead to more and more reading, studying and applying personal development strategies. I’ve always thought I would be adding more value if I was teaching this kind of material and so I decided to stop the affiliate marketing content and start teaching productivity instead. I’m setting up a new site and new YouTube channel for this and Heroic content is such a great fit/ complement that I soooo excited to hear about the ambassador programme. For once, what I enjoy doing (reading, studying and applying these concepts) will be what actually helps me to help others, add value and also make money that will allow me to someday earn enough to do this full time as a coach and teacher. I really would love to be an ambassador for Heroic. Thanks to my previous entrepreneurial ventures I have everything set up so I can just switch the kind of content I create. I’d love to have your help on advice on how best to share this and the kind of content to create. So excited 😁. I would also love to share this with colleagues at my office (I work for a large Japanese investment bank). I already do productivity training at work so people already know I’m a bit ‘special’ 😆. Thanks so much for everything you do. It’s an honour to be a part of this movement. It’s sooo needed right now. 🙏"
"A chance to help improve the world."
"The program had give me a big boost in consistency, discipline and structure. I would like to help spread the good vibe."
"My calling is to help people feel their best moment to moment and day to day."
"Brian‘s work has transformed my life. Every day again more wisdom through my philosophic practice. I believe in the mission of 2051 and I’m excited to share possibilities of helping others transform their lives."
"I am excited to encourage ultramarathon runners to participate in the Heroic Coaching program, or, at least, subscribe to Heroic and integrate Brian's teachings into their lifestyle. I want to inspire them to live their life to the fullest, not just focus on running."
"I'm excited to continue my growth journey with like-minded community."
"It changes lives. It is an incredible tracking system which helped me go from theory to practice.. I continue to work on mastery."
"I want to see more flourishing in this world!"
"It's time to change our beautiful world for the better!"
"I love the mission and I've recently started my own coaching practice. Intrigued by this program and what it can do for so many people."
"It's an awesome way to grow."
"The daily commitment to energy, work and love has made huge positive gains in my life."
"The distilled knowledge is motivating and I want to share the benefits of this mindset and framework (plus the new app is amazing). I was a user of optimize.me and long time reader of Philosopher Notes."
"I am a licensed professional counselor and coach and have been using a lot of the content provided by Heroic for years (I am a graduate of class 1 - and for my graduation, I completed a black belt : ) - I use the positive psychology model in my private practice and have created my own use of the 24 character strengths and 6 virtues to use with my clients. Not only are they all flourishing, but so am I."
"Because I have personally experienced how profoundly it can change lives and KNOW this is what humanity needs to be transformed into a more virtuous and loving world community of selfless heroes, exponentially multiplying their impact, so that by 2051 we will be a decisive majority, and vicious, selfish characteristics will become obsolete."
"Because everyone I share it with profusely thanks me. It is sort of the missing link that pulls everything together. I like to make people flourish."
"It changes lives!"
"Because it’s completely life changing and this world needs this now more than ever!"
"I love the platform and the wisdom its built on!"
"Maybe I can help with my grain of sand."
"I am a high school teacher and conference speaker. I want to share the ideas of Heroic with students and teachers."
"Because it works."
"I will launch my coaching business in the following weeks, and to grow and engage audience on Instragram (which is always eager for good content) I plan to share with my community ideas I've learned from Heroic and other sources, books, personal practices etc. So it's very encouraging to be able to get your help with tools that would allow me to share some of the incredible wisdom Heroic covers. This way people in my community would feel more confident to be coached, and also get introduced to the Heroic programme, which is not that well known here in Brazil, I suppose. In my friends circle, I'm the only one that is familiar with Brian's work - and when I share his ideas on the fundamentals, and the impact it's having on me (which they can clearly see!) everyone gets very interested. In terms of content, it's awesome to be able to share the original +1s, PNs, (and I imagine clients would love the 101s and meditations), although language might me a barrier in any case."
"Heroic is the most powerful tool to be the best version of every human."
"I share the vision 2051 / 51, because in an age of abundance all humans, billions of them, must have the means awake to their full potential."
"The entire program & community has changed my life & I want to help spread the word to as many people as possible so we can change the world!"
"It's a great program and time for me to get moving."
"Heroic changes my life and I want to proactively push the 2051 vision."
"I am a coach and a middle school teacher. I have been following PNTV and Brian Johnson for over 5 years. I have learned so much from the approach that he has put together and I am excited to partner and share this with the young people and colleagues that I come in contact with every day."
"I believe in what is being taught, I continue to become a better person moment to moment, and I want to embrace the challenges and help guide others to become better for themselves."
"Today's youth do not possess the mindset that it takes to reach the 1%. Mainly teenagers and college graduates. Me being a regular user of the heroic app would like to share and spread the knowledge that mentors and life coaches have shared through stories on the Heroic platform."
"It’s changed my life, I’ve lost over 60 pounds and improved my mental well-being substantially."
"It's brilliant."
"I love the concept of being at a soulforce of 101 every single day. And while I haven't made it there yet, I long to do so and help everyone I know get there. As I conquer my obstacles that prevents me from living life to the fullest, I am learning a lot of people are struggling with the same stuff. When I get to 101, I'll have so much fulfillment helping others, especially youths, get there."
"Because Brian's +1's every day have helped me so much!"
"I love the mission of Heroic and I want to help other people live their best life."
"To change and make a difference in the world."
"This is life changing information."
"Love to help people optimize their life holistically."
"I'd love to build the future by leading the way with Brian and the Heroic team!"
"Spread positivity to the world."
"Life changing information."
"I'm currently in a difficult time of my life and Heroic is making a difference in distanciating and keeping control. I want to share this."
"Quite simply, Heroic changed my life and it would be a shame not to do whatever I can to help spread the word. I am committed to living in a world where 51% of the population flourishes by 2051 and the Heroic platform and the joyful work associated with it is the best way I know how to make that happen. I am excited to serve."
"I love what the Program has brought to me."
"Such wisdom nuggets, and opportunity to make it into a practice!"
