(4 DAYS!) TWO important reminders! (What’s your #1 goal?!)
Michael here.
Did you see that awesome article from the South Bend Tribune, with details on how Notre Dame football leveraged Areté and Heroic to activate their potential this season?
(Go Irish! ☘️🏈)
If you did, did you happen to notice the video that the reporter chose to include in the middle?

I didn’t, until I read Sara’s comment this morning:

Literally *everything* about this is next level Amazing!!! 🔥🎉!! And!!! then add the beyond serendipitous, magnificently delicious fact that the YouTube clip included in the article is ~”You *ARE* an elite performer” 😃😊😁🎉🎊🔥 with Elite just around the corner… 😮🤯🤣😂!! 😅🙏❤️!!
First off, love the use of emojis, Sara. Just re-typing your thoughts made me smile.
Second… WHAT?!? And what she said!!!
Which brings us to those TWO important reminders:
You. Yes, you.
As Brian shared in the video that happened to be included in the article, and in the next-level two-hour discovery call that’s “like a shot of adrenaline” (watch that here if you haven’t yet!):
“I want to make it really, REALLY, REALLY (!) clear that, when I’m focused on sharing wisdom from/about elite performers in sports and/or the military, I’m not sharing that wisdom thinking it’s only for other elite performers who happen to be in sports and/or the military.
I am sharing it FOR YOU.
To be clear…
I don’t care WHO you are and/or WHAT you do…
From my vantage point…
That’s not even remotely negotiable for me.
I mean it when I say: ‘In the faces of men and women, I see Heroes.’”
#2: Heroic Elite is just around the corner.
Just a little more than FOUR DAYS left to both save $100 and to kick off the 11-day countdown to the 2-day immersion and 101-day program.
Are you ready to make 2025 your greatest year ever?!
Taking THE absolute top goal you have right now and making it a reality with the help of our 101-day Heroic Elite program?!?
P.S. Check out the new Elite Starter Guide here.
And the awesome instagram ads on the new splash page here.
And let’s GOOOO!!! 🔥🔥🔥
⬅️ Prior update: Have You Seen Our Instagram Ads Yet? 👀 (Quick videos answering your top Heroic Elite questions.)
➡️ Next update: 101% Clarity on Your Nutrition Protocol (Bright lines. 101% commitment. Life-changing results.)