🌍 How to Enter the International Areté Goodreads Giveaway!
Michael here.
You may have seen all the Areté excitement on Goodreads lately!
If you live outside of the US or Canada, and you’ve had trouble entering the Goodreads giveaway for a free AUTOGRAPHED hardcover copy of Areté…
We’re taking care of you personally!
Heroes from outside of the US or Canada can enter the giveaway by taking the following steps:
(1) Go to Goodreads and add Areté to your "Want to Read" list.
(2) Let us know that you’ve done #1 by completing this short form here!
That’s it. 🙌
We’ll be drawing from that list to award international winners personally!
Again, just (1) add Areté to your “Want to read” list on Goodreads and then (2) let us know that you’ve done so here!
Best of luck!
Day 1!
- Michael and Team Heroic
P.S. If you do live in the US or Canada, you can enter the giveaway formally on Goodreads, just click here to enter.
P.P.S. Have you seen the awesome video on how Areté gets made?!? Check that out here: heroic.us/arete