"Love the Heroic app and the coach program."
"Very excited to learn more and share."
"Because it is simply the best, most comprehensive program I've ever come across, and, it WORKS. And, even better, at Heroic's core is LOVE!"
"I beleive it is the most simple and effective self-development program that is not afraid to dream big! When Heroic gets connected to AI, we will see a revolution of flourishing."
"Help people live a better life."
"I’m always sharing heroic…I love aiding others in becoming their best selves."
"I am a life coach who helps parents of chronically ill children. Heroic is an incredible complement to the work I do with helping others make their lives better."
"It is a great tool to improve your life."
"The +1's and PN's have made a huge difference in my growth the last 6 months."
"To help others live with arete and experience eudaimonic! To be force multiplier en route to 51pct flourishing by 2051!! #Let’sdo this"
"I love everything about Heroic and think everyone can benefit from it."
"I find it useful. Even though I have my own "scoring system" I have been using for years I have added the soul force idea to it. The first addition I have made in over a decade."
"In short: I love Heroic, I am so grateful of all the amazing content Heroic delivers."
"I am feeling the shifts in energies and this opportunity came up and although i havent fully immersed myself in heroic yet it felt right to follow and develop into."
"Heroic altered the course of my life. Everything I have done since the fall of 2021, and everything I will do until my deathbed, has been profoundly influenced by the wisdom, practice, and mastery found within the Heroic community. There is no better way to express my gratitude than sharing it with those I come across in my remaining lifetime. Deo volente."
"The Coach program encompasses everything needed to excel in every area of life. It has helped me be better at what I was already good at, but more importantly it has shown me many things of importance that I had overlooked or never new about."
"It's the most amazing learning platform I know."
"I'm a self-actualizer. I Heroic Material to teach English as a second language."
"Life changing stuff!!"
"To be a force for good and continue my purpose of mastering myself to be of greatest service to others."
"It has changed my life for the better and wish that it has the same impact for more people."
"I have been enrolled in the Heroic Coach program for a couple of weeks, I see the value of the coaching and feel the excitement of Brian and the community for do something big in the world."
"I think many moms can benefit."
"I love Heroic so much! It is literally life changing and has changed my life more than I can even explain here. I am ALWAYS using what I have learned so far to help everyone I know...especially my 16 year old daughter and my 20 year old son. My daughter then comes home from school and tells me how she used what I taught her with her friends at school and took all of the credit...lol. I just could not be more amazed at the change in my life by using what I am learning to reframe my thinking. It has saved my life, honestly!"
"After going through the Basic Life Coaching Program last year and now working on the Advanced Life Coaching Program, I can't tell you how much Heroic has changed my life. The biggest impact was and still is gaining Anti-fragile Confidence. I know who I am, I know the game I'm playing and I trust myself to do the difficult things. I'm down 75 pounds (35-50 more to go!) and movement is a part of my daily life. My friends all say I'm glowing. I am happy, peaceful and free (free from anxiety, self-doubt and so many other things). Since getting certified in January (and actually as I went through the Basic Program) I have helped dozens of people by sharing what I've learned. I've personally referred at least 20-30 people so far to Heroic. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY!"
"As Brian says, i still have ups and down, but I now have higher ups and higher lows. Having an AM and PM bookend changed my life."
"Because it works!!!"
"I love how it helps me be my best and it’ll keep me accountable."
"Simple ways to have higher highs and higher lows."
"I love being apart of the mission of 51% if the world flourishing by 2051."
"It helps people step up, be transformed, and change the world to become better."
"It's always been a great addition and reminder to my life to upgrade everything, stay focused and positive and see things from a different perspective in order to expand my life and make the world a better, kinder, wiser place."
"I’ve been sharing it already with my clients and friends as an added way to support them. This works!"
"It’s so very good."
"Heroic is such an inspiring program and it helps to spell out our virtues and targets and to track our progress. I love the +1, the Chats with Masters, the PN - there is more wisdom and kindness in this app and program than anywhere else!"
"Because it is a cool system."
"It has been a great program for me and I think that it is applicable for everyone."
"I want to continue to learn and share this with my community!"
"There is so much more life to be lived, and Heroic gives us the motivation, tools, grit and empowerment to live life full throttle. A life thriving TOGETHER is one truly worth living!"
"Because I believe that we can change the world, specifically in Education."
"It helped me to streamline the multitude of sources on self development, and I want to help others that were as confused and scattered as me."
"I use the +1’s as part of a “Dad School” curriculum with my 5 kids. I see how valuable this is for them, and want to spread the positivity."
"I live Heroic. I breathe Heroic. I love Heroic. I cannot imagine life without Heroic."
"Heroic is the best personal development community with the best tools and the best teachers. The Heroic value proposition is second to none and all of this is at the heart of everything I do in my business of bringing the world's great wisdom to our next generation of leaders & heroes. I believe so strongly in Brian & the entire Heroic Team, I invested in the company and our mission. As a Lifetime Heroic Coach who is endeavoring to walk the talk, how could I not be an Ambassador?...Let's Goooo!"
"I can trust the heroic team to always create powerful content/courses to help empower others to create a better life."
"The potential to track the small things which make a great life by focusing on the triggers and rewards is astronomical."
"It's such a powerful self development programme."
"The Heroic Coach program has been life changing for me - mentally, physically, and emotionally. I believe in the program 1000% (that’s not a typo!) and would love to be able share this life-changing information with my clients."
"Great wisdom spread with a great attitude and lots of love, a tool for full potential."
"With commitment comes dedication."
"To make a bigger difference in the world - helping others optimize and behave heroically. This world needs more true HEROS!"
"I'm a sleep, stress-management, and fitness coach. I endlessly share the content from Heroic because it's so concise, accurate, wholesome, and thorough. Everything I want to write or create content for, it's already been done on Heroic!"
