Raising the next generation of heroes (Heroic families unite!)
Hey Hero!
Michael here.
Do you know how, in the introduction to the PN on Phil Stutz’s Lessons for Living, Brian says:
"As I was reading this book, I was struck by the fact that this might be as close as anyone who hasn’t worked with Phil directly will get to working 1-on-1 with him.
The Tools and Coming Alive (check out those Notes) are both great books.
But this is something different.
It’s pure Phil."
That’s kind of how I feel about yesterday’s Heroic Elite call.
It might be as close as anyone who hasn’t worked with Brian directly will get to working 1-on-1 with him.
Something different.
Pure Brian.
And if that’s anything like what awaits us in the coaching part of Heroic Elite, we’re all in for a real treat.
Check out the replay of that call here!
The power of that call, plus the emotional and powerful email Brian shared yesterday about his dad, has me feeling open, moved, and committed to playing our roles well.
Can you feel the power of your world changing TODAY through a non-negotiable, elite-level commitment to do your best to be your best?!
And can you imagine a world where the next generation of heroes is truly empowered and encouraged to show up at their best in the years and decades to come?
As we work together to create a brighter, more flourishing world?!
Like this comment on a recent video Alexandra shared (of Eleanor finishing STRONG at a race that was rained out, but that they decided to run anyway):
"It all starts with exemplary parenting. If every child had you and Brian as parents the world would be unrecognizable in a generation."
Goose. Bumps.
I completely agree with that, with ONE (decently significant) exception.
We’ll get to that exception in a bit.
First, a recent story from my own parenting journey.
Dylan (who is now six 🤯) unilaterally asked to start doing “targets” again 31 days ago, shortly after we all got back from the life-changing Heroic Athens event.

On Monday, she hit a Soul Force of 101.

She would have done it the day before, but she missed getting her “dot” when we had a parents’ night out (dinner + & Juliet with friends) and I forgot to give her my phone ahead of time. (Whoops! 🤦♂️😂)
I'd helped Dylan first get set up when the app launched back in 2022, but she couldn’t read at the time (she wasn’t even three) and was too young to really get the hang of it.
This recent stretch was all her though.
She set her identities. Chose her virtues. Selected her targets.
She picked a profile picture (of her and her sister running on a floating dock in the Aegean Sea, with Emerson and Eleanor).
And, every night, during story and snuggle time before bed, she reminds me “Dad! We have to do targets!”
If she hadn’t been on top of those reminders, she would probably have a SF Score in the mid 80s.
I often forget about her targets completely, and then get to celebrate and love on her when she remembers.
Turns out, she LOVES earning the little red dots on the Soul Force screen and getting them all filled in.
Monday, after she hit 101, I asked her: “Hey Dylan, how many days did you miss your targets?”
“Just once.”
That’s like her.
Funny story:
On Saturday, after we got home from a different date night (kids got a guided art activity, we had a great dinner), we're doing bedtime a little later than normal.
Dylan asks to do targets (I hadn’t thought about it for her 😂), does her swiping, and then instinctively reads the little message that pops up:
“Are you enjoying Heroic?”
She quickly says “Yes!,” taps the “Yes” button, and then hits ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
Bless her.
She then hands the phone to me to type out what she dictated.
Me: “What do you want the title to be?”
Dylan: “Dylan Is the Hero”
Me: “I love that title sweetie. And what do you want the rest to say?”
She talks and I type.
I forgot all about it until Monday morning, when this popped up in our Slack channel dedicated to app reviews. (We read every single one! 🎯: Connect to those you serve.)

By the way: THANK YOU to everyone who has left a review! We’re over 1,000 reviews in the North American App Store alone! (And have 1,581 total reviews, with an average of 4.8 on both iOS & Android. 🙏)
Funny Story 2:
Yesterday, she asked to swipe (someday I’ll be the one who remembers first! 😂), and when I realize she’s about to be at 101, I film it.
Check out the video here.
(1) Yes, it’s possible to swipe multiple targets at once. (Which, if you didn’t know; you’re not alone. See grab below.)
(2) When I celebrate her getting to 101, she asks “So I’m done with Heroic?” 😂🤣 At which point I shared the good news that no, she’ll get to re-earn that last point every day. Forever!

(3) Yep. You better believe she earned her +1 YESTERDAY as well. (After uncommitting to “be a good listener” and doing a little 1-2-3 to Win or Learn on that particular target. 🤗)
Funny stories aside, being able to set her intention and then review her day with Heroic has been both awesome and sweet.
Dylan: “Did we do a dance party today?”
Me: “Yes! Remember Cameryn fell on her face but she landed on the stuffed Simba and laughed about it?”
Dylan: “Oh yeah!”
Dylan: “Did I say sorry today?”
Me: “I don’t know. Is there anything you did that you want to apologize for?”
Dylan: “Yes! I’ll be right back. I’m going to go find mom.”
It’s incredibly inspiring for me to feel her enthusiasm for the app, and to see some of the little ways it’s already shifting her behaviors (sharing more frequently, eating the right foods, walking more vs. riding in the wagon/stroller, etc.)
Heroic families, unite!!!
If a six-year-old can do it, you can too.
Which brings me back to that comment on Alexandra’s post above:
"It all starts with exemplary parenting. If every child had you and Brian as parents the world would be unrecognizable in a generation."
As I said, I completely agree with that comment, with ONE exception.
It should read like this:
"If every child had YOU as their parent the world would be unrecognizable in a generation."
Actually, you know what?!
That applies just as much to ourselves as it does our kids.
To parent = "to bring forth."
"If all of US had OUR BEST selves as our 'parents,' the world would be unrecognizable in a YEAR."
Get clear on what you want to create with your life…with the next year. With the next 101 days. With TODAY.
Be more energized than you’ve ever been.
Be more focused and productive.
Be more loving and connected.
Be more committed to the future and giving your all in the NEXT moment (and day!) rather than beating yourself up about the last one. (Or day or week or year or whatever.)
Helping YOURSELF (and your kids, if you have them!) to express the best versions of themselves.
It’s time to bring forth that elite Heroic potential.
Day 1.
Let’s go.
P.S. While searching for the paper doc I wrote this email in, I came across a digital journal from the first week Dylan was alive, with this at the top:
“When I look at her, I see the shortness of life. Both mine and hers. How funny it is that we get 100ish short years to enjoy this gloriously amazing planet, and what a true miracle it is to experience it. Laughing at this cosmic joke. (In blissful joy!)”
Clock is ticking!
P.P.S. HeroicBri.AI apparently also gives great parenting coaching. Check this out:

Want access to HeroicBri.AI? He’s your 24/7 coach / guide / mentor in Heroic Elite, always there for a chat (text or phone) whenever Brian or Alexandra aren’t!
P.P.P.S. More Dylan getting her Heroic on:

⬅️ Prior update: My “Dear Dad…” letter My biggest “failure” = lifetime fuel. 🔥
➡️ Next update: Still Buzzing: The 10 +1 Targets to Forge Your Heroic Potential (The simple, powerful system to forge heroic excellence.)