Heroic Master Class: Optimizing for the Modern Hērō 101
How to harness your soul force to create the strength for two so we can change the world together.
Plus: Supporting Resources
Every 101 Class features resources along with an overview look of what's contained in the Class.
#1 - Optimus + Hērōs = Soul Oxygen (00:18:41)
#2 - Telōs + Eudaimōn = Areté (00:25:39)
#3 - The Big 3 (00:31:52)
#4 - Heroic Energy (00:41:45)
#5 - Heroic Work (00:54:29)
#6 - Heroic Love (01:03:42)
#7 - Heroic Algorithms + AI vs. IQ + Best = Baseline (01:16:06)
#8 - Memento Mori + Carpe Diem! + Masterpiece Days (01:23:49)
#9 - Heroic Courage + Antifragile Buoyant Confidence + Hero Mantras (01:37:53)
#10 - WOOP + WIGs + WINs (02:00:47)
#11 - Relentlessly Chasing Optimus + Emotional Stamina + Harnessing Soul Force (02:09:10)