"Simply, I feel Heroic is the best platform to help people gain clarity on who they are at their best, and support them in committing to showing up as their best selves every single day through relentless action. Heroic has profoundly changed my life and helped me more consistently close the gap between my b.s. and my B.S. (bullsh*t and Best Self). And through that I have gained clarity that my purpose (and commitment) in my own work is to help others be and express their best selves. Sharing Heroic is part of how I can live into my commitment, and something I have already seen the profound impacts of through those I have already shared with (including experienced coaches who have taken their own coaching to a whole new level!)."
"Heroic saved my life this year. In late December - early January I was suffering a period of extreme anxiety and acute depression. I was suicidal, almost admitted to psychiatric hospital, and on a lot of medication. Although I had been a premium member for a while, I hadn’t downloaded the app and just dipped into the content now and then. In February I downloaded the app and started listening to +1s and PNs every day. By March I was off all the anxiety medication, was back at work, and free of suicidal thoughts. The doctor told me my recovery was nothing short of miraculous. I know I put in a lot of work to get that stage, but I couldn’t have done it without Heroic. If it can bring me back from the very heart of darkness, I have no doubt it needs to be shared and shared and shared until everyone knows how to help themselves to their best lives."
"I passionately believe the world needs Heroic Now more than ever. I was thinking of how to offer a partnership to create a Heroic community locally in Bulgaria. And you might have heard my daimon whispering to you. I am excited to attain the next eudamonic borders of possible TOGETHER! DAY 1!"
"Within just a few weeks of being part of Heroic, I can already feel how powerfully positive it is. Brian is good people. I've already gone from constant feelings of guilt and inadequacy for not going after my dreams, to excitedly getting into the work every morning before work.
I'm all in!"
"I am a Tony Robbins Mastery University graduate as well as a Certified Jack Canfield Trainer...and proud to have earned and applied these certifications. These programs are terrific. However, Heroic is a cut above! The depth of content coupled with the mission of the entire Heroic Team is a major reason I am "all in" both personally and financially."
"It has already begun to change my life."
"HEROIC offers anyone who really wants to change the tools and support to do it. I have experienced this myself and want to help others to experience it as well."
"Heroic permanently changed my life and those around me, I'd love to continue to have that ripple out."
"It has had such a profound aspect on my life and I’m so excited to share it with others. I’ve started taking on clients for coaching and want to continue to be a radiant exemplar in my community."
"The value of consistency in the area of self-care is life changing.
And what is that consistency? Self-love.
Sharing self-love and agency across the land (and the interwebs) is revolutionary. I am a part of that.
My word of mouth business is in the area of sleep. I help people reconnect with their Deep Sleeper Within™. Brian's work is in alignment with my life's journey."
"I don't think I am capable of finding the mere words to describe what a difference Brian and Heroic (and Optimize, prior to launch of Heroic!) have made in my life. After a lifetime of searching how to tame the "bad wolf" Brian's work has allowed me to strengthen my "good wolf"and live a life of balance with ALL of what comes with it, including the loss of our son and the grief that loss brings. To put it as simply as possible, Brian and Heroic have allowed me to FLOURISH and THRIVE. My wish is that EVERYONE could feel what that feels like."
"I love all the information and I struggle with the daily motivation at times, but if I could include it as “teaching,” that is one of my best learning styles!"
"Be able to be an instrument to bring flourishing to people lives."
"I work towards and believe in a continuous growth philosophy and enjoying giving back to others to help them on their growth journey."
"I love Heroic! Both for what it's already done for me and what sharing it can do for my clients, friends, family and others. I have dedicated my life to empowering others to be their best (heroic) selves, which is why I love Heroic so much. I believe in the mission of this company and I believe in the heart of the people who own and run it. The wealth of information, the tools, the support, the app are all top notch and could be at everyone's fingertips. Why wouldn't I be excited about sharing it? We need more good in the world, why not share the good we already know is there?! :-)"
"I know the difference this content has made in my life and I'm excited to share that news with others!"
"From years (and years) ago to brianjohnson.com to Optimize to…well, from the very beginning, your work has changed everything for me and my loved ones! All this in way too many ways to detail here ;)
Short Answer: be a Heroic Ambassador? YES! THAT’S LIKE ME ;)"
"It’s vital nourishment."
"There is so much wisdom which means help for any situation."
"To share the opportunity to learn and develop with others and build a community of heroes close to home."
"I am excited to share Heroic with my fellow teachers and my students. As a teacher, I focus on educating the whole child, rather than just the children’s minds. I am committed to learning and growing as a teacher to better serve my children and the community. My goal is to continue with my Heroic Coach program and get better at using the app to inspire others to do so as well. My heart calls me to walk beside children as they become their best selves, and I am committed to enhancing their life along the way. I have loved teaching my whole life and I am excited to love it even more, with my student's Heroic selves in mind."
"I always talk about and share Heroic. I have been sharing links to Bri's work for nearly a decade, and I have introduced people to Heroic ( and formerly Optimize, Entheos etc.) Being a hero and optimizing my life is a key part of my identity. I share by just being me. Why I am excited, is because the team has really honed the delivery of the content and givens structure, and I know this stuff has changed my life, and continues to help me improve my life and that is worth sharing. I want to help others discover what has helped me! And I want to change the world!"
"I believe everyone can tap into the greatest version of themselves with the correct knowledge, most of which heroic provides."
"Massive positive impact."
"I want to be part of this exciting movement to empower humanity to flourish in 2051."
"I already share your app... I have recommended it to folks since I first found it years ago!"
"Nearly everyone I know would absolutely benefit from what Heroic does, teaches and promotes. I want to be part of helping them (and others I haven’t met yet) experience those benefits."
"Though I haven't started using the app yet, I've been following Brian for years and Heroic has changed my life. I have been slowly implementing the things I’ve been learning and now that I finished Heroic coach I look forward to continue spreading Brian’s mission to those around me. People have already noticed that I have leveled up and I have changed in a good way. I can’t think Brian and the heroic team enough for what they are doing for the human race."
"I am a healer and the codex best represented in todays world for such healing is here at heroic."
