Welcome + First Steps


It’s Michael here (👋), President + Head Coach at Heroic.

On behalf of myself and our team, and the rest of our Coach community: WELCOME!!!

We’re fired up (🔥!) about you joining us and are excited to help you make this coming year the greatest year of your life.

Now, a couple of things to kick things off...

1. Book Your Onboarding Call

First off, please book a call with one of our Client Success Managers. This group call will help you get into momentum (speed is a force!), familiarize yourself with the program and where to access everything, understand how to get support, and meet others embarking on the same journey!

We'll also be able to answer any initial questions you may have so that you feel supported to start off strong (and keep going)!

2. Access Your Coach Dashboard

You can now log in here via the web to access everything you'll need for the program.

We’ll also be leveraging the Heroic app (download that here). We built the app from the ground up with MetaLab (who built Slack, Tinder, Uber Eats, etc.) and applied the best of behavioral design technology to help you ACTUALLY do what you know you’re CAPABLE of doing.

Over the course of our 300-day Coach program, we’ll be systematically installing various behaviors that research shows help you to be the best, most Heroic version of yourself.

We call those behaviors the Fundamentals, and we’ve made it super simple to track those behaviors in the Heroic app.

It's been a powerful catalyst to help ME make changes in MY life, and I’ve been deep into everything from Brian Johnson and Heroic for over a decade.

We’ll be sharing the details of each of those Fundamental practices — including what to do, how to do it, why to do it, and when to start — in the weeks and months ahead!

3. Start Module O

The first Coach Module (Module O) has already been released for you and can be found in your Coach Dashboard (via the web) or in the Heroic app here. 🤠

(Just make sure you're logged into the web/app experience with the same email you used to sign up for Heroic Coach!)

This Journey Map will show you what our Module focus and Practice focus will be each week. (And will also show when we have "off" weeks.)

Module O is the focus for Week 1. So, if you want to get ahead and work through some (or all) of it now, feel free.

The 26-part Mastery Series is the foundation of our Heroic Coach program and all the work that we’ll be doing together. The Mastery Series videos have been organized along with related Practices and additional wisdom into Coach Modules, which are THE #1 thing for you to focus on throughout the program.

That’s so important that I’ll repeat it again: when in doubt, prioritize working through your Coach Modules, both the Theory (the Mastery Series Video) and the Practices.

These pieces of wisdom have been distributed intentionally throughout the 26 Coach Modules that make up the program.

And that's it!

Book your onboarding call, access your dashboard, and begin Module O!

Again, we’re so excited to welcome you into our Heroic Community.


And high fives. 🙌

And Let’s. Do. This!!!

-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. If you ever need ANYTHING, please reach out to our (amazing!) service team: Kathi, Sonia, Taryn, Zak, Cameron, Levi, and J.T.

They also put together this comprehensive FAQ section, which I highly recommend checking out for any structural, navigational, or general questions about our Heroic Coach program.

Welcome to Heroic Coach

My fellow Hero!!

This is Brian. 👋

I’m the Founder + CEΦ (and Primary Guide) of Heroic, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to our life-changing 300-day Heroic Coach program.

On behalf of our entire team, I want you to know that we’re committed to giving you our absolute best so that YOU can more and more consistently express YOUR absolute best.

We’re fired up to go on this journey together as we help you to master yourself, serve heroically, and empower others to do the same.

With that…

Let’s wrap this up with our first micro-simple exercise (among many to come).

Stand up. Expand. Pull an imaginary thread through the top of your head. Relax. Take a deep breath in through the nose, down into the belly, and back out through the nose. Chest up. Chin down. Relax a little more. Expand a little more. Smile.

Flip the switch and embody the best, most Heroic version of yourself.

The Old You? He or she is on permanent vacation as of today. 🤓

Love and high fives, and let’s do this.


P.S. When we launched the Heroic Coach program back in early 2019, I reached out to one of my friends and favorite positive psychologists, Sonja Lyubomirsky (author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness), to ask for help in studying the effectiveness of our Heroic protocol. (Or not, if it ISN’T effective!)

That research project—aka Coach Labs—continues today!

If you’d like to participate in this completely optional (but deeply appreciated!) research, head here and complete the survey. It’s completely anonymous, and should only take 5-10 minutes max.

Live Coaching in the Heroic Dojo


Michael here again. 👋

Today, we’d love to tell you more about Live Coaching in the Heroic Dojo

Live Coaching in the Heroic Dojo

Up to 10x each month, you have the opportunity to virtually connect for Live Coaching with me, Heroic Co-Founder Alexandra, or one of our brilliant Luminary Guest Faculty members in our Soul Force Forge. ⚡

(For more on why we call it a Soul Force Forge, check out this +1.)

→ Live Coaching Calls are a GREAT way to connect with the community plus get personal feedback on applying the program to YOUR life. ←

You can learn more about Brian, Michael, Alexandra, and our Luminary Guest Faculty members here.

And, in order to stay up-to-date for ALL sessions, please add the following calendar to YOUR calendar so that you can join us in the Heroic Dojo:

The Heroic Coach Calendar.

These Live Coaching sessions are optional (but highly encouraged!) chances to move more deeply from Theory to Practice to Mastery and APPLY the Heroic protocol and philosophy to our lives.

Starting in Week 1, we’ll send you an email each week that provides a preview of what’s on tap for the week, and a recap of what happened the week prior.

To join any Live Coaching calls, you’ll need to download the most up-to-date version of Zoom, and then create an account.

And, please take a moment to read our Community Guidelines here.


Hope to see YOU in the Heroic Dojo soon.

Let’s. Do. This!!!

-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. Any questions? We’re here for you. Please reach out to our (amazing!) service team: Kathi, Sonia, Taryn, Zak, Cameron, Levi, and J.T.