A letter from Alexandra: Heroic Elite (Women!) Unite!!
Hi Heroes!
Alexandra here! 👋
It’s hard to believe that this is my first email to our community—very exciting! 😃 I’m writing this at a park while the kids are at a homeschool running & chess club. #momlife
I wanted to share why I’m so excited about Heroic Elite!
I’ve been envisioning a program like this for a long time and I’m thrilled we’re making it happen.
Our team makes it look effortless, but trust me, they work their butts off. And Brian and Michael? Seriously superhuman! 🦸♂️🦸♂️
Where to start…
There are a lot of things we can do to make 2025 the best year ever. There’s an infinite amount of information out there. All of us have plenty of theory, but it’s the DOING—consistently—that often holds us back from actualizing our heroic potential.
But what sets this program apart is its focus on THE PRACTICE within a supportive community—fostering an energy of “You’ve got this. We’ve got this, together!”
Sometimes the journey can feel lonely, which is why we want everyone to feel like they’re part of a team—Team Heroic! Because transformation is always better together. 😊
I KNOW that if we all show up and do the work, day in and day out, we’ll get the results we want. 🔥
Side note: Brian and I are also committed to going NEXT LEVEL! I’ve been immersed in this work for 25 years — it’s kinda MY THING! And Brian and I have been doing it together for over 18 years— It’s kinda OUR THING! 🤩
We’ve been at this for a long time, and we’re already pretty dialed in and consistent.
Yet… there’s always a GAP between who we are and who we could be — and that’s the exciting part! There’s always a next level, with endless possibilities to expand and grow. 💥
Now, about the name “Elite.”
Maybe you think it’s not for you.
Sure, Heroic Elite isn’t for everyone—but it is for YOU. How do I know? Because you’re here, reading this, you’re part of this community!
If you’re drawn to Heroic, you have an Elite version of yourself you want to bring to life. It doesn’t matter where you are right now; you’re capable of more. (We all are!)
As Brian says: “We think we’re at an 8, but we’re really at a 2.” So much untapped potential—and that’s great news! No shame, no guilt, no blame. Just 100% ownership. 100% ALL IN! 🙌
Everyone’s call looks different. For some, it’s going out into the world to do big, transformative things. For others, it’s an inward journey—transforming yourself in a meaningful way. Either way, I know each of us feels a call toward something greater and more beautiful.
We can try to hide from the call, but that often leads to suffering. The beauty and power of this program is that you get to choose your own idiosyncratic Hero’s Journey for the next 101 days.
And we’re here to help you! Brian, Michael, and I are committed to showing up DAILY so you START STRONG and FINISH STRONG. 💪
You may not know this about me, but I played college volleyball (and also high school basketball & track). I was a team captain and a leader on my teams. I remember my college coach calling me into his office and telling me, ”Your ENERGY is VITAL”. He said that when I’m “on,” the whole team is “on,” and when I’m “off,” everyone is impacted. He called me the spark plug of the team.
I’ve thought about that a lot over the years. I may not be the most talented or the smartest, but I do have FIRE!! 🔥
And nothing brings me more joy than helping people become who they’re destined to be.
You can count on me to be a Soul Force igniter over these 101 days!
We’re deeply committed to your transformation (and our own). Teamwork makes the dream work! 😊
I hope you’ll join us. I look forward to connecting with you and witnessing your transformation into the elite version of yourself you know you’re capable of becoming.
Imagine the Heroic ripples we can ALL create in the world—together!
We’re ready. It’s time! Let’s do this!!! 🔥
Sending so much love and gratitude,

P.S. I’m also VERY excited about Heroic Women!
I’ll share more details soon but… We’ll have regular calls just for women, plus Women’s Circles where we can connect, support, and grow together.
As Phil Stutz tells me in our coaching sessions: The FEMININE is ESSENTIAL to changing the world.
I see it as our feminine power collaborating with the masculine to truly transform the world. We all have different gifts, and all are needed!
Women are magical, and miracles happen when heroic women come together. I’m so excited to see the Heroic magic we create in our lives, families, communities, and the world—over the next 101 days and beyond! ✨
P.P.S. You can check out the PDF overview we shared.
Or the fancy new splash page: heroic.us/elite
And if you’re ready, you can sign up here: heroic.us/elite-checkout
Oh! You can also RSVP to join our discovery call on Tuesday at 11:01am CT here.
⬅️ Prior update: Discover the truth. (Tuesday @ 11:01 CT) …
➡️ Next update: Dear Dad! (And Mom!) I know this is a bit untraditional but…