"I found out about Heroic from a Facebook post from a friend. I connected with the content and went down a rabbit trail that same day which led me to joining up for the Coach program, even though it had already been going for a few weeks. I’m someone who values learning. I’m someone who wants to be around others who are calling me to be my best self. It’s rare to find others with that level of intensity. That level of intentionality. That level of focus. I was ALL IN and immediately started reaping the benefits. I started a nutrition protocol. To date, I’m down 20 pounds! I have a wind down routine. I feel convicted every single day because I’m faced with the knowledge that I can do more. That I’m not living at my edge. But I also know that I’m not alone in figuring out how to do that. You need a community. And I want others to have what I have found. I met one of my best friends because of this community. We live in different countries. There is no way our paths would have crossed otherwise, and I can’t imagine my life without him. Because Brian decided to start this, he set something in motion that just keeps building momentum. It’s a reminder that it only takes one person with an idea to change the world. There is magic in compounding purpose and I want others to have practical ways that they can live uncommon in a world not currently set up for most of us to thrive!"
"I've been working on myself for years. Heroic is a great resource and anything that helps others, I promote."
"Because all of the content it provides has been eye opening and life changing for me and my family and I want to pass this on to others!"
"It's made such a big difference in my life already, I can really see the power in Heroic it make huge, needed change for so many people."
"Love everything you do here!"
"Because it has changed my life and changed the life others who have followed the program better than any other program I know."
"I am excited to support this shift in humanity achieving more of their potential. What one can do one must do ;)"
"It has been so helpful to me.."
"Northwest direction on the virtue compass: Hope
This is a way to serve the pressing needs of our time.
It is an honor and it is a mission to be part of this transformation toward protecting the planet and helping inspire others to have hope and join forces with those who are trying to help us all survive."
"I’ve been all in since the beginning and am excited to keep going."
"Because it is a complete human building and optimization system. Heroic is unique, and I believe a lot of human beings will benefit greatly from it."
"It's a transformative platform that has helped countless people, including me. I'd be honored to share the value I've gained from being a member here."
"I’ve learned a lot going through heroic coach and know a lot of people will benefit from it. It’s a great cause to be a part of."
"I am excited to share Heroic because the access to information has been awesome, and hearing perspectives that are or may be different than mine has given me things to research differently than I would generally, and I love the Heroic ap - when I do not hit my targets, it totally bums me out and it is a great way to keep what is important in front of me. I want others to have the same experience I have had with trying to become the best version of oneself...if that makes sense."
"Spread the word about a program that is an amazing resource and guide to leveling up wherever you are in your journey."
"I think the habits Brian shares can be life changing."
"A great way to increase your personal effectiveness and change your life for the better"
"The depth of the information that's available in the "Heroic Library" - it's amazing."
"Because it has greatly enhanced my life and marriage. I want others to know how amazing their lives can be and that the power to do so is in their grasp. I especially want to equip youth and those who are living lives of filled with addictive inhumane behaviours."
"Heroic has changed my life and has been a positive impact in the lives of those around me. I look forward to growing the community further."
"Brian, Optimize, Optimize Coach, and Heroic have allchanged my life. Hands down...no doubt about it. I want this for everyone!"
"I already do it! I am excited to have more people taking advantage of it and get inspired by Heroic App."
"To help others find and flourish themselves."
"I am inspired by how vital the fundamentals are and believe it is the key to flourishing. It has impacted myself, my family, and my patients. Everyone must know about it."
"I have done many personal development programs and nothing compares to the change that I made in the 300 days of doing Heroic coach. My wife is an emotional release coach and a nutritionist and we see a huge need for a rethinking in the at people think about change and hope. I know that Heroic not only has the content but the community to make that happen in peoples lives."
"Heroic changed my life for the better, and I want to help other people have that experience: to have the opportunity to live their best life, if they're willing to put in the work."
"Because I also believe in humanity and lightmakers need to lead the way."
"It may help people."
"The Heroic mission to have a world where 51% of humanity is flourishing by 2051 resonants with me. Everyone should flourish. I spent the last 40 years working to support people with flourishing. The world will shift to a world of filled with love the more that we lead with love. I appreciate the work of Heroic. It is an honor to support Heroic to where flourishing is the norm. Thank you to the Heroic team for the work that you do."
"Heroic has fundamentally changed my life to be more focused, authentic and I strive each day to be the best I can be and I’d love to empower others to do the same."
"It’s had such a profound impact on my life, I passionately believe it needs to be on everyone’s radar."
"Help created a spiritualized humanity."
"It's life changing. It changed my life in more ways than I can count. I think it is worth people's time to check out and see what it can offer them."
"People are amazing and it is so beautiful to see them become more of who they are! I am a physician and I see my work as helping people get well and stay enthusiastic about life. I also teach other physicians. In this role I am a coach and I have seen how much work it takes to make changes. Brian’s materials and style is excellent and very similar to my style and what I think is important. The way he organizes the material helps facilitate long term change. And we all know that is the key!"
"Awesome group."
"I believe in the mission. It's the most amazing resource I use and share to lead a life filled with a higher level of work, love, and energy.
I share with my family and co-workers all of the amazing resources I get from the 101, PN, and classes. I am delighted to be a coach, first for myself and my community. Let's do this!! I am in Day 1 every day for everyone. Stronger together - Let's all RISE 8."
"I think Heroic can help a lot of people right now."
"The way you can combine ancient wisdom with modern science to unlock your true potential. People are suffering and they need these tools to flourish and thrive in their lives."
"I'm always sharing all things Heroic anyway!! Let's goooo!!"
"It’s life changing."
"It’s life changing!"
"It has significantly improved my life."
"amazing self development app + amazing community = massive potential to change the world."
"Heroic has transformed my life in ways I cannot explain. We need more people who are willing to answer the call… they are waiting!!!"
"It has already had such a positive impact on myself and those closest to me. "
"Heroic is a life changing platform and coaching program."
"From the first time I heard Brian on the New Man podcast, I was certain that he could lead me and others to a better way of life."
"Knowledge, skills, and tools for everyday living to enhance overall well-being."
"The world needs heroes— now, more than ever.
