(12 Hours!) Reasons or Results?! What will you choose?
Hey there Hero,
Michael here.
Over the last ~72 hours, I’ve been blessed to connect with over 300+ new Heroic friends via text.
I wished them a Happy New Year and checked in to see if they had any questions about Elite, or anything else I could help with.
(Note: We’re approaching 12-HOURS LEFT to SAVE $100 on Heroic Elite with Early Bird! Let’s make 2025 Heroically awesome!)
The responses I got made me laugh, cry, smile, and (on one occasion,) nearly throw my phone across the room. 🤓
Three things became unequivocally clear.
(1) If you are reading this email, you’re a part of a really, really, really special community of people.
Your diversity and depth of humanity are rivaled only by your commitment to be and do good.
In a world where the opposite is true more often than we’d like, that’s a valuable and powerful thing.
(2) You have everything you need to step powerfully into the next best, most Elite version of yourself.
You have the time.
I promise you.
Whether you’re launching that new business, juggling life as a single-parent (HEROIC!), already in that other program, or any other number of things…
You have the time.
Elite is NOT a time-heavy investment.
It’s an intention-heavy investment.
That’s SO important I’ll say it again, in bold all caps so you can’t miss it:
Making (and re-making!) the commitment to doing things the way you know you’re capable of doing them.
You also have the financial resources.
As we’ve shared countless times before, money will NOT be the thing that stops you.
Whether with EARLYBIRD or FRIEND or COACH or ALLIN discounts, payment plans, or scholarships…
I can say with certainty that, no matter what your financial situation, you have what you need to join Heroic Elite.
If you want it.
(3) The ONLY person stopping you is yourself.
I mean that more broadly with whatever it is that you want to create in your life in 2025. (And beyond!)
And to the extent that you’re interested and excited about Heroic Elite…
The highest version of you doesn’t “play along from the sidelines” or “follow the free version.”
They also don’t worry about whether you’ll be able to “do it right” or “have what it takes” or “be elite enough.”
That’s not your best self talking.
And that other voice will ALWAYS be able to come up with a million and one excuses not to step into your potential.
Stop listening to it.
What do you want?!
Getting it starts with you.

Halfway through {the ELITE discovery call}, I knew I needed to sign up even though I have a few reasons not to; a couple that are quite significant.
I kept thinking – reasons or results, reasons or results. There are always reasons, aren’t there?
I want elite results next year. I want that future for myself, my family, and my clients – with more joy and efficacy than we’ve ever experienced.
That’s saying something after 20 years as a coach and facilitator, with a new vision to make a difference for women in midlife – because there are so many transitions and challenges in midlife and so many reasons to stop ourselves from following our dreams.
Well it starts with me so, I signed up for Elite and I’m recommitting to completing Heroic Coach next year.
Day 1.
All in.
Let’s go.
Because it’s never too late to start again.
How about you?
Reasons or results, reasons or results. There are always reasons, aren’t there?
Want elite results next year?
Want that future for yourself, your family, and your clients?
With more joy and efficacy than you’ve ever experienced?
Save $100 by joining before 11:59:59 pm CT TODAY!
(And another $100 when you bring a friend.)
YOU are the hero you’ve been waiting for.
Day 1.
All in.
Let’s go!
⬅️ Prior update: Ready to Transform Your Life? Join Us Live! (Join our Elite coaching session and save $100 today.)
➡️ Next update: 💪 The best CrossFit coach in the world says… [3 DAYS until ELITE!]