Funny story… on sleep Last night’s scores
Michael here, with a quick follow-up on Bri’s email earlier today on the Heroic Elite Sleep Protocol (v1!) And… Sat night sleep scores: Me, Wifey, and Emerson.
But first…
THANK YOU to the 500+ people who have already shared their ideas and excitement to go next-next-level in 2025 to make it THE greatest year of your life!! 🙏🙏🙏
If you haven’t yet, and you feel so inspired, please share your ideas on how we can best help YOU activate YOUR Heroic potential so YOU can show up as YOUR best, most Heroically ELITE self:
And if you happened to miss the first series of memos (🤠) and have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the overview here:
In today’s email, Brian shared out a little PDF that was a VERY (!!!) rough v1 of our Heroic Elite Training protocol.
He and ChatGPT (our highest IQ Heroic teammate 🤓 ) worked on the content for that protocol and shared it with the team in a Dropbox Paper doc yesterday.
(By the way, we can’t wait to introduce those of you who join us in Heroic Elite to ANOTHER incredibly high IQ Heroic teammate and your new on-demand coach! More on that soon. 🤫 )
I picked up the v1 Heroic Elite Sleep Training Protocol last night at exactly 8:13pm.
(After my evening W.I.N.s of dinner with the girls then playtime then baths then reading stories and tucking them in bed then dominating the dishes… after a day dominating W.I.N.s of strategic convos with Brian, executing with the team, and serving with corporate clients. 🎯 ExFxW.I.N. for the win!)
I know it was exactly 8:13pm, because my target for digital sunset was 8:15pm, which I made the deliberate decision to break.
Sometimes we execute our “Bubble Wrap” protocol.
Sometimes we execute our “Out in the Wild” protocol.
Sometimes we execute our “Pay the Price” protocol.
After almost exactly one 90-minute deep work block later, (at 9:45pm) I sent over a ROUGH pre-v1 PDF, followed shortly by a preview image.
Then it was time to PRACTICE what I’d just spent ninety minutes immersed in.
Only, I had a 5:55am wakeup for a 6:45am workout downtown, so my sleep window was now less than the Heroically Elite 8.5-9+ hours in bed.
“Time to hit a non-elite Tier 1 TIB, targeting an above-elite 95% efficiency to see if I can drive Tier 2 Actual sleep numbers! 🫡”

According to Oura, I’ve averaged a 91% sleep efficiency for the last three years, and a 92% so far in December (while also being the primary “wake up in the night to respond to bids from the girls” person), so 95% was within the realm of possible.
Here’s how it turned out:
“closing the loop… made it happen! Dominated 6:45AM strength session and FIRED UP!!! 🔥🔥🔥Day 1!”

Funny story on that, too…
In the middle of the night, I had a dream that someone very large was laying on top of one of my arms and pinning it down.
I woke up to discover that it was at least partially true, as our almost-four-year-old had climbed into bed to snuggle with me.
She’s been doing that almost every single night lately. Apparently she’s getting cold and I run hot so she likes the warmth. And as disrupting as it could be, I’m savoring and cherishing the opportunities to hold such a small human. Those days are numbered! As are our lives together!
Heroic families, unite!!!
And on that note…
Did you see Alexandra’s post today on the Johnsons funny sleep story from last night?
Check it out here.
Hint: It involves 🐕s and 💩💩💩.
And STILL hammering an 89 👑 overall sleep score.

“It’s not about perfect conditions and perfect sleep all the time. It’s about being committed, doing our best, and navigating the challenges as they arise. Sometimes life happens, and love and kindness are more important than sleep. And… I believe that nourishes us in a different (and vital) way than sleep. ♥️“
That’s enough about our sleep scores for now.
If you haven’t yet, check out the v1 Heroic Elite Sleep Protocol here.
And have fun working to get your sleep Heroically Elite.
Have fun getting ready to get all of the OTHER important facets of your life to Heroically Elite levels as well.
Eating. Moving. Breathing.
Knowing and executing “What’s Important Now.”
In your Energy, Work, and Love.
Today. Your week. Your next 101 days. Your year. Your life. Your Legacy.
More soon.
DAY 1.
P.S. I also designed our Heroic Elite logo with Brian yesterday. 🤓

⬅️ Prior update: Here’s the Heroic Elite Sleep Protocol (v1!) And… Sat night sleep scores: Me, Wifey, and Emerson…
➡️ Next update: What’s the Heroic Elite Training Program?! 🤷 ChatGPT and I say…