In the most meaningful way, Heroic is making that happen.
I am excited to share Heroic because if I can help just one more person become the best version of themselves— become the hero that deep down they have always been— then I will have done something good for a world and people I care deeply about.
If you will have me, I would love to be an official, yet deeply flawed, ambassador for Heroic.
Thank you for all that you do."
"Heroic focuses on the principles that catalyze and maintain our pursuit of being our best selves. The more we show up as that highest version of ourselves, the more likely we are to share our contribution(s) to the world and inspire others to do the same in their own unique and creative ways."
"I think Heroic is a great daily motivator. Not only does it help you to get your priorities right, but in the process of learning, you are becoming the best version of yourself. I have changed and I think Heroic can help almost anyone change. How cool would it be if we all become the best versions of ourselves?!!"
"To steal your words, the world needs heroes more than ever. Heroic is the platform and means to fulfill this. Heroic has been one of the most formative experiences of my life and I want to help others experience this as well."
"I believe society has a massive void encompassing every aspect of our lives that needs urgent attention if we are not only to thrive as a species, but to survive. It is now that my firstborn just came into my life that I realize the immense action that needs to be taken to correct mankind’s way."
"Heroic's ancient wisdom, backed by science system, is helping me improve myself and others."
"I started learning with/from Brian over a decade ago using Philosophers Notes and have shared it with many friends, family, and colleagues through the years. The wisdom and insights gained has influenced my life in so many ways and I am excited to explore how the new venture from Brian and his team can increase my consistency on the fundamentals."
"The mission to have over 50% of people flourishing is fantastic and the community aspect is great. I initially was drawn to a healthier, more productive, and life serving social platform that would elevate humanity! All in for that."
"it is the best program for systematically changing lives."
"Heroic has been a game changer for me in my life. First of course beginning with Optimize and doing the first ever coach course. Throughout the last 4 years I have had the opportunity to utilize this program to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally.
I have recently finished leading a small group study through my church incorporating Heroic and the Bible that I called The BASICS. An acronym standing for Bible history, Areté, Simon Peter, Isaiah, Consistency, and Strength for all. I felt there was so much goodness that overlaps and I had to pursue leading others to Heroic as well. That and there were 3 signs in one day pointing to the fact that I needed to lead others.
I also work as a Chiropractor and utilize the knowledge from Heroic with my patients and have seen is change their lives as well! It is such a joy empowering others.
Lastly I won’t to continue to show my 3 children who are 7, 5, and 7 weeks old what living heroically looks like and how to turn them and their friends into superheroes!"
"I did the Heroic Coach program and it changed my life. I want to share and expand this wisdom to spanish speaking people. I strongly believe that together we rise."
"I love the life changing content of Heroic and the mechanisms Brian and Heroic teach. Even though I don't use the app often, I do apply the principles in my life. More people should know of the power of Heroic."
"I think It's a brilliant idea that engage more and more the heroic community to step in developing themselves and the others."
"I'm a therapist and relationship coach so I'm happy to share as many tools as possible to help people transform and become powerful in their lives. I have a newsletter and will be starting a podcast soon."
"Inspire the world to be Heroes."
"I love all your content. I would love to translate it to Spanish so my Hispanic community could have access to it."
"I know that together, we can lift people out of negativity and mediocrity and help them to become heros for themselves and those around them."
"We have to spread the goodness."
"I frequently share with friends and peers when something I've learned is relevant to a conversation we are having."
"It's been a very useful and powerful program for me and for others I've shared it with."
"The opportunity to meaningfully impact our world."
"This is the game changer we need to push back darkness and shine out light of becoming the people we long to be. The exponential impact of plastering the world with breadcrumb clues to follow onto the heroic path gets me excited."
"When I discovered Heroic, my life has changed, completely. I felt that I had found my way of living and with all the up and down of the period, I always know where to find a compass. I already start to share and apply on others these principles, like a teenager who suffered for bad school experienced and her favourite exercise was “Flip the switch” before the school test."
"Next to God, it is the most humanitarian thing we can emulate."
"It changed, well, transformed my life and I know it can transform others’ too. 51/2051 is possible."
"It accompanied me in my personal journey of transformation and now serves greatly in inspiring others to follow up."
"I’m a life coach, speaker, wife and mother of 5. I’m certain we all have a part to play in contributing something that will help us live life more fully and simultaneously lift one another. I’m not on sm, but I have a blog and newsletter and I share Brian’s wisdom often. I watch his +1’s every morning as part of my 10 fundamentals, and I love sharing his words with my small community as an effort to do my part to help put good into the world."
"There is so much good, healthy, optimizing information here. It's a lifetime learner's dream!!"
"Resonate with mission to help people flourish."
"It is a pathway to radical transformation."
"Best personal development and coach program ever."
"Extremly inspiring."
"Because I want more people to learn the life-transforming wisdom that Brian has put together and enrich their lives and the lives of the people they love."
"Helpful tools."
"I want to help people become a better expression of their greatness by sharing team heroic vision and tools."
"Because it’s been a blessing to me and my family and I want to share it with others, particularly Medical students and young doctors."
"It really bloomin' works. So much wisdom and so many ways to put it into practice."
"The transformation with Heroic is so powerfull , that i want all the people around me to take advantage of this content"
"I‘m convinced it will help people and that it is a step in the right direction. I’m using Heroic for the last couple of years"
"Personally inspired by Brain's vision of 51% by 51."
"I feel this is the best way to help humanity, and I am too excited to do it."
"I have been excited about Heroic since I first learnt about Brian and bought the first 100 PN he wrote! At that time, more than 10 years ago, I wrote him about the possibility of having PN and his work translated into portuguese. Unfortunately, at that time the idea did not go forward.
I am a firm believer the work he and the team do is transformative. I would be honored to have a conversation with someone on how we can bring Heroic to Brazil in a meaningful way. Please let me know if you want me to elaborate further."
"Because it's the program that's made a major difference in my life and I believe it is essential to share ancient wisdom and modern science and practical tools and practices to awake the god within each of us."
"To help people be better."
"I was part of class VIII of the Heroic Coaching program and it has helped me to move from theory to practice in improving my personal life on so many levels (especially energy, work and love). Also it is a valued addition to my work as a psychologist at a general practicioners office in a poor area of the Netherlands where we have a mission to empower the population in improving their physical and mental health by improving there lifestyle instead of writing prescriptions for illnesses that can easily be prevented. The app and all the live sessions and PNs motivate me every day to keep going and I think everyone deserves to get to know Heroic and have access to the important tools that it brings to reach their highest potential."
"To share about Heroic with others in UK especially that tools will be available to all."
"Best app & best book summaries for self optimization."
"I believe that we need to help shape culture in a new way."
"It changed my life."
"I think it is great and would like others to benefit from it as I have!"
"It has changed my life FULL STOP. And I want to help others experience that same change."
"For me sharing the Heroic movement is a means to consistently practice operationalizing my own virtue and closing my own gap daily."
"It’s the real deal."
"Empower others to be radiant exemplars so we can create a more prosperous world for everyone."
"To lead with love and be shining example with others."
"The wisdom Brian has shared with me has saved my life, led me into mental health recovery, taught me how to thrive through adversity and turned this old lady into an adventurous bad a$$ with audacious goals."
"Limiltless energy and wellbeing."
"I have transformed myself in many areas of my life since I started following Brian and the current Heroic team and am on my journey to becoming a better person. Heroic has shown me the power within myself and I want to share this with as many people as possible."
"Heroic’s focus and practice of virtues has changed my life."
"How it can help so many people who appear "lost" in life."
"I just sold my business and retired. I have been looking for an avenue to give back. Since the launch of this program, I have been thinking that, this will be my way of giving back."
"Help people and help myself."
"Heroic coach has helped me in so many ways and I feel like the program and app would be hugely beneficial to everyone. I already tell people about it and if the ambassador program makes it easier to connect them, that would be fab!"
"Because it is life changing for someone that gets it."
"So I can have Heroic Impact with my community!"
"In my day-to-day, there are moments when I'd like to share an insight from Heroic but cannot do so easily. Many people I know would benefit from the program and I'd like a way to ease them into it through what I share specifically."
"I work with folks with chronic disease and/obesity who have often fallen victim to chronic pain, illness. I know that taking agency over my actions with habits and practice living values first in integrity means I can LIVE my life rather than be hiding from it or observing others. This community is ❤️🔥."
"The worksheets and philosophy behind them guide me through life’s obstacles and shorten the challenging times better than anything I have ever experienced."
"The impact it’s had in my daily life, helping me quickly recover from small mistakes rather than letting them spiral down."
"Heroic balances many of today's forces where people can get polarized, caught up and lose sight of what is essential in their lives. The guide to putting the mask on for yourself first and then looking at what is happening in your neighbourhood, town, country, or world."
"I’m a therapist. Almost daily I have a patient who could benefit from one or more of the PNs or plus ones or chats with masters or coaching sessions."
"Change people’s lives for the better."
"It empowers me every day."
"I believe Heroic is the best Personal development tool ever developed."
"After several attempts at rewiring my mind after screen damage; this is the tool that worked most effectively."
"My own personal philosophy and transformation are in complete alignment with Brian's and Heroic's. I also share the commitment to making a difference in the world, one person at a time. I believe that Heroic can play a significant role in making that difference. I can find no better tool and method as a way of empowering others in their own mission to become the best version of themselves."
"Not only how its helped me but always like others to be successful and share the new found heroic work. heroes stand up."
"In an imploding world the heroes must step up."
"Because I would love to sometimes use the masterclasses or notes to help my clients evolve more quickly."
"I went through the coach program and love using the app daily to keep me focused. I love the new content, as well as revisiting my favorites and the 101’s. I’ve been telling friends and family about Heroic and the app already and want to contribute to the 2051 goal while helping others become their best heroic selves."
"More Wisdom in less time."
"To better help those in the Military become the best versions of themselves possible."
"It has changed my life more than anything I’ve ever been involved with. I truly believe that if people apply the fundamentals that Heroic outlines, they too will experience their best self."
"Every Heroic step I take in line with Brian's (et al) masterful guidance reinforces that there is so much more I can be doing in terms of self-improvement and towards self-mastery. And Heroic gives me the Tools to progress!! Likewise, each step (each +1 in my day) excites me and incites me to see those around me benefitting from the same wisdom. The past couple of years have lit a fire in me to make the world a better place for all. I can't think of any better way than +1ing myself through this Ambassador's program, and doubling-down on my own actions to lend to the movement towards our optimum bests."
"It's awesome and it works! Plus operationalizing ancient wisdom is amazing."
"To make a change in the world."
"It, Brian and the team, have had and continue to have such a positive impact on my life, my life and soul force - from the beginning and each and every day. It meshes so well with all my other practices, not an either or and I don’t think there would be anyone, anyone at all that would not benefit from reading, listening and partaking in all the wisdom, philosophy and beautiful soul force shared."
"It changed my life, it's integrity based and I AM SURROUNDED BY NEED."
"Focusing on the fundamentals helped pull me out of prenatal depression and life with a newborn, and I want to help others find their way on their own path using these same tools."
"The Heroic platform and Brian’s vision can change people’s lives for the better. On a holistic level it will move our species further along the right path; it can help propel us forward."
"I have so many people in my community (online and in person) who would benefit - especially teens & teachers."
"Brian has been a powerful inspiration and guide. His generous heart, his growth, his family is such an inspiration. Gosh, I am learning and growing. The ‘voice’ says I am not yet good ‘enough’, but I am showing up, I am embracing PUH, I am filling my ‘cookie jar’, whole and broken I AM ALL in, I want to serve in your army. I am signing up as a servant. Show me how I can serve profoundly. You are my team HEROIC. My heart is telling me I have to be here."
"Because it has been life changing for me."
"The paragraph I wrote at the bottom of the unsolicited future workshop feedback email I sent at the end of April pretty much sums it up for me: “Heroic is, iconoclastically not about the company per se – Instead, Heroic is both uniquely and deeply personal if the user is doing it right because it strips away the extrinsic, focusing on measuring the only metrics that have ever really mattered… from the quality & content of one’s character, to the force of the soul – the intrinsic… effectively, unequivocally democratizing and equalizing the game we’re all playing from theory to practice to mastery moment to moment, both individually and as a whole, collectively.” ... But. I also add to that - anyone & everyone should have Heroic in their life (even if) they don’t know it yet. :)"
"I believe 101% in program."
"Help more people flourish."
"Heroic "found" me when I most needed it. Wish I had it sooner, thus would like to facilitate for others to discover it."
"I'm all in on the vision and the challenge."
"I went through the Coach program last year. LOVED it, and shared it with several family members and friends"
"Yes, the information is what so many need..."
"Optimize, and now Heroic has extraordinarily helped me become a better person within myself, to my family and to my community! I learned of Brian when he was living in Bali, then followed him for a few years as he began writing his first 100 philosopher's notes and created his first 100 volume printed edition. My life transition for several years and then I refound and began following him, again. I am so happy! Many personal development programs in my transition years would take me to a certain point. Optimize and and Heroic are a continuous personal development project. I am expanding and flourishing within myself. I have become and continue to grow as a much better person within, in my relationship with my family and my community. It is important to share this wisdom and flourishing community with others. It is time to expand positivity and wisdom to others! I look forward to sharing my progress and the progress I see in others with the rest of the world. I am honored to be an Heroic Ambassador!!"
"Heroic is a tool to help awaken and actualize the human potential."
"Because it impacted my life tremendously."
"Optimize and now Heroic has made a remarkable difference in my life. I'd love to share it with others."
"My goal for many years has been to share God's Light and Love. When am I going to do that. Today HERO."
"Because it’s been such a valuable and useful tool for my personal development, and I believe that other people would greatly benefit from using it as well.
Also, I love the company’s mission and values. It aligns with my own beliefs and values, and I want to spread awareness so we can continue changing the world one person at a time."
"Honestly, I've been already doing it for a while now! I often recommend Heroic to my clients and teach them techniques I've learned in Coach Class every day. I also share Heroic wisdom with my friends and followers on social media.
Brian's wisdom is a part of my daily AM book-end routine and I can say that Heroic significantly changed my life for the better. ❤️
As a practicing Stoic, I believe in the necessity of summum bonum and think this would be another amazing way of doing so. Being an official Heroic Ambassador would be a big honour for me!"
"A concentrate of wisdom, tools and... hope for the humankind."
"A concentratration of wisdom, tools and... hope for the humankind."
"I love the platform and all the work Brian is doing. I'm inspired daily after listening to the +1s in my morning habit stack. I've learned so much from Brian's notes working daily to be more heroic."
"I have been working on my idiosyncratic application of the things I've learned from Heroic, and it's time to move consuming to spreading the word on the way to Mastery!"
"As someone who has followed Brian since his early versions of Philosopher's Notes. And, as someone who has seen his company evolve from Entheos (I was a client) to Optimize (I was a client) to Heroic. I'm someone who respects & recognizes Brian as a man with a mission. Sitting back and seeing "his vision" become a reality (so far) is awe-inspiring. It motivates me to be more and do more. And, I realize that "his vision" cannot truly be fulfilled without turning his mission into a movement. The definition of a movement is inspiring people into action for a common cause. I deeply desire the same things that Brian, the team at Heroic, and all the other Ambassadors want - to make the world a better place by as soon as humanly possible. As an investor in Heroic, it should be a signal that I'm "all in" in supporting Heroic. And, being accepted as an Ambassador would be an honor & privilege to help spread the word. In gratitude...."
"I think it is a great option for those in recovery, interested in optimizing or getting organized. Anyone with any issue holding them back or ambition they want to strive towards can benefit. I love seeing people flourish, grow and find their authentic calling so it makes me very excited to put great tools in people's hands."
"Because I've been absolutely blown away and totally inspired by everything Heroic has to offer and how Brian and team have absolutely nailed it with every angle of Heroic - and most especially with such intense integrity and love - I think it's such a powerful tool for positive change and, at the risk of waxing poetic...with the world being such that it is these days I see Heroic and all it has to offer as a bright beacon of hope that needs to shine as far and wide as possible so as to help as many people as possible and want to help make that happen."
"It's a great mission that everyone needs to hear about."
"Heroic is the best tool ever to help give my clients their best chance at becoming the best version of themselves."
"Heroic is wisdom for everyone."
"Because it has the potential to change lives, as long as it is followed and executed this takes all the fundamentals and then some."
"It's been profoundly life changing."
"I met Martin Seligman after he delivered a keynote on Flourishing and his BHAG of 2051. I wanted to do something about and took it back to our team (HR Software). They thought it was interesting but inertia set in and well... Brian has figured out the how and is executing and so I want to support that."
"Heroic is a paradigm shift that needs to catch fire. I want to help."
"I believe in your vision of an upgraded world, I have already shared some of your ideas."
"I believe Brian, Heroic, and our Heroic Community will make our world a better place. Heroic is the movement our world so desperately needs."
"Revitalised my life and I'm sharing it anyway. :)"
"As the President of a non-profit organization and high school teacher/coach, I believe I have an opportunity to create a positive impact in my community by creating a heroic culture."
"I already share it ALL The Time! I LOVE IT! It is Life Changing!"
"Shared vision of supporting change of world… specially (r)evolutionize healthcare."
"I was in Optimise Coach class II (= 2) in 2020. I have been involved since that time having a weekly connect call with fellow Optimizers/Heroes! I'd love to be a part of taking this to the next level to help scale up Brian's plan to bring Marty Seligman's vision to life. I love watching Brian evolve and I know it's time I did too."
"I am a coach who trains students in basketball and a manager for a non-profit that teaches healthy play. In many ways the lessons from Heroic is what I am trying to teach through basketball or recess. Elementary students being able to learn these concepts could and would literally change lives. The coaches and adults I train to teach kids need this information because often they are using Instagram or tik tok as a resource of info or community and we all know how those platforms fall short in many ways."
"I've been studying and practicing personal development for the past 6 years and the principles of Heroic have launched my life into a new orbit."
"I’ve been a long time fan of Brian and his philosophy for several years. I was in the first Heroic Coach class and feel like this is another powerful way to serve others. The world needs us!"
"I’m excited to share with others the amazing insights I have received via Heroic!!"
"Experienced the benefit and want to share with all who are even remotely interested."
"I live it every day, it works, and have been sharing it since the beginning - DAY 1."
"I’m excited to share Heroic because I would love to be able to help people also! I think it’s a great opportunity to present to all humans."
"I work for a large nation nonprofit that is in the bussiness for healty living and I want to share the Ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical tools with all our member."
"I believe it's what I have been searching forever since I started working 40 + years ago. Of all the knowledge and wisdom I've learned over the years, I told my daughter this program is what I would want to leave her to learn and know, which will be more wisdom than I currently know. I'm also a public school teacher and all my students need this ( actually the whole school district) but I do have access to my students."
"Many individuals could benefit from assistance, direction, and organization in order to create positive change in their own lives and the lives of those around them. Heroic has the platform, knowledge and the wisdom to help them."
"Heroic brings everything together to make my life better; I just have to do the work, and I share that with everyone I meet. The Heroic tattoo on my arm helps drive conversations, and it is my belief that EVERYBODY can benefit from the program, and I'd love to continue sharing this resource with others. From kids to grandparents, and everyone in between--this program will work if you do the work.
I know what my Heroic Best looks like and I have the ability to reach it daily, while spiraling up to get even better, with Higher Highs, and Higher Lows. Old ways of thinking do not constrain me, and I have gained immeasurable confidence and hope, to meet life's obstacles on life's terms.
I now face challenges with the mindset of, "No problem, I've trained for this!", and, "Bring it on!". Heroic, and the many iterations of the program--Premium, Mastery, Coach, etc.--is like weightlifting for your mind. Weightlifting is the only way to make truly significant transformational changes to your physique; Heroic is simply the only way to bring about transformational changes to your entire life: Eating, Breathing, Sleeping, Celebrating, Moving, Prospering, and Focusing.
In less than a year, with the right mindset, an appetite for change, and a relentless pursuit of your best self, Heroic will support your efforts to seek out and become the very best version of you, the one you've always wished you could be. I can't imagine a better way to help friends, colleagues, people in my community, or the world at large, than sharing the Heroic program to help them change their lives, starting today."
"I believe in the message. I am a psychologist and a coach, and adding these principles, actually starting with these principles can, and does bring about transformative change and inspired growth!"
"I am so inspired by the stories of the people it has helped... I want to spread the word!"
"The effectiveness of living the philosophy is impossible to deny."
"It could change culture, which would change politics, which would generate effective governance which would address the truly important issues in a constructive and compassionate way."
"To help impact change in the world."
"I find that my life has become more meaningful and connected and I enjoy the frame work that Brian has created with the Mastery program."
"What it has done for me and the impact it can have on others....the world."
"We have a large community of impact-driven leaders who would benefit greatly from Heroic, as it's had a GREAT impact on my life."
"Heroic is one of the best ways for us to go forward and "Be the change we want to see" in the world."
"I believe it is the perfect tool to self-mastery and optimizing one's life."
"I am currently an Executive Coach, since I enrolled (last year) in the certification program to become a Heroic Coach.
I had in mind to be a kind of ambassador of the movement back in Mexico.
Today the opportunity presents itself and I do not want to let it pass.
It is what I imagined at the time and now it is within reach of a click.
I want to contribute with the movement to reach the 51 | 2051 Heroic goal.
All In!!!"
"I love reading, and know that most people don't have enough time to read all of the books they want to. This can really help anyone!"
"The wealth of information- to encourage others - and to help hold myself accountable- if I believe in something and want to promote it then I have to be using it/living it myself- ( ie people becoming weight watcher coaches to keep themselves on track/focused )."
"Because it helps to change people’s lives."
"This will change the world. It has changed me, my family and “soul force” is exactly the idea to describe what we are all capable of. Imagine if it were United? Imagine the ripple across time this would have? This isn’t just about 2051. This is about 3051 and 4051 and beyond. It is about an inheritance so incredibly rich and potent it’s force becomes quantum."
"I love the like minded individuals I am meeting. I love the content. I love showing up as my best self every day. I love my new true dark glasses -- hack for better sleep. I love that Brian is an unapologetic nerd and geeks out on stoic stuff. There's more. How long do you have?"
"I know it will improve my life and the others around me. Sharing knowledge so that others can lead better more fulfilling lives. I am a leader in my community and would like all individuals to understand your material."
"I got so much value from this program- I can’t wait to share…"
"I always love to learn and grow and share awesome stuff with people."
"Very excited to help spread this message."
"Heroic gave a me a community of like minded people looking to grow and optimize themselves in a full spectrum of ways. I love learning and challenges and heroic is inspiring!"
"To bring 51|2051 closer."
"After graduating from Heroic Coach in 2020 this is a great opportunity to continue the work I have been doing with my clients around the Heroic Philosophy."
"Because the world desperately needs more Heros."
"I am motivated by Heroic’s goal of helping 51% of humans flourish by 2051. I believe if you want to go far, it’s best to go together and I respect Brian’s work so much I’d like to go together with this group!"
"Because it's radically changed my life, those I'm close to and those who I work with."
"I’m always sharing the things I learn from +1’s. They light me up and hit home. I want to add credibility to my sharing."
"For as long as I can remember I have been on a journey of self improvement. I have read books, attended seminars and completed other programs but nothing compares to the Heroic Coach program. I love the idea of going from theory to practice to mastery. Since I started with Optimize(now Heroic)I have found myself sharing the wisdom and practices with my family and friends. I love that Heroic challenges me to actualize my potential everyday and I want to share that with my community."